Reading Online Novel

The Institute, Daddy Issues(47)

I walked over to the fairy tale play­house where Mandy was try­ing on one of the prin­cess out­fits. A slutty prin­cess, I saw. It had a tight, lace up bod­ice that her full breasts were spill­ing out of and the skirt split all the way up, show­ing her pink panties. I looked around for Berkley, think­ing she must be show­ing off for him, but he was no place to be seen. Maybe she was just an ex­hib­i­tion­ist? At any rate, I was hop­ing she would be more pleas­ant without her Daddy around.

“Hi,” I said awk­wardly when she had ig­nored me for al­most a whole minute. “Um…want to play?”

“Not with a good little girl like you I don’t.” Her pretty face twis­ted into a de­ris­ive sneer.

“What’s that sup­posed to mean?” I de­man­ded, be­gin­ning to get pissed.

“Ex­actly what it sounds like.” She spared a mo­ment from ad­mir­ing her­self in the mir­ror and gave me an arch look. “You don’t even have a plug.”

“So what?” I said, frown­ing.

“So every­one knows how you freaked out when you saw Patty get her plug changed. I mean, it’s nor­mal to throw a tan­trum every now and then but you—you’re just weird.”

“If not hav­ing a freak­ing plug up my ass makes me weird then yes, I’m weird,” I snapped. God, this place was crazy!

“And my Daddy says that your Daddy hasn’t even had sex with you yet. You’re a vir­gin,” Mandy taunted, giv­ing me a nasty look. “I bet you’re fri­gid. Is that why you deny your Daddy his right­ful ac­cess to your body?” She looked me up and down and gave a de­ris­ive sniff. “Not that he’s miss­ing much.”

“I am not fri­gid!” I ex­claimed, stung into re­tort­ing. “And just be­cause I don’t dress like a slut doesn’t mean I’m a vir­gin.”

“Oh yeah?” She looked at me, her pale green eyes flash­ing like a cat’s. “Tell me the last time your Daddy fucked you then?”

“I…” Sud­denly my mind was crowded with im­ages of Salt cov­er­ing me with his big body, spread­ing my legs, tak­ing me…

“You can’t, can you? Be­cause he hasn’t.” Mandy gave a mean laugh. “Too bad you have so many is­sues you can’t even give your Daddy what he needs. I heard how you had to go to see Dr. Lucy today. What did you talk about?”

“That’s private,” I said tightly.

She shrugged. “Whatever. All I’m say­ing is that if you’re not care­ful your Daddy is go­ing to go look­ing for a new Baby­girl.” She cast a pred­at­ory look across the room at Salt who was talk­ing to the other Dad­dies. “And look­ing like that, I’m sure he won’t have any trouble find­ing one who’ll be happy to take his fat cock up their pussy and ass. So much bet­ter than be­ing with a scared little vir­gin like you.”

Her words and the way she was look­ing at my part­ner caused a sud­den bolt of jeal­ousy to stab through me.

“You stay away from Sal—from my Papa,” I said an­grily.

“Oh, don’t worry. I be­long to my Daddy Berkley. I wouldn’t want any­one else.” She sniffed. “I’m just say­ing, if you don’t give it up for that hot Daddy of yours some­body else will. Just take it as ad­vice from one Little to an­other—I’ve seen it hap­pen be­fore. In fact, I re­placed the Baby­girl be­fore me be­cause she couldn’t give it up for Daddy Berkley just right. That’s how I got here.” She spread her hands tri­umphantly as though be­ing the Queen-bitch of the In­sti­tute was the best thing that could pos­sibly have happened to her. Well, maybe in her mind it was.

I took a deep breath. I needed to re­mem­ber why I was here and it wasn’t to get into a hair-pulling, name call­ing, cat-fight with this little blonde bitch.

“You’re right,” I said, look­ing down at my new san­dals. “I…I do have is­sues. But one of the reas­ons my Daddy, uh, Papa brought me here was be­cause we heard they have medi­cine to help girls like me. Littles who have a hard time let­ting…let­ting their Bigs do what they want to do to them.”

“God, you can’t even say it, can you? You can’t let your Daddy fuck you.” Mandy gave me a mean glance. “You’re pathetic.”