Reading Online Novel

The Institute, Daddy Issues(37)

But I shouldn’t feel like this, I ar­gued with my­self. It’s wrong…dan­ger­ous. It feels great now but you’re not a kid any­more, Andi. This is go­ing to lead to other things if you’re not very, very care­ful.

Though I knew it was true, I still couldn’t move away. Still ar­guing with my­self over my new and dis­turb­ing feel­ings for my part­ner, I fi­nally drif­ted off into a dream­less sleep.

Chapter Six

“So who is this Dr. Ne­w­house, do you think?” I muttered to Salt as we sat on the bench out­side her private of­fice. It was down the long hall­way I had no­ticed earlier and it was the only door I saw there—so much for find­ing a hid­den Please lab.

“Dr. Ne­w­house is em­in­ent psy­cho­lo­gist with many ac­col­ades to her name,” Salt answered promptly.

“I don’t care how freak­ing ‘em­in­ent’ she is, I just can’t be­lieve we have to be psy­cho­ana­lyzed again,” I grumbled. I was still sting­ing from Pro­fessor Stevens’ opin­ion that send­ing me to the In­sti­tute was like throw­ing a lamb to the wolves. I didn’t need to hear the same thing from someone else. I looked up at my part­ner. “How do you know so much about her, any­way?”

He gave me an arch look.

“Easy. I looked her up while you were still sleep­ing.”

“Yeah, you did a lot of things while I was sleep­ing.” I looked down at the new little girl dress Salt had pro­cured for me at the cos­tume shop. He’d got­ten me new shoes as well—little girl san­dals with shiny gold straps that matched the dress and gave my toes plenty of room to breathe.

I hated the whole out­fit but I didn’t feel like I had much right to com­plain. Salt had let me sleep in and had even brought me up a break­fast tray along with the new clothes. It was very sweet of him but I wanted to tell him to stop cut­ting me slack. I was an adult, God­dam­nit, even if I was dressed like a nine year old—I could carry my own weight on this case.

“Are you up­set I did not wake you?” Salt raised an eye­brow at me. “Or be­cause you do not like out­fit I picked for you?” He him­self, of course, was dressed in an­other ex­pens­ive suit with a crisp white shirt and a dark blue tie that brought out his eyes. I found my­self ir­rit­ated all over again that he got to dress like an adult while I was re­leg­ated to stu­pid, child­ish dresses.

“Both.” I sighed. “Look, Salt, you know I ap­pre­ci­ate everything you did for me. This morn­ing and…and last night.” We still hadn’t dis­cussed my mini-break­down the night be­fore and I was hop­ing we never would. I pre­ferred to try and for­get about it. “But I’m just never go­ing to like dress­ing like this.” I stroked the silky fab­ric of the dress again—it was white lace em­broidered all over with in­no­cent pink rose­buds. Ugh.

“I am sorry you do not like,” Salt said. “It was the best I could find.”

“In this age range, maybe,” I said. “But what about older? Did they have any­thing like that?”

“You mean like ‘slutty school girl’ uni­form?” Salt’s face darkened. “I thought we de­cided this is not for you, Andi.”

“You mean you de­cided,” I said ac­cus­ingly. Salt had point-blank re­fused to let me put on the other out­fit I had brought with me. He’d said that it was im­port­ant that I keep play­ing the age I had star­ted at. And though I didn’t com­pletely agree, he was so adam­ant about it that I had re­luct­antly put on the new white dress and fol­lowed him to our ap­point­ment with Dr. Ne­w­house.

“Is bet­ter this way,” Salt said. “For many reas­ons.”

“For your reas­ons, maybe,” I said. “But I hate this, Salt! Play­ing this age is really mess­ing with my head. You saw what happened to me last night—I haven’t had a night­mare like that in years.”

Salt sighed. “For­give me. It’s just…I like you this age. Not for sexual reas­ons,” he said hast­ily. “But be­cause you are softer…easier to reach some­how.”

“Weaker,” I said darkly. “More vul­ner­able. Is that what you want? For me to be vul­ner­able for you? To be a help­less little girl you can dom­in­ate and con­trol?”