Reading Online Novel

The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match)(32)

Chloe studied the woman, who looked like a college senior. “All right. Then we should go over our package options. They range from basic access to our dating database to hand-picked dates designed to match your preferences and personal dating consultation appointments with one of our match specialists.”

“Just the standard access is fine,” Anna replied. “I want to see what’s out there.”

Pulling out the proper paperwork, Chloe set the pages before her client. “You can indicate the contract length here,” she said, circling a section of the document. “We sell access by the year. You get discounts if you wish to sign up for longer periods of time.”

“Might as well,” Anna agreed, reading through the fine print. “Eternity’s not getting any shorter.”

While her client filled out the forms, Chloe grabbed a registration kit from her desk drawer.

“I’ll need to take biological samples from you,” she explained as she took out her swabs. “We use a pairing of psychological and scientific assessments to help determine your match rankings. I’ll need a mouth and skin swab and a few strands of your hair. Should you produce any sort of venom or toxins I’ll need some of those as well.”

“I’m just plain were,” Anna said, setting down her pen and taking the swab Chloe held out. She popped it into her mouth before dropping the sample in the baggie Chloe held out. Anna repeated the process with the other swabs and wipes until Chloe had all the samples needed.

“The standard processing time is one week,” Chloe said as she sealed the swabs into a package ready to be shipped off to the lab. “But you will have access to your online profile immediately.”

“Awesome,” Anna replied. “I can’t wait to get started.”

“Here is your access information.” Chloe held out a plain white card. “My number is on the back should you need assistance.”

“Do you have any tips?” Anna asked, looking in no hurry to leave.


The wolf rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. How did you attract the Clearwater alpha’s attention?”

Necessity and desperation, she wanted to reply. She was such a fraud. Who was she to give dating advice when her last real relationship had been years ago? All these women were looking up to her with stars in their eyes, when really she was just as lonely as they were.

Not lonely, she denied. Focused on what matters. Fated Match is what’s important. Not some emotionally stunted wolf.

“Just be yourself,” she said. “I’m sure your matches will find you irresistible.”

Her words were greeted by another sunny smile. “Thanks. I’ll let you know if I run into any issues. I can’t wait to set up my profile when I get home.”

“Good luck.” She watched the excited wolf skip out of her office and sighed. Chloe knew full well it was a running joke in the agency that she was usually the starry-eyed optimist. But her fight with Kieran had left her feeling far more hollow than happy. Wolves, both men and women, were flocking to the agency under the belief that they could literally work miracles. If a Fated Match member could snag Kieran Clearwater, then the impossible really could happen for ordinary people. How else could a coven-less witch attract one of the elite of their community?

Sighing, she glanced at the registration package and snapped her fingers. The plastic-wrapped items blinked out of existence. They’d reappear in the intake box at the processing lab.

Job finished, she left the office and headed for the break room. She could use a few minutes respite before repeating the speech she’d just given to the next client.

As soon as she stepped into the room, she realized she hadn’t been the only agent with that plan.

“Coffee?” Jessica asked, waving her over. “I just put on a fresh pot.”

She smiled in thanks, nodding to the other two women at the small table. Abbey sat with her head down, resting on folded arms, and Tasha had her feet kicked up on one of the empty chairs. Chloe filled her cup and wondered if it would be better to take her liquid jolt back to her office.

“I know that look,” Jessica said. “Sit down.”

“Hello to you, too,” she replied, taking a seat beside her friend.

“Chloe, girl, you should be paying us extra for today,” Tasha said.

“I don’t pay you at all.”

“Fair point. You should ask Vivian to pay us extra for today.”

“You are welcome to try.”

Both Tasha and Jessica shuddered. “I’d rather do the rest of the intakes single handed,” Jessica replied.

“We only have a couple hours to go,” Chloe said. “Not so bad.”