Reading Online Novel

The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match)(31)

So she gave him a reason to. The only reason he would have accepted.

Though still technically a member of his pack, she’d left right after their relationship ended. He hadn’t seen her in the century since.

Like him, she’d never mated in the years they’d been apart. He never learned the identity of her lover, though the man’s face was seared into his memory. Not that he mattered. Only his lover’s betrayal did.

That had been the start of the one-night stands and the endless parade of women through his life. That was the reason it was easier to hire an actress than to risk trusting another lover the way he had Lisette. Never again would he make the mistakes he’d made with her. He’d been young and foolish in those days, thinking love would solve any problem when all it did was exacerbate them. It wasn’t a weakness he would ever allow twice.

Except, for the second time a woman was worming her way into his life.

Chloe had a point, even if he hated to acknowledge it. She would be asked about Lisette eventually, and if he really loved her, he would have confided in her. Her lack of knowledge was a problem.

But the idea of discussing his past made his wolf long to howl. Lisette was not a topic he liked thinking about, let alone sharing.

And because of it he’d hurt yet another woman who’s only crime was trying to help him.

“Smooth move, Clearwater,” he said, mocking himself. He’d worried about Chloe messing up their charade, but if he couldn’t let her in, he’d be the one to doom them to failure.

Chapter Eight

“Anna Samson?” Chloe glanced up from her registration form to run a critical eye over the women crowding Fated Match’s waiting room. Every one of them was a werewolf and all had requested that Chloe process their intakes.

Vivian had come to her rescue, informing the mob in no uncertain terms that registration would be done on a first-come, first-serve basis. Chloe practically saw the dollar signs shining out of Vivian’s eyes.

The front desk, a role she took from time to time, was being manned by their part timer while all the more experienced staff was huddled in their offices, processing one client after the next. Chloe doubted any of them would get more than a fifteen-minute lunch break today.

“Anna Samson?” she called again.

“I’m here. I’m here.” A petite wolf battled through the crowd to stand beaming in front of her.

“Nice to meet you,” she said. “I’m—”

“Chloe Donovan,” the wolf said. “So nice to meet you.”

Kieran had warned her word would spread fast, but still, she hasn’t pictured anything like this.

“Follow me, please,” Chloe said to her bouncing client.

Ushering the were into her small office, Chloe shut the door and gestured for Anna to take a seat.

“So you are interested in registering for Fated Match?”

“Absolutely,” Anna replied.

“And how did you hear about our agency?”

“The were community is buzzing about how you managed to snag one of our strongest alphas,” the smaller woman gushed. “When I heard you worked here I thought I should sign up. If you can meet men like Mr. Clearwater through this company then I’m all for it.”

Chloe sighed. It was the same story she’d been hearing all day. No doubt her co-workers were ready to kill her over her so-called relationship.

“Anna,” she said, shutting her file. “We are a serious agency set to match like-minded singles in an effort to match mates. There is no guarantee about what kind of men you will be meeting beyond the in-depth screening process that helps us safeguard your security. Do you understand?”

“But didn’t one of your colleagues mate with a vampire elder?” Anna asked. “And his ward used your services and ended up with the necromancer leader. Here you are, beloved by the wolf we all thought would never settle down.”

Chloe winced. “Those are the high profile stories. We have far more ordinary men and women finding their other halves. Last week I got a save-the-date card from a were-moose couple I introduced. They are down to earth people who teach elementary school in Brooklyn. No shining penthouses or expensive jewels involved in that story.”

Anna frowned. “You’re right. Maybe you have to work here to be connected. Are there any available positions?”

“I think we’re done here,” Chloe said, standing.

“No, no, wait. I apologize. Normal is fine with me. Sign me up.”

“You have to be serious about finding your mate.”

“Oh I am,” Anna replied. “I’ve been alone for a few centuries now and it’s not as fun as it used to be.”