Reading Online Novel

Tangled in Divine(Divine Creek Ranch 14)(28)

Another little shiver went up her spine when she realized what he was hinting at. Roger was old enough to be her dad. Unconsciously, she shook her head.

Surely he isn’t offering what it sounds like he’s offering. “Thank you, Roger. And I really appreciate your understanding and your willingness to help, but I want to own the ranch free and clear. I’ve got to be able to pay you back. Doing what you’re doing will give me a little slack so I can do that.”

“Darlin’, at least think about it. There’s no reason to stress yourself out like that. You’re supposed to be retired now.”

“I know, but I can do anything for ten months, including win.”

“What about a horse?”

“Taken care of.” Again, not a total fib. If I have a chance, I can make it work. “If for some reason things fall through down here, I’ll come back to Colorado.” Not sure I’d move in with you if I did, though. Maybe I’m misunderstanding his offer.

“Give it some thought and let me know how you’re doing, darlin’.”

“Okay. Can I talk to my dad again?”

“Sure. Here he is.”

There was a muffled conversation between the two men for a moment. Then her dad came back on the line. “Honey, I sure do hope you think about coming home. Roger and me have got this all sewn up.” He sounded so sad. So pathetic.

“I’m sorry, Dad. I can’t. I already explained to Roger that I’m hitting the circuit in March. I appreciate very much that he’s planning to buy it, but I have to win the money to pay him back so I own it outright. I won’t be beholden to someone else for what should be mine.” She knew those words probably stung him but she didn’t quite care. She had a right to be angry.

He hesitated for a moment then said, “I understand, honey. You take after your Granny. She was always one to do for herself too. Where are you?”

“I’m in Divine.”

“Divine? How’d you wind up so far from home?”

That was a good question, but not one she could answer for him, and she wasn’t sure he’d welcome the answer. She’d been drawn to Divine. Once she’d gotten over the initial shock of the loss, she’d gone to the one place where she could regroup. She could vaguely hear Roger’s voice in the background, talking to her dad, and then her dad said, “I still think you should come home. Would the truck make it?”

“The truck is fine.”

“I never intended for you to leave with all your worldly possessions in that trailer. I was hoping you’d want to unload it at Roger’s place. Stay where you were safe and taken care of.”

“Dad. Stop. I’m in Divine for the time being. I’ll be in touch when I know that I’ll be heading out. I’ll make sure you have my itinerary.”

When she ended the call with him, it was with the realization that she’d made a solid choice to stay in Divine for the next two, possibly three months, come hell or high water. Her instincts told her it was the best choice.

Her father’s words about Roger echoed in her mind. She wasn’t ready to face what Roger was hinting at. Knowing that her father’s best friend was interested in her, in that way, felt incestuous. She prayed she was just reading him wrong.

* * * *

Chris braced himself for retribution when he heard the door to the den open and close, and then Julián appeared in the archway that led back into the expansive living room.

Julián’s expression was unreadable as he gestured toward the door with a tilt of his head. To Teresa, he said, “Sorry to take off with your conversation partner again, Teresa, but I need to talk with Chris.”

“Sure,” Teresa replied. “But you’re staying for supper, right? Is everything okay with Gwen?”

The satisfied smile that Chris saw appear on Julián’s face was a relief as he replied, “Yes. We’ll stay for supper. And Gwen’s fine. She slept for a while. When I left the den she was calling her dad. I just need to talk to Chris privately for a few minutes. We’ll be out on the front porch.”

Chris followed him out the front door and looked west where the fading hues of the sunset lingered in shades of orange and pink. Julián took a seat in one of the chairs grouped around a table down at the enclosed end of the sheltering porch.

Julián finally chuckled. “Relax, man. You look like you’re ready to get your ass kicked.”

Chris couldn’t summon a reply. His best friend had just caught him staring at his girl, with every emotion he felt showing on his ugly mug. He should be preparing for an ass-kicking.