Reading Online Novel

Tangled in Divine(Divine Creek Ranch 14)(27)

“Yes. Me and Chris.” He smiled enigmatically as he left the room and closed the door behind him.

Her face felt like it was on fire as she put her cool hands to it. Was Julián hinting at something? Or was he simply stating fact—that he and Chris lived together and, therefore, she would be there with both of them? And since when was it decided that she was staying with him that night?

Methinks you protest too much, sweet cheeks. You knew you were going home with him tonight the moment you laid eyes on him earlier. It’s time to finish what the two of you started.

The problem was that she wasn’t certain that would finish it. More likely it would be just the beginning of something that would change her forever. She could feel it in her soul.

Recalling her purpose, she checked her messages and voice mail again.

“Damn. Probably should’ve called before napping.” She dialed his number, not even bothering to read the umpteen text messages from both her dad and Roger.

The call connected on the first ring and she cringed at her father’s worried voice. “Gwen? Is it you? Please, God, let it be you.”

“Dad, it’s me.”

“Oh thank you, God.” His voice was shaky and he sounded like he’d aged several decades.

“I’m sorry, Daddy. I needed to be…alone. I had to figure out what to do next.” I didn’t really accomplish much of that though.

Julián and the guys had been a bigger help getting her onto the path that might get her back to a winning streak on the circuit. But there were a lot of “ifs” and variables to consider.

“Honey, that’s why I wished you’d returned our calls sooner. We’ve got it all figured out.”


“Me and Roger. We got this all sewn up.”

Gwen’s heart clenched. He’d used similar wordage with her when he’d lost the ranch. Nothing was that easy. Ever.

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t you remember me telling you? Roger is getting the money together to buy the ranch, and he’s gonna try and get Zephyr back for you too.” He made it sound so easy.

She vaguely remembered them talking to her about something, but her memories were unclear. “How?”

“He’s liquidating some assets. By the time the property goes to auction in March, he should have it all put together. He—what? Oh, okay. Honey, Roger wants to talk to you.”

“Um, okay.”

“Gwen, darlin’? It’s me, Roger.”

“H–Hi, Roger.”

“You’re a hard woman to get a hold of.” His tone was smooth.

“Sorry, Roger. I just needed time to think.” I’m getting a little tired of explaining myself. What’s a girl gotta do to justify a little alone time?

“I understand. I could tell you were in shock when you came over after finding out. I realize now that you probably weren’t hearing a word either of us was saying to you. I recognized that panicked look on your face. Why don’t you come on back home and we’ll lay it all out for you. Everything’s going to be just fine. You can stay here. Hell, you can stay here for as long as you want. Forever, even.”

An odd sensation went up her spine at his last words. Déjà vu. She recalled him saying those exact words as she was preparing to leave his ranch. They’d barely registered at the time.

“Roger, what are you asking me for?”

Roger chuckled easily. “For now, I just want you to come home, darlin’. I’m willing to get the money together to buy the ranch for you. Buy Zephyr back for you. Just come home.”

“Thank you, Roger. I don’t want anything bought for me. I want what is mine. I’m going back out on the circuit this spring. I’m buying the ranch back for myself, so no one can ever take it from me again.”

Roger seemed to take stock of what she said for a few seconds. “Okay. I understand your independence. I can respect that. At least come home until it’s time to leave in the spring.”

Even though it wasn’t a done deal yet, Gwen shook her head, certain that Roger wasn’t giving her the whole story. There were always strings attached to a deal that good. “I’m sorry, Roger, I can’t. I’ve committed to a job already, working with horses.”

For her part, she had made a commitment, and two horses was still plural “horses.” She wasn’t lying…exactly.

Roger seemed to understand her resolve and backed off. “All right. Once you’ve made a commitment you need to stand by it. But I hope you change your mind. You don’t have to do any of that. You can come back at any time. You can stay with me.”