Reading Online Novel

Tangled in Divine(Divine Creek Ranch 14)(120)

“Then changes his mind and gets behind Roger Bedford wanting her home. I know. It doesn’t make sense. Do you think Roger never intended to watch her leave?”

Julián cleared his throat and took a drink from his water bottle before pouring some of it over his head. “I don’t know. Either way, Gwen’s not one to be told what to do. I guess we can judge better when we meet him.”

“Yeah, and what’s up with that? He can’t give Gwen a time, or at least a day when he plans to arrive, just keeps her guessing, saying he’ll be here sometime next week? What the fuck?”

Julián used the pry bar to pull up the next rotten plank which broke into pieces and fell through the bottom of the trailer, illustrating Chris’s earlier point about her possessions falling through while on the road. “The same week the auctions happen too. I don’t get it. Listen, I’ve been giving something a lot of thought.”

“What’s that?”

“After talking with Wilbur, I’ve been thinking about buying this place.”

Chris nodded but didn’t say anything. He’d had a feeling this was coming and was glad for Julián that he was considering making a commitment to the area. Divine was a great place to live, with its rolling hills, curving scenic roads, and river access, and the quaint town itself. The surrounding country was beautiful, prime ranch land. Chris would love to make the area his permanent home too. It was far enough from Junction that his family wouldn’t be in his business but close enough that he could easily visit.

Julián looked him in the eye. “I’d like you to consider being my partner in it. Fifty-fifty.”

There was a time, not too long ago, that Julián’s offer would’ve surprised Chris because his self-esteem wouldn’t have permitted him to believe it could work. Since forming their relationship with Gwen, Chris knew it was a good bet that they’d do fine as partners in a ranch as well.

“When do you need an answer?”

Julián stopped what he was doing and looked over at Chris. “I told Wilbur I’d let him know after he gets home late next week. But if I decide to go ahead with it on my own, the offer still stands. I know you have a commitment to Del. I just wanted to put it out there.”

“I’ll let you know. There’s just a lot to consider.”

Chris had enough money in savings to do the deal but he had signed on with Del for two years. He could live anywhere he wanted but he’d still be working at the Cook Ranch. He had a feeling if he asked, Del would let him out of his commitment, but that wasn’t how he did things. He would stick to his word, even though he’d follow Gwen onto the rodeo circuit in a heartbeat if he was free.

After what had nearly happened to her on Valentine’s Day at The Dancing Pony, he knew he’d worry himself to death over Gwen.

The morning after she’d been attacked, they’d found out from Hank that there was an outstanding warrant for sexual assault for Hatch Dunlap in Wyoming, and his two buddies were wanted for questioning in connection with the same case. It turned out his skewed understanding of the word “no” had gotten the three of them a one-way ride back to Wyoming care of the state police who’d come to collect them. In outrage, his Aunt Gladys had disinherited and publicly disowned him.

Once she no longer had a place to stay and word had gotten around about Judith’s behavior, no man in Divine wanted anything to do with her. The last anyone had seen of her was her gaudy truck kicking up dust as she hightailed it out of Divine.

Although he knew Gwen could take care of herself, Chris couldn’t stand the thought of her facing another situation like that with no certainty that she’d escape harm the next time. When it was all said and done and his two-year commitment was over, he’d follow her to Colorado if she’d allow it.

But even then, he felt torn because Julián was a part of their relationship. A dynamic that he didn’t want to leave behind. But could he stay and become Julián’s partner without her?

Either way, a vital part of the puzzle would be missing.

Without saying anything else on the subject, they went back to work. The sun had come out and felt good on his bare back. He put his mind on the job they had to finish that day if they wanted to have their picnic with Gwen later that afternoon.

While he and Julián worked on getting her horse trailer more roadworthy, she was in the house putting an early supper together. Right after they’d finished with breakfast that morning, she’d heard from Caughlin and Abigail McIntyre. They’d assured her that she could use one of their quarter horses, which would mean traveling to their place in North Texas to pick it up, and then a whole lot of catch-up practice in order to be ready to compete.