Reading Online Novel

Tangled in Divine(Divine Creek Ranch 14)(119)

Chris’s voice was shaky as he whispered, “Feels so good, darlin’. Even better than I imagined. Perfect.”

She braced herself with her hands on his shoulders so she could rock her hips and it didn’t take long before that urgent sensation, that unrestrained momentum took control again. She moved between them and lost track of time. The metronome inside her moved to its own beat, with Julián and Chris keeping time with their thrusts until the crescendo came within reach.

“Julián, Chris, it’s coming! I feel it!”

Julián wrapped his arms around her and held her tight as they thrust with renewed vigor. “Yes, love, take it!”

Her heartbeat thundered in her ears like a bass drum and the orgasm was upon her, shattering her to her core and sending her into space. She screamed her pleasure, and was echoed by her men. Moving with every pulse, she felt powerful, yet weightless, as her world exploded in a sea of ecstasy.

Gwen opened her eyes when she became aware of the pounding sound at her left ear. She realized she must’ve lost a few seconds of time because now her cheek was pressed against Chris’s chest and it was his racing heartbeat she heard.

Julián stroked her back as he sat up and gently pulled his softening cock from her ass. “I’ll be back. Don’t move.”

“No worries,” she lisped against Chris’s chest. “I don’t think I can.”

Chris chuckled and stroked her hair from her damp face. “You were incredible, darlin’.” She loved the feel of his fingertips as they feathered through the strands, lightly tugging, causing a pleasant ripple of gooseflesh to raise on her back and shoulder. More. I want more.

“Weren’t so bad yourself,” she whispered, unable to lift her head, which was just as well because tears prickled in the backs of her eyes. They’d spoiled her thoroughly rotten and ruined her for all other men.

After Julián had cleaned her up, he helped her off of Chris and into the bed nestled against Chris, before returning to the bathroom to shower.

Chris held her quietly, stroking her hair as she lay with her face pressed against his throat. Several times he swallowed or cleared his throat. She didn’t question if he was all right. She was fighting the lump in her throat as well.

She was drifting to sleep to the rhythm of his heartbeat when Julián rejoined them, and she reached back to clasp hands with him. He squeezed as tight as he could to her without being on top of her, and she prayed that the night would never end. The pain of leaving her ranch in Colorado was dwarfed, compared to the pain she faced when she left Divine…and the pain she would cause.

Chapter Twenty-One

The following Saturday, their day off, Chris pulled his T-shirt off and wiped the sweat from his brow with it and threw it over his shoulder. He paused and looked around the yard of the Wilson Ranch from where he stood outside the barn. The trees were still barren skeletons but things had begun to green up here and there and the view from the hilltop was beautiful.

But the best thing about all of it was the woman inside the ranch house right then. He’d watched Gwen earlier, working with Tutti in the arena out back where Gwen had set up barrels. The two of them were like the wind, moving through the cloverleaf pattern, racing the clock. He’d memorized the moment, knowing the clock was ticking down on their ménage fantasy come true, and it was killing him.

When he’d woken up that morning, for a second he’d been afraid that he’d dreamed the whole thing. That Gwen had been nothing but an elusive fantasy that he’d struggle to remember like with all dreams. Then she’d shifted in her sleep, pressing her hot, sleek body to his, and he’d known a few moments of sheer, utter joy, before he’d recalled the fact that she’d be leaving in just a little over a week. He imagined the reality of rolling over and finding himself in a cold, empty bed and a dark void opened up inside him.

Julián held up a rotten board as he climbed from the interior of the ancient trailer, a look of disgust on his face.

“I don’t think she would’ve gotten on the road if she’d known what bad shape this trailer was in.”

Chris nodded and chewed his lip, thinking before he spoke. “I’ve tried really hard not to dislike the man, but I can’t believe her dad would allow her to go on the road with this piece of crap. I’m surprised she didn’t lose half her possessions out the bottom of it.”

Julián threw the board on the pile with the rest of the rotten timbers. “Her memory is a little fuzzy of the event still, but I’m beginning to wonder if her dad wasn’t being influenced by Roger Bedford. It seems to me that he was at cross-purposes back then…sending her on the road and then asking her to come home. I know she left abruptly, but still, he suggested that she shoot for one more winning year.”