Reading Online Novel

Smiley (New Species #13)(47)

He approached. “What’s wrong?”
It amazed her that he could sense her moods so easily. “It’s not important.”
“Talk to me.” He sat on the couch and patted the spot next to him. She walked over and sat. He smelled good and looked even better.
“My siblings called. Then I made some calls about my credit cards and another to my boss. My brother is an ass but that’s nothing new. My sister was surprisingly fantastic. She’s usually not so understanding. My boss gave me two weeks to get back or I’m fired.” She paused. “On an up note, no one messed with my credit cards. I canceled them.”He reached out and played with a lock of her hair. “You don’t need your job. You could stay here with me.”
Vanni didn’t know what to say to that. She changed the subject. “How did your meeting go? Was it about us?”
Smiley released her hair and took her hand. “They brought the bartender in. He identified Bruce as the male who paid him to drug us.”
That information comforted her. “He’s under arrest?”
“For the moment. We’re releasing footage of his confession to the news outlets first. It will apply pressure to Gregory Woods to flee to avoid your police. We hope he will take Bruce and his son with him. That’s when they’ll pay.”
“By being arrested?”
Smiley hesitated. “It’s not that simple.”
“They’ll get away with what they did?” It angered her.
“No. It’s just that our laws will handle this instead of yours.”
“What does that mean?”
“Your laws are less harsh. Gregory and the males who work for him will pay for drugging us and for keeping you against your will. I promise they won’t get away with it.”
“I’ll testify against them.”
He smiled. “You don’t have to go to your court. You told Justice what happened and that’s enough. You’re safe here, Vanni. They will never get the opportunity to hurt you again.”
“You’re confusing me,” she admitted.
“They are going to pay and will never know freedom again.”
“Even Carl?”
He didn’t seem to like her question, his body growing rigid and his expression stern. “Don’t feel pity for that male. He lured you into a trap and didn’t protect you.”
Put that way, she nodded. She’d never forget him walking out that door and leaving her there with his father and Bruce. “I know. He’s a jerk.”
“You could have been seriously harmed or killed. I won’t ever forget that. You shouldn’t either.”
“I won’t.”
“Good.” He studied her features. “I don’t want you to leave me, Vanni.”
Her heart raced a little. She’d miss him if she left Homeland. She could visit him on weekends if he was at Homeland but it would be tough. A long-distance relationship would be difficult for any couple. She wanted to be with a man she got to see on a regular basis. Carl had been a weekend-only dater for the most part and it had helped him hide his true flaws.
“I know this is fast but I’m willing to marry you.”
She hadn’t expected that.
He slid off the couch to his knees in front of her and adjusted his body until he had her pinned. He took both her hands. “I’ll be a good mate. I’ll make sure you are happy, Vanni.” 
“I…” She was speechless.
“You were willing to marry Carl Woods.” He said the name as if it were distasteful. “I’m a much better male than he could even dream of achieving. I’d never hurt you. I’d never allow anyone else to hurt you either. I really would kill someone to protect you. You would be everything to me. Tell me your concerns.”
She licked her lips, trying to think past the surprise of his proposal. “We barely know each other.”
“I’m Species. We don’t need a lot of time to know our hearts.” He leaned in closer. “I don’t have human relationship flaws.”
That made her smile. “Which would those be?”
“I don’t need to date many females before I decide on one because I know what I want and need. That would be you. You make me happy. I feel all the things I’ve always dreamed of. I don’t fear commitment. I welcome it. I won’t take you for granted the way most humans do the females in their lives. I’ve been alone my entire life and I’d cherish spending every moment with you.”
Tears filled her eyes. She blinked them back. It was probably the sweetest, most open conversation a man had ever had with her. Most men hid their feelings but Smiley opened himself up wide. The look in his soft brown eyes, the earnestness that shone there, expressed his level of honestly.
“We could be happy, Vanni.”
“What if we get to know each other better and that changes? This is the honeymoon stage.”
One eyebrow arched. “What is that?”
“Almost every relationship is great at the start. Both people are on their best behavior but they let their guard down after a while. Then you get to see their flaws. You might not like me a month from now.”
“Are you deceiving me?” He frowned. “Are you pretending to be someone else?”
A smile curved his lips. “I know that. You are bad at hiding your emotions and have a very expressive face.” He grew serious. “You’ve seen me at my worst, Vanni.”
He’d been wonderful to her. “I don’t believe that.”
“I’ve been surly since you came into my life. I’m afraid a male is going to draw your interest. I feel jealousy and worry that you might want someone else. It’s why I’ve been so angry when they are near. I took the name Smiley because I was happy to be freed and swore to enjoy every day to the fullest. Jericho called me grumpy and he was correct. I admitted that I’ve killed humans in the past and would do so again if I had to. I don’t imagine that’s a good trait, yet I want you to know me. These are the things I would have hidden if I wanted to deceive you.”
He made really good points. “I would never think badly of you. You have to protect yourself and the people you love. I appreciate you trusting me enough to tell me the truth about what you’ve endured.”
“Does it frighten you, knowing that I can be deadly to my enemies?”
She shook her head.
His hold on her hands eased and he let go of one to reach up and caress her cheek with his thumb. “You could enrage me and I’d walk away. Is that a fear? I can’t see me ever getting angry with you but I’d never turn it on you. We hear about domestic violence in your world.” His hand stilled, just lightly touching her. His voice harshened. “That would never happen. I’d never touch you in anger. Ever.”
“I don’t think you would.”
His expression relaxed. “Good. Do you know what would happen to a Species who abused his mate?”She shook her head.
“He wouldn’t survive long. I’d take him out myself but I’d have tough competition to reach him first. Other males would hunt him down too, along with our females. We don’t abide that kind of thing.” He took a few deep breathes. “I’m enraged that Carl Woods put you in danger. I’ll make him bleed a lot if I ever get my hands on him. I know that isn’t something you’d like to hear but this is total honesty. I’m not hiding that from you.”
Vanni smiled. “You’d totally kick his ass.”
“I would.” He smiled. “I’d enjoy it. I hope that doesn’t disturb you.”
“No. I wouldn’t mind taking a swing at him myself.”
He chuckled. “You, violent? I can’t see it.”
“Everyone has bad days. Bruce and Gregory are monsters. I hit Bruce with a bottle and hurt him but I’d planned to attack Gregory. He wasn’t in the limo.”
All humor faded from Smiley’s features. “I was informed of what you did. I don’t want you to relive it, Vanni. You were smart and very brave. You did what you had to in order to survive. I’m very glad of that. I only wish you’d hit him harder or he’d have died from the bullet meant for you.”
“They threatened to kill Beth.”
“You never need to excuse or explain it.” He leaned in closer until their breaths mingled and he caressed her cheek again with his thumb. “Stay with me. We will be happy. We can commit to making it work. We’ll talk everything out. You only need to tell me if I do something that makes you unhappy and I’ll do everything in my power to change it.”
“I want to say yes,” she admitted. “I’m just afraid of getting my heart broken.”
“Never,” he rasped. “I’ll be a good mate to you. What are your fears? Tell me.”
“I’ve been cheated on.”
“It won’t happen. You’re the only female for me. Did you know mates get addicted to their females?”
Her eyes widened, surprised. “How?”
“Other females will scent bad to me. I’ll only get hard smelling and seeing you.”
He nodded. “Our bond will grow every day and I’ll only want you. I already do.” He paused. “Another female offered to share sex with me since we met. I turned her down. The thought horrified me. I only want you, Vanni.”