Reading Online Novel

Shadow (New Species #9)(32)

He turned his head and saw blood on Beauty’s delicate mouth. It hadn’t been his imagination. When he’d landed hard outside and managed to stagger to his feet to reach Beauty, she’d been naked and rushing toward the open door as he entered, but he’d seen red on her face before she’d slammed into his body. He’d barely kept them both upright. Then Torrent had come after her.
He snarled, forced his gaze away to hunt for the male. “Where is he?”
“He’s outside. I locked the door.” Her hands stroked his arms then his chest. “Help is coming. Did you hear me?”
The immediate threat wasn’t present. He focused on her, twisting on his ass to reach for Beauty. They were both naked but that fact barely registered. He was too worried that she was hurt. He gripped her jaw, searching for the injury, but only saw blood on her lips and chin.
“Open your mouth. You’re bleeding.”
“It’s not my blood.”
That stumped him. “Whose is it?”
“I bit him.”
She bit Torrent. He snarled. He’d kill the male. “Did he hurt you?” He sniffed loudly but his senses were confused. All he could detect was blood.
She shook her head. “He was too intent on fighting with you.” Tears filled her eyes. “I attacked him.”
Shadow glanced down her bare body but didn’t see any other injuries. He must not only be suffering from slightly impaired vision but he was hearing things too. “What did you say?”
Her chin rose. “I attacked him twice. Upstairs after he threw you out the window and again when he was hitting you.”
She glanced away and he followed her gaze. A fire poker lay on the floor a few feet away, the end of it bent slightly. Shocked, he jerked his attention back to her. “You hit him with that?”
She nodded, her hands still roaming his arm and chest. “In the back of the head. Are you okay?” Her voice trembled. “You wouldn’t wake.”
He probably had a concussion. He wasn’t sure if he’d passed out when he’d landed but he knew he’d struck his head on the way out the window or perhaps on the edge of the roof when he’d rolled off it to crash into the hard-packed dirt. Torrent’s fists slamming into his face hadn’t helped either but he’d been too dizzy to be effective against the male’s attack when they’d fought.
Shadow had to allow Beauty’s words to really sink in. The image of her fighting with a male was beyond his comprehension. He just couldn’t picture it. She was too small to get into a violent confrontation. Gift Females fled from violence instead of initiating it. A horrible thought struck.“Did he attempt to mount you? Touch you?” His voice deepened into a snarl. He would snap the male’s neck if he had.
“I’m so sorry.”
He was grateful she hadn’t been sexually touched by the male but he also felt other emotions. Guilt and shame mixed strongly, leaving a taste in his mouth as bitter as the blood from the cut inside his cheek. He’d failed to protect Beauty. He’d gotten distracted by her sexy body and how good she felt while he’d mounted her. His guard had been down enough to allow another male to sneak inside his room. He had not sensed the danger until rough hands had gripped him and he’d been sailing through the air. Then falling.
“For what?” One of her hands left his chest to caress his cheek.
He couldn’t look at her anymore so he turned his head away. “It shouldn’t have happened.”
“The sex?”
The pain in her voice was clear enough to stun him and snap his attention back to her. She definitely appeared emotionally distressed over believing he rejected what they’d shared. “No. I failed you.”
“You were amazing.”
His eyebrows shot up. “I allowed a male to attack us, to attack you. You were in danger but I couldn’t protect you. You had to defend yourself.”
“Oh. I thought you were talking about what we did in your bed.” She continued to stroke his cheek. “We were both distracted. He is to blame.”
The sound of engines penetrated the cabin walls. “Go put on clothes.” He openly stared at her breasts. “Now. Help has arrived—more males will come.”
“I don’t want to leave you.”
He growled and jerked away from her touch. Pain lanced through his head at the sharp motion. “Do it.” He didn’t want anyone to see her bare. She was too tempting and appealing. “I am fine.”
He wasn’t though and knew it. He’d already be outside hunting Torrent to kill him for endangering Beauty if his legs would carry his weight. Spots danced in front of his eyes and he felt weakened with the agony inside his head. He’d suffered concussions before and knew the signs. Nausea roiled but he refused to get sick in front of Beauty. He wouldn’t be able to stand more shame added to the growing list he felt.
Regret and indecision passed over her face but she reluctantly followed his orders by rising to her feet. He watched her go, unable to look away from her perky little ass as she took the stairs two at a time in her haste to return to him. He knew that’s why she hurried. Her faith in his ability to provide safety was as damaged as his head.
He looked down his body when she was out of sight and groaned. He had no clothing to cover his nakedness and no strength to stand on his own. There was no way he’d ask Beauty for more assistance. He’d never forgive himself for allowing the attack to happen. 
The voices outside were faint but his keen hearing picked up the words.
“Torrent,” a female hissed. “What have you done? Sit or I’ll have one of the council members beat you.”
“I…uh. Hell. I’m sitting, Creek. Jaded, don’t you and Bestial look at me like that. This isn’t what it looks like.”
“What is going on?” The male sounded furious as he snarled. “You attacked a Gift Female? What the hell were you thinking?”
“I came to teach them how to swim.” Torrent paused. “I heard noises and let myself inside the cabin to find out what was going on. Shadow was mounting a Gift Female. What was I supposed to assume? I thought I was saving her but I’m having my doubts now, Jaded.”
“They are here to bond.” The female sounded less irritated. “Didn’t someone tell you that? She’s curious about the male. They were sent here to see if she wanted to share sex with him.”
“Shit,” Torrent groaned. “Nobody told me that. I just saw him on top of her and thought she was being forced.”
“She showed an interest in that male and resents being protected from his attention,” Bestial announced. “Breeze had the Gift sent here so they could spend some alone time to give them the opportunity to see if they’d like to share sex.”
“Everyone was told,” Creek protested. “We had a meeting about this when we learned they were visiting.”
“I wasn’t here,” Torrent protested. “I had that wolf cub to collect with my team and had to pick up a lion cub. I’ve been gone a lot.”
“Shit,” Jaded groaned. “Let Creek handle this. Take the medic inside with you. We’ll wait out here.”
Shadow struggled to his feet when they stopped talking and staggered a little when the room spun. He stopped, took a few deep breaths and made it to the window by the door. He fisted the curtain, tore it from the rod and wrapped it around his waist.
Someone stepped onto the porch just as he reached the door and unlocked it. He swung it open and had to lean heavily against the frame to stay upright. Torrent hadn’t attacked to take Beauty away. That dulled some of his rage but he was still furious over what had taken place.
The tall female wore jeans and a T-shirt instead of NSO Security gear. Her long brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her dark gaze swept over him from head to foot. “You poor thing.”
Shadow winced. He must look hellish and pathetic to get that response from a female. The human male carrying a medical kit hesitated behind her. Shadow glanced away to take in the scene outside. Four Jeeps were parked in front of the cabin and two council members had arrived with the female and medic. Torrent sat on the grass in front of them. The male’s cold blue eyes turned his way and held his attention.
“I’m sorry,” Torrent stated. “I thought…well, she’s Gift. Nobody told me you were allowed to touch her. You were really upset when I saw you last and I thought you might have snapped.”
“What are you talking about? What happened?” Creek put her hands on her hips, glancing between them. “What else has happened here?”
The human cleared his throat. “May I approach him? Is he a Wild Zone resident? Do you need to calm him down before he’s treated?” He stepped from behind the female. “I’m here to tend your injuries. You’re bleeding. I’m not the enemy or here to hurt you.”
“I’m not a resident or feral,” Shadow growled but then softened his tone. “Just angry but you may approach. I’ve worked with humans for a while now.” He shot a glare at Torrent. “You could have asked what was going on before you threw me out a window.”The female stepped closer, effectively blocking his view of the male who’d attacked him. She reached toward him and he instantly recoiled, jerking away, and nearly fell on his ass when he slid away from the doorframe. She gasped, backing away. The medic tried to step around her but she gripped his arm.