Reading Online Novel

Shadow (New Species #9)(31)

“Easy,” Torrent repeated. He’d stopped moving away, was just sitting there. “Calm down.”
“Fuck you! Get out.” She managed to lift her hand and point to the open door. “GO!”
He released the back of his head, both his hands opening in front of him to show his palms. It was only a little satisfying to see blood coating one. She’d managed to hurt him.
“I’m not going to hurt you. I was trying to protect you.” He glanced at Shadow. “From him.”
Another hot flash of rage rolled through Beauty. “Get out. Go!” She snarled at him again as she hunched down over Shadow’s upper chest, blocking his face from the aggressive Species. “I will kill you. I’m not weak.” She hoped he would believe the threat because she wasn’t really sure her shaky limbs would support her weight much longer, let alone enough to fight him in a physical battle.
Torrent paled and his mouth opened but then closed in a tight line. “Okay.” He scooted on his ass when his hands flattened on the floor, then he rolled to a standing position.
She glanced away quickly, located the metal rod a few feet away, needing to know where the weapon had gone. The man didn’t spin around though to launch a surprise attack. He stalked through the open door and left the cabin.
Hot tears filled her eyes but she forced her body to move. She ran and grabbed the open door. Torrent had retreated off the porch and walked quickly toward a Jeep parked a little way from the cabin. She slammed the door and her hands shook badly as she locked it. Her knees threatened to give way as she put her back against it, staring at Shadow. He was still out cold and bleeding.
There were weapons in Shadow’s room. She’d seen them. Somehow she found the strength to push away from the door and rush up the stairs. It didn’t matter that she’d never touched a gun before. She’d figure it out and use it if the man returned to try to take her. 
Chapter Twelve
Beauty bit her lip and tried the cell phone again. Her hands shook so much she’d touched the wrong preprogrammed contact number a few times. The gun felt cold and foreign resting on top of her bent thigh. Shadow’s head was cushioned on her other one as she sat on the floor of the living room. She faced the door, prepared to shoot anyone who came through it.
The right numbers showed and she put the phone to her ear after pushing the send button. It rang three times before a familiar voice answered. “Hey, Beauty. What’s up?”
“Help us,” Beauty got out, trying to hold back the sobs.
Breeze was silent for seconds. “Beauty? What did you say? What’s wrong?”
“Help us.” Her voice came out firmer and she sniffed. “Shadow is hurt. He won’t wake. His head is bleeding.” Emotion choked her. “I have a gun.” She stared at it. “A man attacked. Torrent.”
“What the fuck?” Breeze snarled. “Where are you?”
“The cabin.” Beauty began to cry, unable to stop. “He attacked. I bit and hit him. He is outside but he didn’t leave. He’s still out there.”
“Calm down,” Breeze ordered. “I’m on my way to Control. I’ll send help to you.”
“You come.” Beauty forced her raw emotions back, trying to do as Breeze ordered.
“What happened? I’m running but I can still talk to you.”
Beauty took a few deep breaths to push back the tears that threatened to overcome her. “Shadow and I were in bed when Torrent attacked. He threw Shadow out the window from the second floor and hurt him. He won’t wake.” She stared at his face, her free hand caressing his cheek. “I don’t know what to do.”
“You!” Breeze yelled at someone. “Give me your radio.” Her breathing slowed slightly. “Hang on, Beauty. Stay on the phone with me.”
Beauty nodded but she realized her friend couldn’t see that. She could hear what was going on over the cell phone.
“Patch me through to Reservation,” Breeze ordered. “This is an emergency.”
“I have a gun.” Beauty wasn’t sure if she’d mentioned that fact already or not, disorientated from her fear.
“Shit. Don’t touch it,” Breeze ordered. “You have never been exposed to one.”
That was true enough. She’d seen them on television and some of the officers sported them but it was her first time interacting with a real one. Beauty looked up at the door, sure she’d heard something on the porch. “I think he’s coming back.”
Beauty removed her hand from Shadow to carefully grip the heavy gun. Shakily, she lifted it with both hands, pointed it at the front of the cabin, and aimed for the wall by the door. Her ears strained, sure she heard wood creak. She squeezed the trigger.
The sharp noise hurt her ears and was terrifying when the gun jerked painfully in her hold but she hoped the hole that appeared in the wall would scare off the man outside. The ringing in her ears prevented her from knowing if he ran off or not but her hearing recovered quickly. All she could detect as she strained to listen again was her own panting and Shadow’s slower, steady breathing.
“Beauty!” Breeze yelled over the phone.
She put it up to her ear again. “I think I might have scared Torrent off.”
“Shit! Hang on.” Breeze’s voice became harsher. “This is Breeze from Homeland. Send a team out to the cabin where the Gift Female was sent. Right now! Torrent attacked them. The male protecting her is down and Beauty needs help.” She paused. “No, this isn’t a joke or a test. Send the females in first. Understand? She’s got a weapon.”Beauty lowered the gun to place it on the floor within easy reach. It was heavy and her wrist ached after firing it. It had been so loud but Shadow hadn’t even stirred, which only proved how injured he must be.
She ran her hand over his cheek, wiping at the blood. The smell of it filled her senses. Breeze began talking but not to her.
“That’s right. Torrent attacked. Don’t ask me why. How would I know? I’m not there. Get my females to that cabin right now to protect Beauty and send medical support with them!” Breeze snarled and her voice grew louder. “Help is coming, Beauty. Do you hear me? They should be with you very soon.”
“I want you.”
“I’m too far away to quickly reach you. It takes time to call the pilots and get the helicopter prepared but I will come as soon as I can. Our females are on their way to you. Don’t shoot them. Just put the gun down before you hurt someone. What happened?”
More tears slipped down her cheeks as she blinked them away to stroke Shadow, not caring that his blood stained his hair when she slipped her fingers into it. She could feel a big bump and it worried her.
“We were in bed and Torrent came from nowhere. He just threw Shadow out the window.” She sniffed. “I attacked him.” It still stunned her that she’d done that.
“Torrent.” Her voice broke. “I attacked Torrent. I thought he’d killed Shadow.”
“I don’t know,” Breeze told someone, her voice fainter. “You heard what I said. I need a flight to Reservation right now. Run to Control to tell them what is going on. Have them call Reservation to make sure my orders are being followed.” She hissed a curse. “Beauty, is Shadow breathing?”
“You dragged him inside from where he fell?”
“No. I ran down the stairs to reach him but he was coming in the door.”
“So Shadow is okay?”
“No. He was hurt and then they fought. Shadow could barely stand upright but they were hitting each other and rolling on the floor. I attacked Torrent from behind and struck him in the head. Tell me what to do.” Panic flared again. “I locked the door. Then I got the phone and gun from upstairs.” She took a ragged breath. “Shadow won’t wake but he is breathing.”
“I should have gone with you.” Beauty could tell Breeze was running again, her heavy panting proof of that. “Our females are coming to you and they’ll bring a medic. He or she will help Shadow. I’m going to tear Torrent apart. Did he say why he attacked?”
Memory surfaced. “He said he was protecting me from Shadow.”
“What where you two doing when this happened?” 
“Having sex.”
“Son of a bitch!”
Beauty agreed with that sentiment. More hot tears filled her eyes. It had been wonderful but then everything had become a nightmare. Shadow suddenly stirred and hope soared that he’d be fine. His eyes opened as she leaned over him. The blue of his eyes was a welcome sight but the confusion in them wasn’t.
“I’m here.”
Rage twisted his features and he snarled, sitting up so fast he almost smacked his head into hers. She barely avoided the collision by jerking back. A loud groan came from him and one hand reached up to his forehead while he swayed a bit.
“Easy. We’re safe.” She gripped his shoulders, trying to steady him, dropping the phone in the process. “Help is coming.”
The room spun as Shadow sought the threat. His vision was messed up. His head was too, by the feel of the wetness his fingertips found when he touched the sorest spot and located a painful bump. Knowledge of what had happened crashed through his mind along with the throbbing pain. Fury gripped him. He’d been so focused on Beauty that he hadn’t heard the male sneak up behind him until he’d been attacked.