Severed Souls(108)
Nicci hugged her back. “You do know, don’t you, that I also love you?”
Kahlan smiled. “I know.”
Kahlan knew that loving someone and being in love with someone were two very different things. Still, she trusted Nicci. After Nicci had taken Richard away, she had learned that she couldn’t win his heart, and she eventually came around and did the most loving thing she could do. She brought him back to where his heart lay, brought him back to Kahlan.
No one had hurt Kahlan more than Nicci. But she had set things right.
Now, there was probably no one in camp Kahlan trusted more.
Now, because she trusted her, she had to ask her a difficult question.
“Nicci, can I ask you a hard question and get an honest answer?”
“Of course.”
Kahlan stared off at the encampment for a moment without seeing it, trying to think of how to put such a thing into words, how to say it out loud. Saying it out loud somehow made it irrevocable. Finally she asked as plainly as she could.
“How long do Richard and I have to live if we aren’t cured?”
“Well,” Nicci said, thinking it over for a moment, “that is a hard question to answer.”
“And I don’t want to hear things like we have ‘a while yet,’ before we die, or ‘not a terribly long time,’ or other wiggle words like that. I want the truth. I want to know. If we don’t get this poison out of us, how much time do Richard and I have before we die?”
When Kahlan turned and looked back at her, Nicci was staring at her. Her blue eyes seemed filled with grim awareness of the death sentence she would pronounce.
“The call of death in both of you is growing exponentially. I can’t give you an exact number, but the simple truth is that for both of you it’s at most only a matter of a handful of days.”
Kahlan swallowed. “Days.” It sounded too final. “That’s all?”
“It’s difficult to gauge your remaining time exactly. I must confess to you that when I was working to bring Richard back to consciousness, I could tell that you’ve both passed a critical point and while you still may have days, death could now come at any moment.”
“But there is a limit,” Kahlan guessed. “Even if we manage to avoid it for a time. Even if we’re lucky, even if we fight it, there is still a limit.”
Nicci nodded. “I was a Sister of the Dark, and I dealt in such wicked things as have touched you both, so I know more about this than even Zedd. He had an understanding of the seriousness of it, but feared to ask me anything more specific because he knew that I recognize such forces and their full meaning in a way that he could not. Because of my unique knowledge and experience, I can tell you that the way this poisonous call of death works, the way it kills, is unlike anything else.”
“What do you mean? What is it doing that is different?”
“It’s severing your souls.”
Kahlan hadn’t thought it could be any worse. She was wrong.
“You mean like the half people? You mean we will become like them? Soulless bodies, living on in a kind of meaningless, dead existence?”
Nicci shook her head. “No. You’re thinking of it in the wrong way. This is entirely different. In you and Richard, the call of death is slowly severing your link to your souls, much as if you were hanging by a thread over a deep abyss. What Jit unleashed is progressively severing the lifeline to your souls.
“It is the line of the gift that you were born with that in the Grace flows from Creation, through life, and then continues on with you into the world of the dead. Jit’s poisonous call crossed the boundary between worlds. It is severing that line connecting your souls to who you are.”
“So, you mean,” Kahlan asked, repressing her panic, “that when our souls are severed, that’s it? That’s the end of us? We die?”
Nicci searched for words. “It’s kind of difficult to explain, but it’s more than being the end of you, more all-encompassing than merely dying. If we don’t put a stop to it, pull it out of you, then you both will die, which is bad enough, but also your souls will be severed from everything, meaning not simply from the world of life, but from their connection to the gift that flows through our souls into the world beyond the veil. Once severed, your souls can never find their way to the good spirits beyond.
“So, in a way, by severing your souls in this way, this poison is not only killing your bodies, it is extinguishing your souls’ existence.
“At this point, how long you last, I think, is only a matter of your will to hold on to life, how hard your spirits—your souls—fight. Even so, you won’t be able to hold on for more than a few days longer, and then the struggle will end. Your souls will be severed from you. Your bodies will die, and your souls themselves will wink out of existence like a dying ember.”