Reading Online Novel

Safeword: Storm Clouds(55)

Their sex was more towards the vanilla with just an edge of power exchange in it - no planned or obvious power exchange, just the give and take of two people used to being in control who were having sex with each other. They had mind blowing sex, but both knew that eventually they'd need to venture back off into some serious scenes. They weren't terribly sure how it was going to work though, so they both hesitated to bring it up. Eric still felt bad about pulling away right after Kendra submitted, and he knew that Kendra might want him to submit first, but he’d made the offer and now he couldn't bring himself to mention it again. And Kendra, well, Kendra wasn't sure about things at all, even though she knew it was important.

It took about a month for Kendra to make arrangements with Randall, the werewolf Alpha, to tell Eric their secrets. She agreed that she owed Randall a favor, but she owed the favor as Kendra, not as Abbot's third. Abbot wasn't thrilled about her owing another Alpha a favor, but he didn't push it with her. Randall took the deal and told Eric about werewolves, letting him know there were other shifters out there as well. Kendra put a clause on the deal, that if Randall knowing Eric in some way benefited Randall then she didn't owe him a favor anymore, since the introduction would be the favor. She was hoping Randall might want his own security system, then she'd be let off the hook. Once upon a time she would have played on the edges of the rules and worked it so that the werewolf contractors she used would have told Eric and she wouldn't have gone to Randall at all. But she wanted to do this strictly by the rules, so she ended up owing Randall a favor.

Eric took the news that werewolves existed fairly well, thought he joked about being a bit disappointed that there was no Tinkerbell.

For Christmas Eric entered his yacht into this huge parade of lights thing where boat owners decorate their boats and participate in a parade on the water. Eric enlisted the help of many of the vampires and they all had a lot of fun decorating the boat and then having a party on the boat during the parade. More fun than Kendra would have imagined possible for a Christmas parade of boats. There were fireworks afterwards and the view of the fireworks from the water was incredible. She and Eric stood on the top deck watching the fireworks, oohing and aahing over them together.

Eric spent Christmas at the coterie house and was surprised that so many of the vampires got into the Christmas spirit, Kendra included. Kendra wanted Eric to see she could travel to fun places with him, so for her gift to Eric she bought them two weeks at a vampire friendly ski resort in Colorado - with night skiing with lights until 2:00 am, and then night skiing without lights for the rest of the night, and with secure areas for vampires to rest during the day. She also made arrangements with Abbot for the use of his plane to get them there and back. Kendra had been watching for one of the new touch pads that doubled as an ereader and a netbook to come to market, and Eric managed to get a preproduction unit from the manufacturer that he could give Kendra for Christmas. He also had a contractor build a fireproof compartment into the hull of his yacht, so that even if the boat caught fire in the day and sank to the bottom, Kendra would be safe when she awoke that night.

It was New Years Eve that Kendra decided to take the bull by the horns and do something about their sex life. She put a note on the playroom door that she had it reserved the night of January first and the morning of the second, and she informed Eric it was time for a scene. She told him to eat and shower two hours before sunset, and to be naked and have a bath drawn for her when she rose.

When she rose he was laying beside her in bed, naked. She kissed his forehead then stood and walked to the bathroom. He'd drawn the water at the perfect temperature and put the jasmine oils into it that she liked. She piled her hair on top of her head and sank into the fragrant water.

"Please kneel on the rug, ass on your feet, knees apart, hands behind your head."

Kendra noted that he didn‘t have a hard-on, but she smelled just a hint of arousal, so she didn’t do anything to further arouse him just yet.

Since she'd shaved the night before, this morning's bath was just to set the stage for their scene. She didn’t take too long in the tub, instructing Eric to towel her dry, which he gently and lovingly did, igniting her libido as he did so. From the state of his erection, apparently it did something for him, too. She then had him help her into her corset before she stepped into the matching high heeled boots.

"Eric, kneel before me again, please."

Once he complied she fastened a bondage collar around his neck and a leash to the collar, had him stand again, and then walked him to the playroom naked and on a leash. None of the downstairs vamps were up yet, so no one would see him, but it still messed with his head.