Reading Online Novel


“FUUUCK!” he roared, gripping her waist so hard that it was going to leave bruises. I reached underneath Morgan and squeezed her breasts, milking them forcefully as part of this wild threesome. Fuck, my dick was getting hard again, and I knew that once we got back to the hotel, I was going to need more.

But for now, our little sister had reached the heights of a new pleasure. As Cole pulled his dick from her ass, it gaped open, revealing a huge load of white inside, pulsing and steaming in her ass. When she tightened her abdomen, the cream rose slowly, like a great white force, and began streaming out of her anus, a trail dripping down her butt and thigh before forming a pool on the forest floor.

I watched as the soft soil soaked up our sperm, the mixed semen disappearing into the moist earth. As our little sister collapsed on her stomach, I stroked her back while pressing gentle kisses to her shoulder.

“Baby,” I whispered gently. “You’re the best Cole and I have ever had.”



The sex with my brothers has been amazing, but I’m still nervous. I mean, after the encounter with Dean Skelos, I was sure it would be all over. I was always jumpy, expecting policemen to knock on our hotel door any night, ready to lead Landon and Cole away.#p#分页标题#e#

But nothing happened, and night after night, we had peaceful dinners followed by great sex, seeing more and more colleges. Life just kept rolling along as if nothing had happened.

“But, what if?” I asked timorously.

“But what?” replied Cole patiently. “Nothing has happened little sis. Bowdoin is just going to pretend that they never saw the tape. Why would they? Gerald is probably a huge donor, and the most important thing to them is money.”

“But what about our meeting with the Dean?” she said. “If I apply, they’re going to tell Gerald.”

“Nah,” drawled Landon. “If you go to Bowdoin, Daddy’s going to donate even more money. You think they’re going to miss an opportunity to reach even deeper into a billionaire’s pockets? The best thing that can happen to them is if you matriculate. Trust me, little sis, you have nothing to fear.”

And so I was calmed somewhat. The truth was that of all the colleges we visited, Bowdoin was my favorite. The campus was beautiful, the studio art major exactly my thing, and the facilities were stunning, even if a few of the buildings bore Gerald’s name.

And my brothers had convinced me that nothing was going to happen. I’d never thought of schools as corporations, but the twins assured me this was the case. Non-profit institutions, sure, but they had to make a buck too, and private donors were a huge resource for small liberal arts colleges.

So we finished the college tour, and drove back home to Palingsworth. As we pulled into the driveway of the manor, I marveled at how much had changed. It was eerie. The house was the same, the lawns the same, but I was different. I’d been awakened to the world, courtesy of my steps, and everything seemed to be more vibrant, more colorful, as if I were seeing my surroundings with new eyes.

Cole turned to look at me with a knowing gaze.

“Everything’s different now that your cherry’s been popped, huh?” he said.

“Seriously, use nicer language around our sister,” admonished Landon with a frown.

I loved Landon for that, he was a gentleman, while Cole was a hundred percent pure rascal. But I didn’t mind. I was getting accustomed to their ways, their banter, and I loved being with my steps, their personalities a balance for one another, like light and dark, sweet and tart simultaneously. I couldn’t imagine life without them now.

“Morgan!” called a high-pitched female voice, my mom rushing out from the garage.

Oh shit, my mom was home. Why, after being gone for months at a time, did she have to be home now?

I quickly looked down at myself, as if making sure I still looked like a virgin. I knew I was being paranoid, but I just felt different, you know? Like I was a woman now.

“Hi Mom,” I said slowly, getting out of the car. “Where’s Gerald?”

“He’s inside,” she said, giving me a faint smile before turning to the twins. “Hi, I’m Linda, Morgan’s mom. I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you moved in, but thanks for taking my daughter on the college tour.”

“Your father and I, we’ve been waiting for your return,” she continued with a bright, fake smile at all of us. “We need to talk.”

Oh shit. I gave a panicked glance to the twins behind my mom’s retreating back. This couldn’t be good. Slowly, the three of us walked inside to confront Gerald Kingsley.