Reading Online Novel


“Or else?” said Cole smoothly.

There was a pregnant pause. “Or else we’ll have to notify the board, which includes Gerald Kingsley,” said Dean Skelos.

Ah ha, the truth had finally come out. Fucking Gerald was probably chair of the board, thus the special treatment. The university wanted to keep the dough coming, yet avoid controversy, and thought it was easiest if Morgan didn’t apply. Then the whole thing could go away, like the tape never existed.#p#分页标题#e#

But that was a lame strategy. My little sister loved Bowdoin, was entranced by the studio art program, and she was going to fucking attend if my brother and I had anything to do with it.

I got up, Landon standing abruptly as well, pulling Morgan to her feet.

“Thanks, but we’re not bowing to your threats,” said Landon nastily. “Let’s go sis,” he said, tugging at her wrist.

I gave Dean Skelos a cold smile.

“Trust me,” I stated. “Gerald Kingsley is the least of your problems now.”



I sat frozen in my seat on the car ride back. Cole twisted around to look at me while Landon drove.

“You okay little sis?” he asked, stroking my thigh. “Don’t worry about assholes like the Dean. Everything’s going to be fine.”

I still couldn’t manage any words. It wasn’t even so much about the admissions process, it was the fact that the three of us had been caught on tape in heavy foreplay. What had happened between my brothers and I was unmistakable, and the world was about to see.

“What are we going to do?” I said in a soft voice, to myself.

But my comment wasn’t lost on my brothers.

“Don’t worry about a thing,” said Landon from the driver’s seat. “That was totally fucked up what they did, spying on us, turning cameras on us during a museum tour. I mean, a fucking museum, shouldn’t they be focused on the art and not the restrooms? Those fuckers will do anything for a big donor like Gerald,” he concluded vehemently.

“But what about us?” I said softly. “My mom … my college tuition … Gerald was going to take care of all that.”

“Don’t worry,” said Cole with a reassuring glance. “Landon and I make plenty, and if you want, we can pay for it. That’s not the issue at all.”

“I’m just scared,” I said in a small voice. “I mean, I’ve had an amazing time with you guys, but are we really ready for our parents to know?”

“Fuck them,” said Cole. “If we need to, we’ll move out. It’s not a big deal, little sis,” he said with a reassuring smile.

I stayed silent, trembling in my seat despite my brothers’ words. Cold sweat broke over me. I mean, I just hadn’t thought things through. I knew entering into a sexual relationship with my brothers was the right thing to do because it felt so good, so true, the three of us together. But now it seems like we were going to face consequences.

Because yeah, I wanted a relationship with my steps, or at least the opportunity to explore something deep and meaningful. Maybe it was the lust talking, but I’d seen a side of them on this trip that was infinitely caring and loving, and I wanted to explore our feelings. But to do so requires time and privacy, which we didn’t have anymore.

I started sobbing quietly in the backseat, unsure of our future. What good could possibly come of this?

But Cole turned around and put a hand on my knee. “Morgan,” he said comfortingly. When I didn’t respond, he said more forcefully, “Morgan! Baby girl, you have nothing to worry about. We’ll make it work, I promise.”

I was flat out bawling now, and Landon pulled over to the side of the road so that they could talk with me. They helped me out of the car, and fortunately, we were able to find a bench in a beautiful wooded glade, with no one in sight.

“Morgan,” said Cole, pulling me into his lap, holding me close. “It’s going to be okay, you’ll see,” he soothed.#p#分页标题#e#

Landon sat to one side, and stroked my face. “Nothing is that terrible,” he growled before dropping a soft kiss on my shoulder.

I was needy, craving the comfort of my brothers, and turned my face to his, silently begging for more. Landon responded immediately. He caught my mouth in a deep kiss, his tongue tracing the seam of my lips before pushing inside, gently exploring, arousing yet soothing at once.

The tears had crushed all of my barriers, and I wanted, no needed, my brothers’ physicality, the warmth of their bodies during this fragile time. I desperately ran my tongue against Landon’s mouth, even as my hand went down to seek Cole’s hardness, questing for the pole that could be my salvation.