“She needs to stop that. I don’t want her to grow up,” Becker said from the door.
I smiled at him. “I think we should get married.”
“What? Where did that come from? I’ve ask you to marry me a million times. What? You just like to have all the control?” he teased with a huge smile.
“No, I just think we shouldn’t be having any more babies until we’re married.”
“You want another baby? What happen to ‘I’m never doing that again’?”
“I didn’t say I wanted another baby. We’re getting another one whether I want it or not,” I assured Becker with a smile and a tilt of my head.
His folded arms dropped at the same time his jaw did. “You’re pregnant?” he asked, coming close.
“For real?” he asked, taking another step.
Dropping to one knee, he scooped up Noel. “And you’ll marry me?”
“Yes.” I smiled. I wanted to marry him. I knew without a doubt that I was right where I was supposed to be and I couldn’t have been happier had my life depended on it. I was the lucky one, not Becker. I loved him, he loved me, and we were meant to be. Every breath I took was for Becker and Noel. I could tell you how much I loved them with every passing second and it would never add up to how much, I really, truly do.
The End