Reading Online Novel


"You need a knife for David?" Hannah's brow knits together. "I knew it was bad, but holy shit, Kate. Do I need to arrange security for your apartment?"

"I should have thought of that weeks ago." How did I not think of that? Oh, right, I was too busy being consumed by Eric Stevens. The man I fell in love with and bared my soul to, only to be dropped and ignored. "Maybe. Probably. What were you saying about my wine bottle when you nearly scared me to death?"

"It's a twist top." Hannah takes it from me and opens it. "I guess you've had a bad day."

I snort so hard it spirals into a coughing fit. Bad day just scratches the surface. I thought I had bad days in the past. Today proved I had no idea what one really was until now.

"I guess you saw the interview?"

I nod and chug the glass Hannah hands me. I hold it back out for her to refill and go collapse on the couch.

"He told them I was a cheat and a whore. He told them he was framed. He told them I slept with him recently as a ploy to get his money. His money! Can you believe that shit? It's my money." I throw a pillow across the room. "And let's not forget the jerk who now isn't returning my calls."

"You called David?"

Oops. I sit there for a minute, trying to get my brain back on track with what's going on. Perhaps this other glass of wine was a terrible idea. I can't let anyone know about Eric because then everyone will believe the other bullshit David spewed.

I can't believe Eric let him do that. First, he ignores every call and text I've sent him for three days. Then, he sends David on a freaking trash network show to talk about how terrible I am? Did Wonderland ever turn dark and terrifying? Because that's where I am right now.

"Kate?" Hannah appears in front of me and hands me a new glass. It's cold and not a wine glass. "I think you need to drink this."

"Unless it's alcohol, I'm not interested."

"Do you want me to call Lily over here?" She presses the glass to my hand and sticks a straw in my mouth. I pull a sip from it despite wanting to resist it. "Or, I don't know, someone else?"

"I'm fine." I say around the straw. "Really."

"I can stay, if you'd like some company. I know we never see each other outside of work, but I won't mind."

"No, no. I'm okay. Just a long day. He sucks."

"I'm so sorry about David."

"Fuck David."

Fuck both of them, really. I don't know what karmic deity I pissed off, but I guess it was all of them? Why else would my life spiral so wildly out of control? Every time I think I've found happiness, it zips away. There's no winning for Kate. None allowed at all.

"I'll have Lily call and check on you in a bit, okay? You can decide then if she needs to come over. I don't think you should be alone tonight."

"I'm always alone." I mutter. "It's nothing new."

Hannah floats near the door, clearly conflicted. It angers me because she has no business being conflicted. Her life is neatly paved out with no exit ramps in sight. She's so young and perky and has a loving boyfriend who sends her flowers just because it's Tuesday. She needs to cut out the conflicted shit.

"Go." I shoo her out. "Thanks for the concern, but I need to be alone right now."

"If you're sure." Hannah frowns. "I put the boxes on your desk."

"I'll look at them tomorrow."

"Okay. I'll go." She hesitates at the door again. "Have a good night, Kate."

I wave over my shoulder and stare at the TV. I hear the door click behind me and I jump up to pull across the chain so no one else with a key can come in. I didn't even remember giving Hannah a key, but everything is sort of fuzzy right now anyway.

I turn on the TV and it cues up a freeze frame of the video I made of my night with Eric. My fist closes around the remote until it aches. What did I do to this man that made him ignore me after we shared such an intense afternoon together?

I was so close to telling him I loved him. I know he thought about telling me the same. Now, nothing. He didn't get to be scared. He didn't get to hide. I couldn't hide, why should he? Did he get bored of me? Did he decide sex with the same person got boring and he wanted to go back to fishing in the local pools again?   


Stupid men. They were all the same. I should have become a nun the last time I thought about it. I'm not religious but maybe I can tell them I'm curious. Or maybe I can lie. Enough time in this stupid town has made me pretty good at it.

Across the apartment, my phone rings. I trip over the couch trying to get it and probably break my toe. I struggle back to my feet and limp to the kitchen counter, but it switches to voicemail before I can grab it.

It was Eric.

I immediately hit the redial button, but get sent straight to voicemail. After three tries, I give up. He'll see I called and call back, surely. I pace in the kitchen, waiting for his call again.

The corkscrew sits on top of the coffee maker. How did it get there?

The ringtone for a voicemail chimes and I fly to the app to listen. I want to just hear his voice again, more than anything. I want to hear him say he's been busy and he's sorry he hasn't been in touch. I want to hear him say he needs me again.

"It's me. This is the last time I'll call. It's over, Kate. I'm your husband's lawyer and I'm not going to get disbarred over this. Don't bother calling me anymore."

The message ends and I stare at my phone. There is no way I heard what I think I did. It was the wine talking. I replay it three times. By then, tears stream down my face and I can't breathe. A guttural scream erupts out of me and I throw my wine glass against the wall.

It shatters into a hundred pieces. Just like me.



"Another, Becky." I drop the shot glass on the bar and nudge it forward. "Better make it two."

"And a water." Paxton says.

"Fuck off."

"Big water."

"I hate you. Why are we friends?"

"We bonded over a joint hatred of Geoff."

"You both can go straight to hell." Geoff says it like he's waving off flies. Getting laid cleaned him up good. "And be nice to Becky tonight."

"I am being nice. I'm padding her tip as we speak." I say. "Tell your girlfriend to make them extra strong."

"That's a surefire bet to get diluted shots, big guy." Becky slides two more shots of whiskey in front of me. "You should probably have some water."

"I liked you better when you wanted my dick."

"Oh, darling." Becky laughs. "I never wanted your dick. I just wanted your money."

Paxton and Geoff both erupt in hoots and hollers when Becky walks away. I clutch my hand to my chest and play it up big to distract from just how big a blow that is. She can only be saying that right now because she's banging Geoff. Surely.

"That's my girl." Geoff beams.

"Fuck women." I steer the conversation so we don't have to talk about the burn Becky just dished out. "They are all terrible creatures. Men are terrible creatures. We are all terrible creatures who deserve to be burned on the sun."

"Shit, man." Paxton frowns at me. "Who pissed in your Cheerios?"


"For fucks sake. Don't be a drama queen. You're better than that shit."

"Nah, he just got played." Geoff says a little too smugly. "A woman used the stupid game he plays against him and he can't deal."

"Nobody played me."

"You know, Geoff. I don't say this often, but I think you're right." Paxton says. "That sounds exactly right."

"Whatever." I shoot the whiskey and chase it with a beer. "Let's talk about Geoff's sex life."

"Oh, hell no." Geoff laughs. "You aren't going to throw me under the bus. Just admit that you treat women like shit and now that it's finally turned on you, it sucks. Admit that you learned you need to treat people with more respect."

I glower at him over my bottle.

"Man, you got railroaded by the McArthurs, didn't you? All you could see was dollar signs and they burned the shit out of you. I mean, I wouldn't say I told you so, but I fucking love saying I told you so."

"No." I say firmly. "I don't get played. I used her like I used all the other women in this fucking town and then dropped her just as fast. I feel like shit because my jackass client is giving me an ulcer."

"Ah, yes. So you're drinking the ulcer away. Great plan." Paxton snorts. "I would respect you a hell of a lot more if you'd just admit you got in over your head."

"Never happened."

"You really are a shitty attorney." Geoff says. "Terrible liar. How do you make so much more money than I do?"

"Because you're a horrendously shitty lawyer."

"Says the guy who's about to lose his ass over the biggest case of his career."

"Fuck off." I snap. I need to get out of here, but I've run out of places to go to. Maybe I should just go home and sleep until the hearing. "I need new friends."

"No, you need to get your priorities in order. The same thing I've been telling you for almost two months." Paxton throws a punch at my shoulder. "I told you she was trouble."

"You told me you wanted to fuck her."

"There are a lot of people I want to fuck. You don't see me cut up about not doing it."