Reading Online Novel

One Hot Desert Night(19)



"I will leave you to your bathing now while I prepare our meal."

She hadn't realized how hungry she was until he'd mentioned that.  "Great. I shouldn't be long since I didn't pack the hair dryer."

He smiled before he started away then paused and faced her again.  "Perhaps at some point in time during our stay together, I will join you  in the shower."

With that, he left the bunk room, closing the door behind him, and  leaving Sunny with all sorts of questionable ideas and mental images.  She couldn't wait to be alone with him under the night skies. She  couldn't wait to see what might transpire after dinner. Then again, she  could be disappointed if he brought out the honor card.

Fortunately, she had ways to convince him to take the next step,  beginning with making herself fresh and presentable. She made quick work  of the shower that was more of a stream, thankful she brought shampoo  and bath gel. She then grabbed a towel from the metal locker, dried off  and returned to the room to retrieve her favorite sleeveless gauze  caftan.

As she held it up, she did a double take when she noticed the wide  silver necklace intertwined with deep coral beads that perfectly matched  the color of the dress. She had admired it, but she certainly hadn't  purchased it due to her lack of cash, not to mention the rarity of the  stones that carried a hefty price tag. Instead, she allowed Rayad to buy  her a pair of sterling hoops that were much less expensive after he  insisted.

No doubt he'd been the jewelry culprit, and she would definitely thank  him, argue it was too extravagant, and then maybe show her appreciation  with a big, fat kiss.

After she twisted her damp hair into a loose braid, Sunny slipped into a  pair of the recently purchased sheer white muslin underwear that looked  like men's boxers, only shorter. Not exactly sexy, but functional.  Luckily, the dress didn't require a bra. She then applied a little  mascara and lip gloss using a compact mirror, slid the earrings into her  lobes, clasped the necklace around her neck and marveled over the fact  she had morphed into a girly-girl. Piper would be so proud. Piper would  also hate that her twin didn't have a pair of spiky heels at her  disposal. Thank heavens. Barefoot seemed to be the way to go in lieu of  sneakers, although she worried she might wind up with a stubbed toe, or  step on a snake.

Satisfied everything was in place, Sunny walked into the corridor to  find Rayad standing by the entry to the cavern. He'd changed into a  plain white tee and dark blue cargo pants, and it appeared he had shaved  his beard down to a shadow. One gorgeous, gorgeous man at her disposal.  Lucky her.

She executed a corny curtsey. "Good evening, Your Highness. You clean up good."

He nodded slightly. "As do you. The dress fits you to perfection, yet I knew it would."

She figured he'd had a lot of experience with gauging a woman's size.  He'd probably had a lot of experience with a lot of women. "Thank you,"  she said, her face flushed. "Since it's getting fairly late, is dinner  ready?"

"It is," he said. "Now if you will follow me, I will show you to our private dining room."

Sunny wasn't too thrilled to have to climb yet another flight of stairs.  But the effort was well worth it when they emerged at the top of the  rock formation and stepped onto a sandy plateau. Her attention  immediately turned to the host of diamond-like stars spread out as far  as the eye could see, and the near-full moon hanging high overhead. An  amazing panorama and the perfect start to an equally amazing night. "I'd  forgotten how incredible the night sky looks in such a remote place."

Rayad slid his arms around her from behind. "I am sorry we missed the  sunset, but perhaps we will see that before we return to the palace."

She didn't even want to consider leaving this place, or him. Leaning  back against his chest, she caught a whiff of what must be his soap, a  heady scent that reminded her of exotic incense. Not only did he look  great and feel great, he smelled great. "Who needs the sun when you have  all these stars?"

"We both need sustenance."

She turned into his arms and smiled. "That would probably be a good  idea. Otherwise, you might have to carry me back down those steps."

He feathered a kiss on her forehead. "That would be my pleasure. Yet I would not want to stop until we reached my bed."

"Maybe I wouldn't want you to stop."

"That is good to know, as long as you are certain that is what you wish."

She couldn't quite peg why he continued to need reassurance, unless it  had more to do with his reticence. Regardless, she would provide it.  "Believe me, that's exactly what I wish."                       


He kissed her then-a long, lingering kiss that made her forget all about  dinner. She focused on the feel of his tongue softly exploring her  mouth and his palms roving up and down her back before coming to rest on  her bottom. She remembered their sexy interval in the pool and realized  if they didn't quit now, they might ignite the sand beneath their feet.

As much as she hated to do it, Sunny broke the kiss and said, "Maybe we should grab a bite to eat."

He released her and cleared his throat. "That would probably be advisable."

"Probably so."

Taking her by the hand, he led her to an area illuminated by a lone  torch set into the ground. A multicolored blanket held various platters  with cheeses and meats and fruit, along with a basket of bread.

Sunny's returning appetite caused her to let him go and drop down onto one of the pillows flanking the food.

After Rayad joined her on the opposing cushion, he handed her a plate. "As they would say in America, dig in."

She laughed. "Yes, that's what they would say. And yes, I gladly will."

Every bite Sunny took was pure bliss, though she couldn't say if she was  driven by hunger or simply the atmosphere. They barely said two words  during the meal, and before long, they'd made quite a dent in the food.

She wiped her mouth with a napkin and moved her empty plate to the  middle of the blanket. "That was the best meal I've had in years."

Rayad pushed the pillow away and stretched out on his side, using his  palm to support his jaw. "Do not become too accustomed to this luxury.  What I have brought from the market is simple."

She briefly studied the night sky and relished the warm breeze blowing  across her face. "I don't care what we eat as long as we eat it here."  When she brought her attention back to him, she found him staring at her  intently. "What? Do I have something on my mouth?"

"You have a beautiful mouth," he said. "And I see nothing obstructing my view of it."

She set her pillow aside and stretched out to face him, leaving little  space between them. "Considering how busy our day has been, you'd think  I'd be tired, even after my nap. But remarkably I'm not. And that  reminds me, I have something to ask you about our trip to the village."

"I will answer to the best of my ability."

Time to play the name game. "When we were in the village, I thought I heard people calling you Basil. Did I misunderstand?"

"No, you did not. That is how they know me."

"Then they don't realize you're a prince?"

"They do not, and that is how I wish it to be."


"One never knows where enemies might be lurking. It is best to blend in with the masses and conceal your true identity."

Now it made sense. "Ah, it's that whole 'spy guy' thing. And by the way, you never have told me your code name."

"If I did, I would have to-"

"Kill me?"

A strange, almost wary look passed over his expression before he quickly  replaced it with a smile. "I would prefer to kiss you." And he did,  soft and slow and much too short, before he asked, "What do you wish to  do now?"

A very loaded question. "What do you wish to do?"

"I cannot tell you what I wish to do for fear you might leave."

She scooted closer. "Try me."

"I would rather show you. Lie back."

After Sunny complied, Rayad rose above her and studied her face for a  long moment. The next kiss he delivered was tempered at first, then  deeper, and grew predictably hotter.

He broke away long enough to remove his shirt, then quickly divested her  of the caftan. When he took her back into his arms and kissed her  again, the feel of his bare chest pressed against her breasts caused her  to shift restlessly against the dampness between her thighs. She wanted  nothing more than to have him relieve the ache, but he'd told her she  would have to ask. She could do that. Better still, she could follow his  lead and point him in the right direction.

On that thought, Sunny lifted Rayad's hand from the curve of her hip,  placed it on her inner thigh then held her breath while she waited for  him to respond. She didn't have to wait long until he skimmed his palm  higher up her leg, pausing to toy with the bottom edge of the  unflattering underwear, as if determined to tease her into oblivion. A  needy sound slipped out without regard for her effort to stop it, and  that involuntary reaction seemed to send Rayad into action.