Reading Online Novel

November Harlequin Presents 1(31)

Carrie couldn’t have been more thrilled for the young maid. Not only had she managed to track down the elusive gown, she had uncovered the culprits. The gown had been discovered in Princess Anastasia’s dressing room.

‘I can’t think how it got there,’ the maid said, shaking her head in disbelief.

‘An honest mistake, I’m sure…’ Carrie didn’t want any more trouble, she wanted an end to the matter. She had far more important things on her mind, and the first of these was winning Nico’s trust. A catfight with Princess Anastasia would do nothing to further her cause. If she acted with dignity now it gave her a platform from which to go forward.

After a quick shower, with her hair pinned up, Carrie stepped into the dream gown. Slithering the cool silk over her warm, naked skin was a wonderful sensation. The dress had been cut to display her smooth, pale shoulders to best advantage, and hint at the full swell of her breasts without putting them crudely on display. The maid had found her a pair of soft kidskin mules in the same delicate shade, which she slipped on smiling with relief, because they felt like slippers. Daintily beaded, they had a low heel that made it easy to walk gracefully, and as a finishing touch the maid handed her a gossamer shawl.

‘In case the evening turns chilly,’ she said, adding a neat evening bag with a silk strap that Carrie could hang from her wrist.

Having made sure everything was as it should be, the young girl invited Carrie to sit in front of the dressing table so she could arrange her hair. She pinned it loosely in an artful knot, allowing some tendrils to fall free and frame Carrie’s face. Then, plucking two fragrant blooms from a display of blush-pink roses, she secured them in place.

Carrie stared at her reflection in disbelief. ‘I can’t believe it. I feel beautiful….’

‘You sound surprised, signorina,’ the young girl said happily, ‘but you are beautiful.’

Carrie was sure the maid was only being kind, but kindness went a long way with her. ‘I appreciate the trouble you’ve taken on my behalf,’ she said sincerely, levelling her gaze on the young girl’s face.

‘I am Princess Laura’s personal maid, signorina, and the princess asked me most particularly to look after you.’

As the young girl hurried away Carrie couldn’t help feel more optimistic than she had since arriving in Niroli, but then she remembered Nico, and his suggestion to escort her back to the dinner. She wasn’t sure she was ready for that. And why should she wait for him? Why give him the impression that she was incapable of acting independently of him? It was essential to behave as she meant to go on if she was to win the best chance of a happy future for her baby.

But the thought of facing that gathering a second time had drained the colour from her face. Opening the powder rouge she had bought on a whim at the airport, she brushed a little onto the apple of each cheek. She wasn’t going to let a few butterflies stop her. Next she applied some lip-gloss and mascara, and lastly, a fluff of powder, and now she couldn’t think of a single reason for delay.

He glanced at his watch again. He’d had no contact from Carrie.

He couldn’t wait any longer. She would be in a panic if he kept her waiting. He had no intention of risking another and possibly far more eventful scene in the banqueting hall.

He had half risen, and was about to murmur something to his mother, when he caught sight of movement by the grand doors. Pausing, he refocused and then sank down again slowly in his seat.

Carrie had just entered the room unescorted. With some satisfaction he noted that just as he had taught her she paused by the door. Her appearance stunned everyone. Perhaps he gasped like the rest, he wasn’t sure. She looked…exquisite. Her bearing was regal, her manner gracious…and she was beautiful, truly beautiful. He couldn’t believe the transformation; he couldn’t tear his gaze away from her. When he did, it was to see the footmen bowing as if she were the most exquisite creature they had ever seen, they were enchanted by Carrie.

He tried to analyse the changes in her in order to understand them. Her pale skin was flawless, and her blue eyes backlit with warmth and intelligence. But it was more than that, she was radiant, and had instantly won the heart of every man in the room. She had acquired dignity in the space of an hour, and perhaps even more appealing than that was the glow of her indomitable spirit, which shone brighter than any light.

He had become as still as everyone else, Nico realised. It was as if the whole room was holding a collective breath, waiting to see what she would do next. He didn’t even want to go to her in case he broke the spell, he just wanted to sit where he was and feast his eyes on her, but then her steady gaze met his…