Reading Online Novel

November Harlequin Presents 1(29)

A few minutes in the fresh air would be perfect, Carrie decided, spotting a door into the garden.

The footmen in attendance quickly opened it for her, and the moment it clicked shut behind her she breathed a sigh of relief. Just as she’d thought, it was better, cooler in the garden. She took several deep, steadying breaths and only a couple of minutes went by before she felt ready to return.

But as she turned Carrie noticed that the lights in the corridor had been switched off. Going up to the door, she pressed her face against the glass. The footmen were nowhere to be seen. Trying the handle, she found it locked.

She wasted precious minutes in a panic, rattling the handle, and staring down the deserted corridor, until she finally accepted that she would have to find another way in.

The light was fading rapidly and the towering walls seemed so dark and oppressive. And she couldn’t even be sure she was heading in the right direction…The substitute gown with its heavy beading was like a suit of armour, and agitation had sent her internal heating system into meltdown.

Hearing voices, she sped up. The palace kitchen, Carrie realised with relief. The doors had been left open to allow the heat to escape….

There was a lot of good-natured comment as she made her way gingerly through the banks of cookers. She didn’t dare to touch anything, and the walkway was slippery beneath her feet. Her face was growing redder by the minute, and she knew without touching it that her hair was standing off her head in a frizz. There was a serving area at the end of the room and a queue of waiters standing ready. It was too late now to worry about committing the cardinal sin of appearing in the banqueting hall after King Giorgio. She had no other way of getting in, and, having accepted Princess Laura’s invitation, nothing was going to stop her.

Nearly overbalancing, she staggered back into her shoes, and then, making her excuses, she squeezed through the waiting staff. The man standing guard at the door was so taken aback by the sight of her that he forgot to stop her walking past him.

The first thing she knew was light so strong it blinded her. The glare from a dozen chandeliers blazed straight into her eyes, along with the flash of diamonds, the glint of silver and the sparkle of champagne…Expensive scent hung in the air along with the cooler smell of privilege. There was no heat around her now, just a stunned and icy silence as rows and rows of faces turned her way.

Hearing a nervous laugh, Carrie realised she was the only person in the vast room who found her situation remotely amusing. And there must have been five hundred people or more in the banqueting hall, including the royal family seated on a raised dais. And now the waiters were pressing at her back, and she had no way to turn around….

And then, incredibly, Nico was at her side. Her chest was in a vise at the sight of him and she could hardly breathe. Nico helping her to straighten her dress…Nico steadying her as she tried to take her first wobbly step…

‘Wait,’ he snapped.

She clung gratefully to his arm, keenly aware of the solid strength of him. Being with Nico validated her presence at the banquet. And, of course, he was immune to the titters and murmurs coming her way…unkind comments that were very quickly dying away.

And now there was only silence. But still Nico appeared in no hurry to move forward. He stood as if everyone was lucky to have this opportunity to feast their eyes on them. And as far as Nico was concerned she had to admit that he was right. He was dressed splendidly and wore his official uniform with pride. On any other man it might have appeared effete, but on Nico it only emphasised his blistering masculinity.

But she didn’t need him to put her on a leading rein. She could manage perfectly well without him. ‘Nico, I’m quite capable of—’

‘Not now, Carrie.’

Taking her hand, Nico locked her in his grip, giving her no alternative but to accompany him. Halting at the foot of the dais, he bowed to the king and indicated that she should do the same. ‘When is this going to end, Carrie?’ he murmured as they lowered their heads, and then, raising her up again, he led her forward to join the royal family.

By the time she was seated next to Princess Laura, Carrie felt as if someone had drawn a running thread through her stomach and pulled it tight. And there was no softness in the princess’s gaze, just a look that willed her to be strong. She had only been in her seat a few moments when Nico leaned down to murmur to his mother, ‘Don’t worry, Mother, I’m sure I’ll be able to find another chair.’

Realising her mistake, Carrie blushed and went to stand up again, but Princess Laura stopped her.

‘He’s quite old enough to look after himself,’ she said with a twinkle.