Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(21)

“Holy shit that was hot!” Roxi cried out.

“Shut up Roxi!”

My phone vibrated again.

Lock the door

“Was that him that just texted?” She asked.

“Sorry babe I just thought I’d pass by seeing how you’re doing, I didn’t know your Suit would be here!” I put my phone down and locked the door.

“Roxi, why did you give him my number?” I asked completely annoyed that she would do that. She opened the takeout boxes the aroma filled my condo. I went to the pantry to get my broom to pick up the broken glass.

“Oh shut up! You guys have been playing this peek-a-boo shit for two months now, everyone at the store knows.” I was sweeping the broken glass going around making sure I didn’t miss any.

“Yes they all know I had the hots for him. Me, not him.” I said to her in an exasperated tone. She stood up watching me clean up.

“What happened?” I bent down and started to sweep the broken glass into the dustpan.

“He pissed me off, it landed too hard on the counter.” I walked over to the garbage that was next to my newly styled cabinet.

“And there?” She pointed.

“I pissed him off and his hand landed hard on the cabinet.” I said nonchalant-like.

“See made for each other.” She noted shaking her head.

“No Roxi, we’re not made for each other. It’s already a disaster.” I put the broom back and sat down on my couch. Roxi followed suit and we both grabbed some phad see ew.

“I honestly don’t get you girl, you want him, he looks like he wants you but you seem to keep giving him the brush off.” She poured herself some wine from the open bottle.

“Last Tuesday was awesome, it was perfect, but there’s something there that’s not right, I don’t know what it is?” I sipped my wine.

“Yes! I fucken want him but my brain keeps telling me no. Roxi I worked hard for all this, he’ll just come in here and fuck it all up!” I finally relented.

She dunked her spring roll into the peanut butter sauce, “You’re fucken kidding me right? Sweetheart, I get it you’re scared, this is going to be a very grown up relationship, get over yourself and walk into that man’s arms and grab some dick. ” I nearly choked on my rice noodles.

“Roxi he’s rich, and I don’t mean rich like a few million, the man is loaded.”

She laughed “Yeah, I know, he’s the new landlord. My sister was talking about.”

The noodles came right back out of my mouth and into the box.

“What?” I stammered.

“Very lady like Lexi.” Roxi looked at me with disgust.

“Roxi?” I screamed “You wait till now to tell me!” I put the takeout box back onto my coffee table.

“I only had time to see you now.” She offered.

“Forget it I’m not talking about Lukas anymore.” I gestured my hands out to erase the air.

We spent the rest of the night bitching and complaining about work and our relationships with our parents.

She was getting ready to leave when she stopped.

“Look this Tuesday the terrace is opening up and Philip wants a staff party, so let’s go and have fun okay?” She kissed me and left.

So much for a quiet night at home, I reached for my phone and saw I had a missed call and text. The call was from my mother the text from Lukas.

Goodnight Alexia

I stared at it. This little text that sent shivers down my body. I could still feel the heat of his touch. I looked around my home. His presence was still felt inside my condo. I let out a sigh. I scrolled up and press the add contact button and added his name, My Suit.


Tuesday morning came and Philip wanted us all to be there in the late morning to set up. The bistro didn’t start its seasonal hours just yet, so on Mondays and Tuesdays the place was still closed till four, next week it would open from seven in the morning till late which none of us liked but like they say c’est la vie. I saw Gavin and Cooly on the terrace loading up the BBQ getting the food ready, while Roxi and Kaci and some new staffers were putting up the lights. I saw a familiar face, one I didn’t expect.

Jaks was helping set up the music system. Philip had walked over to me, “I know! His yummy!” He gave him a once over then another.

“You’re beyond gay.” I said to him as he laughed “Too bad he’s not!” He pouted.

“What’s he doing here?” I asked.

“Well he needed more work and we needed a bartender, Roxi recommended him.”

We both headed to the terrace “Ahh!” cried Roxi. Kaci just made fun of her mimicking her scream.

I walked over to Jaks “Hi, so I hear we’ll be working together this summer?”