Reading Online Novel

Maya’s Triple Dare(Divine Creek Ranch 6)(29)

“I wanted to play in the creek.” Skinny-dipping definitely qualified as playing.

Kendall shook a finger and scoffed. “No, you wanted to drive me insane. How am I supposed to work knowing you’re ‘playing?’ I’ve known you long enough to know what that means, woman.”

“Nobody would see unless they were down in the creek with me. It’s harmless fun! I wanted to explore.” Yeah, that’s it.

“The only thing being explored would be you. You can’t get in the creek with that wound on your hand anyway.”

Damn it! He was right. In another day she could probably play in the water if she was careful to clean it afterward. She balked at the forced inactivity.

“I’m bored. Couldn’t I just come with you and hang out?”

Maya was already planning a trip the following morning with Grace to a little boutique she and a couple of friends were involved with.

“Don’t get in such a rush. You got bit by a rattlesnake yesterday. What does your professional training tell you to do?”

“Rest, heal, and watch for side effects.”

“Was gallivanting around less than a day later anywhere on the list?”


Kendall mimicked her little exclamation and grimace and tickled her as he hugged her.

“So impatient. There will be plenty of time to play nekkid in the creek on Friday. I may take part of the day off and play with you,” he whispered against her throat.

The look in his eyes told her he didn’t mean splashing in the water. Her outlook changed instantly as an image came to mind of him making love to her on her flat rock as the creek babbled around them. She knew he would be magnificent, and the thought of the two of them together made her quiver.

It had been a long time since she’d had any sexual attention, and her clit throbbed with need. Her heart pounded as he slid his hands down her back to her ass and gripped her cheeks. He ground his thickening cock against her, and her pussy responded with a burst of tingling, damp heat.

His lips collided passionately with hers, and his tongue plundered her mouth, sweeping her away with his gentle assault. He slid his strong hands up her spine and held her body to his. His arousal was obvious, but he still held her as if she were the finest china, something precious to him. Maya wound her arms around him and moaned against his moist lips. His tongue stroked hers, mimicking what he no doubt intended to do with his cock once she was fully recovered. She pressed back against his erection and her pussy contracted with longing to know what it would feel like to be filled with it. Unfortunately, along with all the pleasant rush of feelings came a wave of light-headedness and nausea. She groaned and put her hand to her suddenly damp brow.

Damn it!

“Maya?” Kendall took one look at her face and thankfully didn’t lecture her or say “I told you so.” He lifted her in his arms and carried her to the couch. “Want a cold washcloth?”


He returned with it, and she pressed it to her brow and sat motionless as her stomach wobbled. “Sorry to dampen the mood,” she said weakly as the nausea receded slowly.

“It’s okay. Do you want me to help you get back in bed?” With his point thoroughly pressed home, she nodded, and he carried her back to bed.

“You know, I could probably walk,” she said with a chuckle. She loved being hefted in his big, thick arms like this.

“Where’s the fun in that?”

He laid her down on the bed and sat down beside her.

“I hate being an invalid. We’re supposed to be having fun,” she muttered, trying not to pout.

Kendall tucked a lock of hair behind her ear then patted her thigh. “I know. But at least you’re here with us. We’ll fix you supper tonight and watch a movie. Rest so you can be well for your excursion tomorrow with Grace.”

“I feel better already. Much as I hate it, I know you’re right. This is just going to take some time to get over.”

Kendall kissed her again as if she were delicate porcelain and murmured, “Don’t worry, babydoll. When you feel better we’ll make it up to you.” The heat in his eyes told her it was a promise.

Chapter Nine

Maya discovered one more reason to like her new friend as Grace started the engine of her cute little blue convertible and the stereo blasted loudly.

“Sorry. I like it loud,” Grace said with an apologetic grin, turning down the volume as Maya laughed.

“Five Finger Death Punch?” she asked as a song by that band played in the background.

“I don’t look the type, do I? You should see the baby kick anytime I put their music on. Rose Marie likes ‘Bad Company’ in particular. Every time I play that song she kicks up a storm. I think she responds to the vocalist’s sexy voice.”