Reading Online Novel

Maya’s Triple Dare(Divine Creek Ranch 6)(27)

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“I know you’re dying to ask, Maya,” Grace said with a snicker. “Go ahead. It’s okay.”

Maya chuckled as she sat with Grace at the dining room table finishing their lunch, which Grace had brought in a picnic basket.

“Do they wear you out? Do you ever get tired of keeping up with them?” That was just the tip of the iceberg on all the questions she had to ask.

“No. They don’t allow it. Jack, Ethan, and Adam take wonderful care of me. Put bluntly, they serve me and not the other way around.” Grace held up her index finger. “Now don’t judge that statement until I’ve explained. I have a housekeeper now, so I don’t do their laundry or clean the house. I devote my day to writing and seeing to the needs of Discretion and Harper’s, in town. Not having all the other stuff to worry about frees my time to pay attention to them, and I feel I am the one being served. They treat me like a queen.”

“Do you sleep with all three every night?” That was a big question for Maya. She was concerned the need to spend time one-on-one with Kendall and his brothers was going to foment jealousy.

“Actually sleep?” Grace asked with a smirk. “It’s my choice to sleep with all of them in my bed at night. But there are plenty of nights where I need time alone with one of them, and I usually mention it over supper or later in the evening. We never keep score, and I make a point of requiring time alone with all of them. The only favorite in our house is me,” Grace added with a giggle.

Good enough. I think I could handle that kind of status.

“Sex with three men in one night?”

“Not every night. Especially not right now,” Grace replied, stroking her abdomen. “I’m sure the further along I get the more protective they’ll become. I can see it already. If I have sex after the eighth month it will probably be because I begged for it. Jack is especially careful about how often. Maya, it’s the most amazing feeling.”


“Being adored by three men. Being worshipped like that. My whole outlook changed when I met them. My life is like a fantasy. Do you mind me asking a question?” Grace asked speculatively over the rim of her tea glass.

“Sure. Go ahead.”

“Is it all three you’re interested in?”

Maya nodded without hesitation. “Yeah, without a doubt. I’m attracted to all three. I’ve loved Kendall a long time, and when I arrived the other day, Boone and Richard and I seemed to click together. The three of them are really something.”

“Tell me about it. What about Richard? How are you two doing?”

Maya mulled Grace’s question over for a moment before looking her in the eye. Grace seemed protective of them and rightfully so, since they were family.

“I understand where Richard is right now. We have something in common, and I guess we both need a little time to get comfortable. I think his heart is very tender. I wouldn’t hurt him for the world, if that’s what you’re worried about, Grace.”

Grace smiled and nodded. “I’ve heard the guys talking with Jack and wondered about whether you were right for them, especially Richard. He’s so quiet, and his pain sometimes seems like it’s still fresh. I feel for him. Boone, on the other hand, is definitely going to give you a run for your money, girlfriend.”

Maya burst out in giggles. “He and I are going to do just fine, I think.”

Grace laughed with her and said, “In some ways, Boone reminds me of Ethan. Flirty and playful but prone to—”

“Put you over his knee and give you a spanking? Yeah, you’ve nailed him, all right.” Both women cackled loudly and Grace nodded.

“I can’t wait for you to meet everybody, Maya. I think you’re going to fit in so well,” Grace said as she wiped a tear of laughter from her cheek.

“So you don’t keep a calendar or have set days of the week where you have all three sleep with you?”

Grace chuckled and shook her head. “No. We have a rhythm of sorts, like a dance, I guess. Most often we’re in my bed all together because it’s easier for me to sleep with them surrounding me. I’m cold-natured, and I like being tucked in amongst them. You might find that you prefer to alternate beds and nights. It’s all about your preferences. I can tell you that is how Jack told them it should be. You don’t seem selfish to me, so I think you’ll work it out with no problem. How does your hand feel?”

“It’s feeling better. The nausea came back after breakfast, but it’s settled a little since then. I wish I’d been more careful in the grass. This kind of messed up our week together.”