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Marco (The Men of Indecent Exposure #1)(80)

I glanced at her knee again where it showed just above a pink and white  striped sock. I noticed before that it was kind of banged up. The wound  looked fresh, but it wasn't my place to ask where it came from. The ones  on her hands either. Still, I was curious.

The words, "Must be strange being here when it's empty," brought my eyes from smooth, brown thighs to equally beautiful eyes.

"Always," I answered with a smile. "There's this faint echo I always  notice when nobody's here, but when it's packed out? When the music is  bumping? There's a totally different sound. A different feeling," I  added.

Nodding, Sidra passed in front of me and continued to check out the bar.  I knew this place like the back of my hand so, again, the only  interesting thing I found to check out was her.

"Ivy mentioned something about the alcohol shipment coming in every Tuesday. Should I try to be here for that?" she asked.

This time, I stumbled a little, realizing I was staring at her chest  instead of her face when she turned toward me. My eyes got stuck on that  ‘explicit everything' for a second.

"Uh …  no. Security has two guys here at all times when the club isn't in  operation, but with Tuesday being delivery day, they always have three,"  I explained. "So, you shouldn't have to worry about it."         



She gave a nod and then her eyes locked with mine. It was only for a second, but I knew I didn't imagine it.

"So, you think you're ready for all of this?" I asked.

Sidra took a deep breath and when her eyes slipped away, I knew it was because she was nervous. Even if she didn't admit it.

"Yeah, I think I'll be okay once Ivy shows me the ropes. I usually pick up on things pretty quickly."

I nodded, not wanting to discourage her, but this place could be a lot  to handle. We hit numbers that were unheard of in this industry. Most  nights, we were at max capacity a good hour before the show even  started. And as far as money? From the greatest to the least, our  pockets were well-lined. As ‘veterans', my boys Logan, Carlos, and I  were probably pulling in the most, but I knew for a fact the other guys  were raking in the cash, too.

Wearing a smile, I wondered if Ivy had prepared her for …  everything.  Namely? All-In Saturdays. Coming up in a few weeks, Sidra would to get  to know me, and the rest of the guys, a whole lot better. That was Ivy's  idea, setting aside one Saturday a month where we bared it all. And I  do mean all, leaving nothing to the imagination. Because things had a  tendency to get crazy on those nights, we had a strict "no alcohol"  policy in place when they rolled around. But even still, I'd seen some  wild things happen.

That look stayed on Sidra's face and it was enough to help me decide not  to be the one to drop the bomb about the ‘special' Saturdays. Ivy could  handle that herself.

"Have you been doing this long?" she asked casually, and then looked like she wished she hadn't the very next second.

I burst out laughing at her expression, which made her ease up a bit.

"Sorry …  I don't know if that's inappropriate to ask," she apologized.

"It's cool," I assured her, still smiling. "I don't mind questions. To  answer yours; I've been here six years. Since I was nineteen."

She nodded slowly and one corner of her mouth tugged up. "That would  make us the same age. My birthday just passed a week ago," she shared,  and while she spoke, I noticed a small, silver ball in the center of her  tongue. A piercing I hadn't seen until now.

"Very cool. Happy belated birthday."

Another smile. "Thank you."

She had every ounce of my attention. I couldn't even help it. "What were you doing before you came to join the I.E. family?"

She worked her hands inside the back pockets of her shorts and replied,  "Tending bar. At a place called Josie's," she added. "Well, that and I  also play in a band. Haven't given that up, though."

A band. For some reason, that didn't surprise me. "Oh really? What do you play?"

Piano. Guitar. Bass. Those were the answers I expected. Not the response I got: "Drums."

When she said it, I tilted my head to the side. "Word?"

She smiled at that, nodding.

"How long?" I asked next, forgetting all about the fact that I was  supposed to be showing her around as I rested my back against the DJ  booth.

"Well, I've been playing since I was six. My dad …  my stepdad," she  corrected, "used to play and he taught me. But our band didn't form  until my senior year of high school."

"What kind of music do you guys play?"

"Alternative rock," she answered, and I noted that her eyes seemed to  light up talking about it. Talking about music. "Think along the lines  of the energy of the Foo Fighters meets the heart and depth you get from  Audioslave." After saying that, the light I saw dimmed a little and the  next part came out kinda shy. "Unless …  you have no clue who or what I'm  talking about."

I shook my head, assuming she misread the blank look on my face for  confusion. Truth was, I just got caught up listening to her speak.  "Actually, I have both on my workout playlist."

A quick side-eye came my way with a smile. "Yeah …  okay," she said, folding her arms over her chest.

I chuckled and reached inside my pocket. "Honest!"

She waited while I scrolled. When I handed my iPod over, her jaw dropped.

"No freakin' way!" she said with a laugh, staring at the name of the  song I just pulled up for her-‘Like a Stone' by one of the groups she  named a moment before, Audioslave.

"Told you," I teased. "I listen to some of everything."

The light I noticed before came back and shined brighter this time. She  handed my iPod back and her eyes found mine. "Okay, so …  you just got  major points for that."         



I tilted my head and took in the pretty smile of a girl I'd just met  about ten minutes ago, but felt like I'd known much longer. "Nice to  know you're keeping score."

She grinned, but didn't deny what I already picked up on-she felt it, too; felt it when we clicked.

I leaned my arm against the rail surrounding the booth beside the stage,  feeling brave when I asked my next question. "Care to tell me how I'm  doing? I mean, as far as points go."

She inhaled and her shoulders lifted a little. When they did, the  slightest hint of reluctance touched her expression and I was staring  too hard to miss it.

"Let's just say you're racking them up quicker than expected," she  admitted, letting her eyes do a slow sweep of me as we stood in the  mostly dark room.

The breathy tone of her voice had my attention and I held on to the  sound of it as my mind wandered, nodding as a realization hit me. Right  then and there, I knew.

I had to have this girl.

Yeah …  this was only the beginning.

Release date to be announced …

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The Free Falling Series

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That's some kind of name, isn't it?

It wasn't any type of name I'd heard of, but across the world, it seemed I was the only one.

You see, he's an international superstar, talented, sexy, and one day,  he comes walking into my record store. He tells me he wants to buy some  music, and later on, wants to get to know me a little better.