Reading Online Novel

Marco (The Men of Indecent Exposure #1)(77)

"Well, then …  I suppose it's a good thing you weren't the only one I did  it for," I answered. "This decision was for Sophia-so I could have more  time with her. It was for me," I shared. "And yes …  it was most  definitely for you," I added.

My heart was full. I'd already decided she and I were going to make it.  The realization hit me that night in the delivery room. As I watched  her, something just clicked. I wasn't giving up on us, on all the work  we'd done to get here. Our differences were nothing more than a learning  curve, not our final grade.         



She was as good as mine …  she just didn't know it yet.

Now seemed like the perfect time to tell her exactly how I felt.

"You're my everything," I confessed. "Not because of the beautiful gift  you've given me, but because we're right for each other." There was no  hesitation in admitting that because I knew she had to feel that, too.  "I don't care how we met. I don't care about how we got started. You and  me?" I paused and took her hand, unable to keep from smiling. "We make  perfect sense."

She glanced down at Sophia when a shy smile broke free.

"You changed me without coming in and demanding that I be different. The  change came just from you being present," I added, knowing every word I  spoke was true. "You caused a better man to rise up in me, Brynn, and I  know I won't find that anywhere else. For me, you're it."

Brynn's eyes found mine and the corners of her mouth lifted into a  smile, one that could only be described using one word: content. To me,  as her man, that was more important than finding happiness there in her  expression, more important than her being captivated by me.

Contentment meant that both of those things and more had already fallen in line.

Contentment meant there was no place she'd rather be than right here with me.

I'd done my job.

As if to let me know I was right about that, she leaned in for a kiss  still holding Sophia in her arms. Brynn's beautiful smile flashed my way  in between our lips touching and I knew in that instant, we'd be okay.  Somehow, against all the odds anyone could ever think of, we were going  to make it.

My little family and I.



One-thousand, seven-hundred twenty.

One-thousand, seven-hundred seventy.

One-thousand, seven-hundred eighty.

"Not a bad payday," Brynn said with a smile, sliding the cash back inside the envelope when she finished counting.

It was five o'clock and just about time to shut down. The timing was  perfect because Bel had just run out of lemonade to sell. She ran her  booth all on her own, with just a little help from Rosie, while the rest  of us manned the yard sale. With so many things to get rid of, it took  six of us to keep an eye on everything.

Ma had been assigned to babysitting duty and she couldn't have been  happier. She lived for these opportunities to have Sophia all to herself  and in just a few short days, she'd be her primary caregiver while  Brynn and I worked. Neither of us could believe three months had passed  so quickly. The new job was starting soon and Brynn was both excited and  nervous. Excited about having a job waiting for her, but nervous about  leaving Sophia. We both knew she was in great hands with my mother,  though.

A soft hand slipped across the back of my neck, massaging it a little as  Brynn stood beside me. Together, we surveyed the items that hadn't  moved during the sale. They'd be taken away to charity tomorrow, because  there was no more room in the house. We'd blended everything we could  without the place looking cluttered. Ultimately, her living room set  stayed and mine was sold to two newlyweds out bargain hunting this  morning. My dining room set seated more people, so hers was sold to an  elderly man who needed to downsize. All in all, our moving in together  had gone smoothly.

"We did good here today," she concluded with a smile.

I nodded, agreeing. "We did."

The money we earned would be added to the education fund the guys  started for Sophia, so we were definitely pleased with the amount. By  the time she was ready to head off to college years from now, she'd be  set.

Thinking of her, I wanted to wrap this sale up quickly so I could clear  the house out. I loved my people, but I was admittedly ready to have  Brynn and Sophia to myself for the night.

There were items to prepare to be hauled away in the morning and tables  to break down. My sisters helped Brynn with boxing things up while the  guys and I focused on the tables. Even though they had to perform  tonight, they still showed today because they knew we'd need the muscle  for setting up and tearing down. All it took was the promise of free  lunch.

"So, this is the new you, huh?" Carlos asked, smiling when he did.  "Marco, the heartbreaker, the legend …  is now a family man," he teased.  "The lion has officially been tamed."

Logan and Justin had a good laugh at that and so did I, but I wasn't  ashamed to admit he'd gotten that exactly right. I was a family man now  and proud of it.

"Never thought I'd see the day," he added. "Things won't be the same at I. E. without you, man."

Logan concurred with a grumble.         



"Things won't be the same at I. E. period," Justin chimed in. "With Ivy  bringing in this new guy to help manage, there's no telling what the  hell is about to change. And we all know how anti-change I am."

I moved the table I just took down off to the side before speaking  again. "I thought it was only temporary, though. Her bringing in help, I  mean."

At least that was what I heard. She didn't explain things to the guys in  detail, just that she wanted to bring in an extra body to make sure  things kept running smoothly …  whatever that meant

"Did you all find out who she's bringing in yet?" I asked.

Justin shook his head. "All we know is it's some dude named Sid. Haven't  met him. Don't really want to. Her old man never would've brought a  stranger into the mix just so he could chill while someone else did the  hard stuff."

"How do you know that's it, though? Maybe she's got some stuff that  needs her attention more than the club does. I can relate to that," I  added, but Justin wasn't buying it as he shook his head.

"Nah …  this wouldn't be happening if LeRoy was still running I. E. He  took pride in doing it all on his own and nothing but death came between  him and his business," he added cavalierly, causing the rest of us to  shake our heads at him.

"Well, whatever she has going on, I'm guessing there's a good  explanation. And I'm also guessing she wouldn't put just anyone in  charge. Whoever Sid is, he must be one hell of a businessman for Ivy to  trust him."

Justin didn't say anything else about it after that.

We had everything taken down pretty quickly and then moved on to  shifting the things Brynn and my sisters boxed to the garage where  they'd stay until the truck arrived to pick them up in the morning. The  guys took off after that to get some rest before tonight's show and my  sisters and mother were gone, too, within the hour.

Now it was just me and my two favorite ladies.

Ma had bathed Sophia while the rest of us were outside working, so that  was one less thing that needed to be done. She dozed while Brynn fed  her, but was wide awake again as soon as she was done. I took over then,  holding and playing with her while Brynn showered.

I lived for these moments. I didn't take it lightly that I almost missed  out on all of it. If I'd made the decision in the beginning not to  stick around, or if Brynn and I hadn't figured out a way to work things  out …  I would've missed this. And that made me appreciate it so much  more.

Dark curls framed a round face, the one with sinkholes for dimples. They  were so deep and only added to the beauty that already existed there.  Small, gold studs in her ears marked another milestone. Brynn and I had  just taken her to get them pierced a week before and she looked adorable  with them. When it came to Sophia, there was nothing Brynn and I didn't  do together, no first experience either of us was willing to miss.

She lay there, staring up at me with flailing arms and legs and I had to smile. We did this; Brynn and I.

"Ready for bed, Princessa?" I said, scooping her up from the spot she currently occupied in my bed.

She fit against my shoulder and neck perfectly as I walked with her,  headed for her room just down the hall. The tiny yawn she let out let me  know it wouldn't be long until she drifted. I only rocked her for a few  minutes before her body went still in my arms and I was able to lay her  down.

I got back to the bedroom just as Brynn was stepping out of the shower-smelling like warm apple pie and looking just as tasty.

"Don't you look at me like that," she teased, knowing what I was thinking, knowing what I wanted to do to her.

I sat on the edge of the bed and watched, finding her just as sexy today  as I did from day one. Her body had gone through changes since having  Sophia and she wasn't entirely comfortable with all of them-her breasts  were still a whole cup size bigger than usual, her hips were a little  wider, her thighs a little fuller. However, I didn't mind one damn bit.  In fact, I made it a point to make her feel my attraction to her every  time I looked at her, touched her. That body, regardless of how she felt  about it, was nothing but perfect to me. Then and now.