Reading Online Novel

Marco (The Men of Indecent Exposure #1)(41)

With a half-smile that sent a jolt through the center of my chest, he  left me, headed for the kitchen to prepare our plates. It didn't take  him long to heat them up. In no time, I was seated at his kitchen table  indulging in his mother's good cooking. With nothing but the bowl of  cereal I asked for at the hospital on my stomach, it was a miracle I  didn't just inhale the entire plate. Marco hadn't eaten anything either,  so we both finished pretty quickly.

Afterward, he straightened up and washed the dishes we dirtied, refusing  to let me lift a finger. So, I sat there with my feet propped up like  he insisted, watching water ripple across the surface of his pool just  beyond the deck outside. When he finished, he set me up with the TV  remote and left me on the couch while he disappeared upstairs. He had  something to do and said it wouldn't take long.         



I channel surfed, but nothing held my interest. It was just as well,  though, because Marco came back down ten minutes later and I was all  ears when he spoke four simple words through a smile: "Do you trust me?"

My initial reaction was to laugh, and then I answered honestly. "That all depends."

He laughed, too, but didn't elaborate. The remote was slipped from my  hand and placed on the coffee table after turning off the television. I  didn't know what to think when I was led up to the second floor and the  distinct scent of melon filled the air. A doorway off to the right  emitted a faint, orange glow-that of flickering candles.

Marco's hand went to the small of my back and he gently moved me  forward, reaching around to open the door the rest of the way. The bath  was filled to the brim with suds and a plethora of oils and scrubs lined  the edge. When I peered over at Marco with a questioning look, he  laughed.

"Okay, two things. Number one: I swear all this stuff is mine. These  aren't things some other girl left here, so don't even think it. I'm  just a firm believer in a man enjoying a nice bath every once in a  while." He paused when I laughed. "Number two: I don't have a hidden  agenda. All I want is for you to relax."

I glared at him playfully, but then turned to look at all the trouble  he'd gone through for me. It was a sweet gesture and he totally got  points for it.

"So, get in and get comfortable," he said before casually adding, "I'll be back."

I chuckled again, cocking my head to the side. "You'll be back?" I  asked, jumping to conclusions about what he had in mind. "What happened  to you not having an agenda?"

One corner of his mouth tugged up into a smile and he put his hands up,  struggling to look innocent with a body that screamed ‘Do nasty things  to me'. And those eyes; I was sure they undressed me every time we were  together.

"Serious. I'm just gonna come scrub your back. I swear," was his promise.

Narrowing my eyes in suspicion, the smile Marco gave didn't make me  believe him any more than I already did. "Cross my heart," he added,  making the motion over the right side of his chest with his finger  instead of the left.

I tilted my head and corrected him. "That's the wrong side."

He grinned again, backing out of the room slowly as he explained. "I  know, but this way it won't be a lie when I don't keep my word."

He closed the door as I cracked up at him, feeling that same giddiness  that ended with a kiss last time. Who knows, maybe tonight would end on  the same note.


"You all set?" I called through the door. It'd been about ten minutes or so since I left her to settle in.

"Yeah, you can come in," she answered.

The sound of water lapping against the sides of the tub had me imagining  her naked beneath the suds as I entered. It took everything in me not  to gawk, but I didn't want her to be uncomfortable. This really was just  about pampering her, nothing else. She deserved it. I couldn't even  begin to imagine all the changes her body had gone through. And after  what happened today, she needed to unwind.

"Is the water warm enough?" I asked, unfastening my watch so it wouldn't  get wet. She clocked my every move, releasing a deep breath while I  waited for a response.

A nod came before she spoke. "It's perfect."

I grinned at her, keeping it to myself that I'd spent part of the time I  was up here googling whether it was even safe for a pregnant woman to  soak in a tub at all.

A wide grin spread across her face as I crossed the floor, coming toward the tub.

"What?" I asked, smiling back. The expression was contagious.

Her eyes drifted down to the suds. "Umm …  I'm probably gonna need a towel when I finish in here."

I glanced over toward the rack where I was sure I'd left a white one  laid out already, but it wasn't there now. The sound of a devious giggle  had me turning toward Brynn again.

"I took that one to cover myself with," she confessed.

Now I looked harder, seeing less brown flesh beneath the suds than I  should've. Her slick, preemptive strike made it impossible to get even a  glimpse of the goods. But it was cool. Like I said, this wasn't a set  up. In fact, I put extra bubble bath in her water on purpose, just so  she could sink beneath them where I couldn't see anything.

"You think you're clever, don't you?" I teased.

She pretended to give the statement some thought. "Mmm …  maybe a little."

I loved her smile. She was so damn beautiful.         



The cloth I set out was still on the edge of the tub, so I bent to take  it, setting it right back down when I realized I'd forgotten to remove  my shirt. To avoid getting it wet, I pulled it over my head and set it  on the counter beside the watch I'd taken off. When I faced the tub  again, Brynn was watching me like a hawk, her full, sexy lips parted as  she stared. The moment she realized I caught her, she ditched the  expression. I let her think I didn't see her lusting, but she was. She  definitely was.

"Your uh …  your back," she stammered, referring to the large tattoo she  saw, I assumed. "That's …  it's nice," she said just above a whisper.

Grabbing a fresh bar of soap from the cabinet, I tried not to laugh at  how flustered she was. "Thank you. I've had it a few years."

I approached the edge of the tub and held it while dropping down to my knees.

Long lashes fluttered downward, tracking me as I got close. There was  more sexual tension between us than I realized. We were both wound tight  because of it, making me wonder what would happen if we just …  snapped,  gave in to the feeling.

The back of my hand grazed her thigh when I reached beneath the water to  soak the cloth. It was intentional. I had to touch her somehow. Her  eyes drifted up to meet mine again.

"Lean up," I requested and she complied. The drenched towel she'd tucked  beneath her arms clung to her firm breasts, hiding them from me like it  was meant to do.

Double-Ds at least, I thought to myself. Her hardened nipples had me  zoning out at the sight of them as they pushed against the wet fabric,  their dark tone showing through just enough to make my mouth water. The  thought of touching them entered my mind; damn …  sucking them.

"Is this good?" Brynn asked, folding her body to the max of what was comfortable with her growing belly.

I snapped out of my fantasy and nodded, observing her flawless, glistening skin as I answered. "Perfect."

Lathering her back in small circles, I worked the soap in. Her neck  craned when she lowered her head toward her breasts, letting me know I  was doing it right. I switched it up and scrubbed back and forth,  hopefully helping her relax. She'd twisted her hair up into a bun before  getting in, so I was able to do her neck as well, her shoulders, arms.  Dipping my hand in the water again, I rinsed soap from the cloth until  it was clear, and then raised it again, letting the water run over her  back when I wrung it.

She let out a deep breath. "That feels so good."

I smiled to myself and did it again, watching the tension leave her  shoulders. When her skin was free of soap, I instructed her to lean  back. She did, sinking deep beneath the surface again.

"Give me your foot," I demanded, deciding to focus my attention there  next since I knew they'd been giving her problems, swelling off and on.

A half smile touched her lips and she only hesitated for a second,  propping her left one on the ledge. The cloth went to the side of the  tub so I could use my hands this time. Working up a thick lather between  my palms, I took her foot next, massaging her sole with my thumbs,  slipping my fingers between her red-polished toes. Her eyes closed and I  licked my lips as I touched her. Even without trying, she made me want  to do things to her, filthy things, things that had my dick getting hard  in my jeans.

Warm water covered my hand when I placed her foot beneath the surface  again, taking the other without asking this time. She watched of course,  looking like she'd fallen under a trance. Her lids hung low while her  bottom lip stayed locked between her teeth.