Reading Online Novel

Lydia's Twin Temptation(Divine Creek Ranch 8)(91)

“Okay. My pies are out of the oven. We have hours until the guys will be ready with the briskets. What do you want to do?” She tucked her fingers inside the front placket of his shirt and stroked his chest. He stretched beneath her, pressing his hardened cock against her derriere.

Chance chuckled and said, “Insatiable little thing. Do you have any suggestions for how we could spend our afternoon?”

Lydia glanced from him to Clayton and said, “How about making me The Rancher’s Lady, like on page two hundred seventy-three?”

“Huh?” Chance asked with a chuckle.

Lydia sat up and he let her rise from his lap with some reluctance. “I’ll be right back.”

Giggling at the confused looks on their faces, she ran out of the office and up the stairs. In Chance’s room she found the dog-eared copy of The Rancher’s Lady and hurried back downstairs with it.

Lydia climbed back into Chance’s lap as Clayton rolled closer. She noticed that they both looked like boys who had been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. “Don’t worry, Chance. I don’t care if you or Clayton read erotic romance. It’s my favorite chapter, too.” The ragged paperback flipped open to the page number she mentioned.

Chance tilted her hand so he could see the page she was referring to. “The ménage?”

Clayton drew closer still and said, “Lydia, wouldn’t you rather wait until you’re settled in with us better?”

She’d given this plenty of thought and knew exactly what she wanted. “If you don’t want to, I understand, Clayton. But I want it. Now.” She kept her tone soft and even, not whiny or demanding. She knew what she wanted.

A thrill shot up her spine when she saw the twinkle in his eye and a devilish smile play across his lips. “You do, do you?”

“You trust us that much?” Chance asked.

She settled back in his embrace and gazed into his expressive blue eyes. “I’m a little nervous, but I trust you. I do want it.”

Clayton rose from his chair. “We have all afternoon. Come upstairs.” He walked out of the room without another word and headed that direction. The excitement stirring within her increased. She looked up at Chance, and he raised his eyebrows and nodded. “Don’t worry, baby. We’ll take good care of you.”

“I know you will, handsome.”

The sound of rushing water could be heard as they made their way up to her bedroom. She found Clayton sitting on the edge of the tub, sprinkling some of her lavender bath salts into the tub. Steam rose from the bath and had begun to coat the mirror with condensation. Clayton looked up at her and opened his arms. Without hesitation, she went to him and he wrapped them around her hips. He peered into her eyes and said, “A long, hot soak first, Lydi. I want you as relaxed as possible. We’re big men.”

Lydia smiled at him and nodded. “I know. I love that about you.” The answer referred to both of them, but she gazed into his eyes, wanting him to know how much she valued him and his desire to take care of her.

Nodding, Clayton reached for the hem of her top and lifted it off of her. Chance’s hands snaked around her hips, and her tummy fluttered when his hands traced over her abdomen. He unbuttoned her jeans, and lowered the zipper.

Sensual heat rippled through her pussy when he slid his hands inside her jeans and followed the curve of her hips to her thighs, dragging her jeans and thong down her legs.

A gasp escaped her when Clayton dragged a knuckle over her bare slit. “I enjoy what you’ve done with your pussy, Lydi. It makes you silky soft under my tongue.”

“N–not to mention m–more sensitive,” she stammered as he pressed a kiss against her damp outer lips then made a show of licking his lips clean. Her pussy quivered in response, wanting more kisses.

Clayton said, “But I know that it hurts to be waxed, so it’s up to you if you want to keep it that way. We’ll love your pussy however you groom it.”

Chance kissed her bare shoulder as he released the catch on her bra and said, “I feel the same way. I know a lot of women do it, but don’t feel like we expect it.”

“Thank you. The waxing isn’t super fun, but I love the way it feels afterward. It really does make my pussy more sensitive.” Slowly but surely she was getting used to talking about her body like that with them, and it no longer felt foreign to refer to it as her pussy.

Clayton grinned and murmured, “Oh, yeah?” He leaned forward and licked again, this time flicking his tongue deeper into her slit and lapping at her juices before giving her clit a teasing swipe.

She braced her hand on his shoulders and panted happily. “Yeah, definitely.”