Reading Online Novel

Lydia's Twin Temptation(Divine Creek Ranch 8)(87)

“I’ve been a walking heartache

I’ve made a mess of me

The person that I’ve been lately

Ain’t who I wanna be”

He accidentally bumped into someone and grinned when he looked up and noticed it was Evan and Rosemary Garner. Evan chuckled and muttered, “Get a room, lovebirds.”

Rosemary giggled and waved, giving him a not-so-subtle thumbs-up and pointed at Lydia who didn’t see the gesture. Clayton smiled at Rosemary and then turned his full attention back to Lydia, who had pressed her cheek against his chest.

“There’s more here than what we’re seeing

A divine conspiracy

That you, an angel lovely

Could somehow fall for me

You’ll always be love’s great martyr

And I’ll be the flattered fool

And I need you”

Clayton had never had a girlfriend with whom he’d had a deep enough connection that they actually had a song that was their own, like an anthem. But listening to those words, he knew that he was hearing “their song.”

“On my own I’m only

Half of what I could be

I can’t do without you…”

He kissed the top of her head, breathing in her unique, womanly scent, and hoped she would come to understand how precious she was to him.

“And for when I think I’ve lost my way

There are no words here left to say

It’s true

God gave me you, gave me you

He gave me you”

Lydia smiled up at him, and he wondered if her thoughts weren’t along the same lines. He didn’t care what anyone thought when he wrapped his arms around her middle and lifted her so she was eye level with him and kissed her. She caught his hat as they knocked it askew with their kiss and put it on her own head as she kept kissing him. Her luscious body pressed against his from her breasts to the toe of her boots was all he needed in the whole world.

Finally she broke the kiss and breathlessly said, “I love you, Clayton. You make me so happy.” Dancers moved around them as the song ended and another began.

“I love you, Lydi. I want to love you forever.”

Tears glimmered in her eyes and his heart pounded so hard she had to be able to feel it, as tightly as they were pressed together.

* * * *

Chance pulled a chair back as Rachel and Eli Wolf walked up to his table while Clayton and Lydia were on the dance floor. Eli helped her into the chair, and Chance smiled when she placed her hand on her little bulging abdomen and gently stroked.

“How are you doing these days, Rachel? Feeling good?”

Rachel smiled broadly and nodded. “I feel great. I thought the stomach flu was going to kill me when it went around a few weeks ago, but I feel great now.”

Chance noticed Eli caressed her shoulders from where he stood behind her and proudly said, “She felt the baby move for the first time this week.”

Chance chuckled and patted Rachel’s arm. “That’s great news. When is the baby due?”

Rachel said, “Right around Christmas.”

“That’s a great Christmas present,” he replied.

Eli said, “I think so, too.”

Rachel put her hand on Chance’s arm, looked him in the eye, and said, “Not to change the subject, because I could talk about the baby all day, but do her brothers know she is in Divine yet?”

He must’ve had an “oh crap” look on his face because Rachel continued, “Don’t worry. I won’t say anything. I only just figured it out a few minutes ago, because this is where we met Ace two years ago. The resemblance is very strong. Grace already said she looked familiar.”

“She plans to tell them soon. We don’t want to pressure her.”

“You can bet if she meets Summer the cat is going to be out of the bag. I’ve heard him and Kemp talk about their baby sister. I’ll bet they act just like pit bulls on steroids where she’s concerned.” Unsaid was that if they found out before Lydia told them, the shit was going to hit the fan. He still wasn’t worried. It wouldn’t be the end of the world, but he hated the thought of Lydia upset.

Rachel looked at the dance floor and said, “My lips are sealed, I hope it works out okay.” Clayton and Lydia made their way from the dance floor.

“I have a good feeling about it, but I appreciate your concern. And congratulations on feeling the baby kicking.”

Lydia smiled at him across the room, her eyes glowing with happiness, before Clayton distracted her, introducing her to another friend of theirs. He imagined her, someday when the time was right, a beautiful glow in her cheeks and her hand stroking her pregnant abdomen. He hoped things worked out for them because he found, for the first time, that he could envision their house with a new baby, a family, in it.