Reading Online Novel

Lydia's Twin Temptation(Divine Creek Ranch 8)(60)

His brows quirked when he saw the faucet handle in her hand. “Don’t know your own strength, baby?” he teased. “I brought you a cup of coffee,” he said, indicating the mug in his hand.

She traded the faucet handle for the mug and enjoyed the ease of the moment as he leaned down and planted a leisurely good morning kiss on her lips. “It was loose yesterday. I forgot to say something about it.”

“I’ll see what I can do about it. You can use my shower if you want to.”

She took a sip of her hot, sweet coffee. He’d remembered how she liked it. “Thanks. Did both of you sleep with me last night, in your bed?”

He played with a lock of her hair before tucking it behind her ear as a slow, sexy smile crossed his lips. “Yes, we did. We got in late, and after we took our showers we found you in my room. So we tucked you in with us. Did you sleep well?”

She paused and said, “Yes. I normally have trouble sleeping, but last night I did fine, obviously, if I never noticed you lifting me from the chair and putting me in bed. Did you get much sleep?”

“A couple of hours, but that’s how it goes sometimes.” Chance yawned, as if inspired by their conversation, and said, “Why don’t you use my shower and I’ll see about getting this fixed. Breakfast is downstairs for you, too.” She was struck by how comfortable she was, talking to him in her nightie as he leaned against the bathroom doorjamb. Not that her body wasn’t responding to his gaze with some heat of its own as her clearly visible nipples hardened under his gaze. The moment just felt right.

“Thank you. It was thoughtful of you to bring me coffee. Something happened last night after you both left that you should be aware of.”

Chance nodded. “Parker?” At her nod, he said, “Gil told us he caught him on the porch. Did he scare you?”

Lydia bit her lip and nodded. “Yeah, a little. I was afraid I was all alone with him there. I was relieved when Gil pulled up. It sounded like he wasn’t where he was supposed to be.”

Chance shook his head. “He wasn’t. We warned him to follow orders from now on.”

Satisfied with that, Lydia said, “Thank you. I hope he takes your advice. I’ll be down in a few minutes.” He kissed her again and left with the faucet handle. Lydia grabbed her toiletries and clothing and went down the hall to the bathroom that adjoined Clayton’s and started one of the showers. She stripped and got under the hot spray and groaned quietly as the hot water pummeled against her head and shoulders, erasing the last of the tension from the grass fire and Parker’s unwelcome visit. She hoped he heeded Chance’s warning. She lathered and rinsed off then squeezed the hot water through her hair in preparation for washing it. She opened her eyes and caught a glimpse of a dark head through the frosted glass a split second before the shower door swung open.

“Hey, Chance. Did you not get all the soot off you?” Clayton poked his head in the shower, she gasped, and then his eyes bugged. “Oh, damn! Lydi, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were in here.” His eyes were glued to her and he seemed incapable of looking away as his gaze travelled slowly down her body.

She could’ve reacted like a prude, screaming at his sudden appearance, but that reaction seemed out of line with their relationship so far. “It’s okay, Clayton. You just surprised me.”

He stood there like a statue, and she finally went back to what she was doing, feeling a little slutty as she allowed him to look her over. She gazed up at him through half-shut eyes as she wet her hair again.

Clayton’s eyes smoldered with blue fire as he looked his fill, and her pussy swelled with a corresponding wave of heat. Even though she was in the shower, she felt the hot moisture seep from her pussy in response to his stare. She poured shampoo in her hand and lathered her hair.

He never took his eyes off her, and she was acutely aware of how her nipples hardened as her breasts swayed with each move of her arms. They seemed to swell under his gaze, and it was honestly the most sexually stimulating moment of her life.

There were no words necessary as his gaze dipped from her breasts to the dark triangle of curls between her legs. His cheeks were slightly flushed, and she noticed the thick ridge that bulged at his groin. Her pussy clenched at the thought of giving herself to him, and it made her bold as she finished rinsing her hair and then shut off the water.

She turned to the shower doorway, water dripping from her hair and her body. “You slept with me last night?”

Blinking his eyes as though he were in a daze, Clayton nodded. “We did. You were sound asleep, even when we tucked you in between us. It was hard to not touch you. You’re like a little angel when you’re sleeping.”