Reading Online Novel

Lydia's Twin Temptation(Divine Creek Ranch 8)(59)

“She’s going to wake up with a stiff neck if we leave her like that,” Chance whispered as he stood gazing down at her angelic, sleeping face. “Pull back the covers, will you?”

“On your bed? You don’t want to put her in her bed?” Clayton asked, sounding uncertain.

“If you were me, would you take her to her own bed?”

“Good point.” Clayton pulled back the covers on the king-size bed, and Chance gently lifted her from the rocker. Beneath the throw blanket, her limbs were silky and warm and his cock tingled and stiffened in response. He carried her the regrettably short distance to the bed and laid her on it. He removed the throw blanket and was about to cover her when he noticed her nightie.

His eyes had adjusted to the dark a little, so he was able to see that she hadn’t worn her robe. She must have intended to go back to her own bed before they returned home because she was clad only in a skimpy little nightgown that barely reached her upper thighs.

Clayton’s voice was low and intense. “Damn, she’s beautiful.”

Chance’s cock came fully erect as he recalled seeing her fully naked in her motel room just a few days before. Now here she was, curvy and luscious, sleeping in his bed. Chance recalled her saying that she was a restless sleeper, but she lay perfectly still.

* * * *

Lydia stretched slowly and rolled over. The stretch rippled through the muscles in her torso and thighs. She curled around the pillow next to her on the bed. She breathed deep, caught the scent in the pillow, and her eyes flashed open.

Where am I?

She was in Chance’s bedroom. Thinking about it for a second as her brain began to function properly, she remembered sitting in Chance’s room, watching the glow of the grass fire on the ridge. Heat came into her cheeks as she recalled that she’d donned her white lace baby-doll nightie for bed the night before. She hadn’t intended to fall asleep in his room so hadn’t bothered with a robe.

Chance must’ve found her and carried her to his bed. Smiling, she buried her nose in his pillow and inhaled deeply. Lying there, breathing in his scent, she was instantly hot and wet between her legs. Chance seemed very talented at getting her into that state with amazing speed. Her internal clock was telling her to get up, and she wondered what time it was. She rolled over to reach for her phone on the other nightstand. Yawning, she laid her head on the other pillow as she squinted at the screen.

Her heart flip-flopped in her chest when she breathed in Clayton’s dark, spicy scent. She looked around the dim room, verifying that she was definitely in Chance’s room and buried her nose in the pillow again. It was definitely Clayton’s scent that she breathed in, and her pussy confirmed it by trembling with arousal.

They both slept with me last night?

She’d just changed the sheets on Chance’s bed the day before and knew she wasn’t mistaking them. They must’ve both come in and found her, then put her to bed and slept with her. They hadn’t taken advantage of the moment either. She smiled as she crawled to the end of the bed and sat on the edge. Stretching again, she thought how considerate it had been of Chance, or Clayton, to put her to bed instead of leaving her folded up in the rocker.

Padding down the hall, she heard distant voices coming from the kitchen. She was running just a few minutes late, but if she hurried, she might be able to have a cup of coffee with them before they went out to the barns for the morning. She went into the bathroom and reached for the faucets in the shower.

She’d noticed the morning before that the hot water faucet was loose but had forgotten to mention it to the men. Now, this morning, it came off in her hand. She stood looking at it quizzically. “Hmm.”

She heard Chance’s voice in the hallway. “Baby?” He must’ve paused at his doorway, because now she heard his footsteps as he came closer. “Lydia?”

“I’m in here, Chance.” She knew it was Chance, even though their voices were as identical as their faces. His voice had a sexy, musical lilt to it, and his endearment for her was “baby.” She turned to the bathroom door as he leaned against it, looking her over with a smile. Her bathrobe was hanging on the back of the bathroom door but she decided it was pointless to grab it. Chance had already seen her in considerably less. His gaze was a warm caress as he looked her over admiringly.

“Good morning, gorgeous.”

“Thanks.” When she’d bought the white lace nightie on a lark, it had fit well and been comfortable, so it was one of the few things she’d decided to bring with her when she journeyed to Fort Stockton. She would’ve thought she’d feel self-conscious for either of them to see her in it, but the appreciation in his gaze made her glad she’d chosen to wear it last night.