Reading Online Novel

In Pursuit of His Wife(3)

"I know and I do not care for it."

"And you waited ten years to tell me?"

"It seemed simpler not to make waves and avoid conflict."

Did she think so little of him? "I'm not your father, Nasira. If you want something from me, you need only ask."

She stared at him a few moments. "I want another baby."

The one thing he felt he could not give her. "Impossible."

"Why, Sebastian?"

He could only offer her a partial truth. "You had a devil of a time when you miscarried. The doctor said-"

"That I am quite capable of conceiving again and carrying to full term.  The risk is not any greater than any woman who has lost a child in the  first trimester."

He imagined his own mother had believed that very thing. "Look, this is not the time or the place to discuss this."

She lifted her chin and leveled a determined glare on him. "Unless we  discuss it, I will not be returning to London with you in the  foreseeable future."

Sebastian swallowed around his shock. Not once during their time  together had she issued threats. "We will talk about this some other  time."

The waitress returned with their drinks, and they waited in silence for  their order to arrive. All conversation ceased as they ate food that  was surprisingly palatable. He spent a good deal of time watching the  patrons, when he wasn't watching his wife pick at her meal.

Unfortunately, she only afforded him a glance when he asked, "How do you find the fare?"

"Adequate," she said and then took another bite.

He wondered if he would spend the next few days dealing with one-word  answers while attempting to convince her to come home. Would she rebuff  his advances, or eventually return to what they once had? He longed for  the latter. He longed for her. All of her. First, he had to regain her  trust and respect, if at this juncture, and in light of his mistakes,  that were even possible.

By the time he had paid the bill, Sebastian worried he had ruined his chances at reconciliation.

Not yet. Not until he convinced her they belonged together, with or  without children. How exactly he would achieve that goal remained to be  seen. He knew only one way to do this-by using a tried and true  technique that had never failed to turn her into clay in his hands.

* * *

"Sebastian, what are you doing?"

"Finding a private place to talk."

He had definitely found it, Nasira realized when he continued past the  Wild Aces and took a dirt road that forked to the right. Once he reached  the fence line, he backed the truck up beneath some low-hanging tree  branches.

Before Nasira could voice a protest, Sebastian slid out of the seat,  rounded the hood and opened her door. "Now if you will come with me  please."

Clearly he had taken leave of his senses. "I refuse to traipse around in the dark, Sebastian."

"We're not going to traipse. We're going to sit in the back of this truck."

She felt certain that might not be in her best interests. "Why can we not remain in the front seat?"

"Because it's a beautiful night that should be spent beneath the stars and the moon."

She started to say they could barely see the stars but the opportunity  to respond was lost when he reached in, took her by the waist, and  lifted her out and onto her feet. "First that dreadful fight with Mac,  and now you are manhandling me like some Neanderthal. What has come over  you?"

"My behavior isn't necessarily so out-of-character for me, though it's been quite a few years since I've engaged in it."

Nasira released a cynical laugh. "You will have a difficult time  convincing me that you ever behaved in that manner. In all the years  I've known you, I have never seen you raise your voice, much less your  hand."                       


He smiled. "Oh, you would be surprised what a scrapper I was in my  formative years. I managed to get tossed out of three boarding schools  before I finally settled down in my final year before university."

She could barely make out his smile, but she could hear the pride in  his voice. "That is definitely news to me and frankly somewhat  appalling."

He leaned over and brushed a kiss across her cheek. "Are you certain you're appalled, or did it perhaps impress you?"

It had both surprised and in some ways set her senses on fire, not that  she would dare make that admission. "It served to remind me what  ridiculously volatile creatures men can be."

"Let's find a place to sit before we continue this conversation."

As long as they remained upright, she should be safe from giving in to  his sensual charms. Then again, he had not attempted to touch her in so  long, she could not even imagine that would be his goal. "Fine. But I  only wish to stay for a while. I am fatigued from all the drama  tonight."

"No more drama," he said as he took her by the hand and led her to the  rear of the vehicle. "Now to ascertain how this bloody thing opens."

Before Sebastian could make a move to investigate, Nasira pulled the  latch and lowered the tailgate. "It is really quite simple."

"How did you learn to do that?" he asked, sheer awe in his tone.

She shrugged. "I've seen Rafiq open one."

Sebastian reached out and brushed her hair away from her shoulder. "You are truly an amazing woman."

"Why? Because I can trip a release on a truck?"

"Because you are so observant and incredibly beautiful."

As much as she appreciated the compliment, she also recognized he had  never paid her many, except about her physical attributes. "Thank you. I  suppose we should get this over with so I can get a good night's  sleep."

Without warning, he hoisted her up on the edge of the gate, causing her  dress's hem to ride up her thighs. And while she made the appropriate  adjustments, he climbed into the truck bed and had the nerve to position  himself behind her, his long legs dangling on either side of hers. "Are  you comfortable?" he asked as he circled his arms around her middle.

Uncomfortable would be more accurate; she didn't-or shouldn't-welcome  the close contact. "No, I am not. I cannot have a decent conversation  when I cannot see your face."

"You only have to listen to my voice."

Oh, that voice. That low, grainy bedroom voice that had enticed her on  so many nights. And days. No matter how deep their conflicts had run, he  had always been able to seduce her into submission. Granted, she had  done her share of seducing as well, including the night she had  conceived their child-without telling him she had stopped taking her  birth control pills, which was information she had concealed until she  had confirmed the pregnancy. Somehow he had forgiven the deception, or  so he had said, yet she believed he had never forgotten it.

Nasira found herself leaning back against him, and turning her thoughts  to the danger of succumbing to his power when he moved her hair aside  and feathered kisses on her neck. "This is wrong, Sebastian," she said  with little conviction.

"Remember that night in the carriage?" he said, proving he was bent on ignoring her concerns.

"Yes, I remember." How could she forget? On their honeymoon, he had  arranged for a horse-drawn tour of Bath, which had led to taboo touching  beneath the blanket, all leading up to a night she would never forget.  The night she had lost her virginity and in some ways, her heart.

He slid one palm down her throat and traveled beneath the bodice where  he cupped her breast through the lace bra. "I recall you were trembling,  as you are now."

She hadn't noticed that at all. Her attention remained drawn to his  fingertip circling her nipple now bound in a tight knot. "I was somewhat  nervous."

"You were hot," he whispered. "I imagine you're hot now."

Before Nasira could prepare, Sebastian parted her legs with his free  hand while sliding his other underneath the bra. "Pull your dress up to  your waist."                       


The request was both startling and highly erotic. "Why?"

"So you might see what I'm doing to you."

As badly as she wanted his attention, she did not wish to make another  grave mistake by giving in too soon. "This behavior will solve nothing,  Sebastian."

He continued to fondle her breast without missing a beat. "I disagree.  It will solve our need for each other. It will serve to remind us how  we've always needed each other."

So caught up in his seduction, she clung to the last thread of sanity,  relying on bitter memories to maintain her composure. "You haven't been  concerned about my needs for months."