Reading Online Novel

In Pursuit of His Wife(9)

"How did the two of you meet?" Nasira asked, overcome with curiosity.

"In a Vegas lounge," Fiona said. "I happened to be bartending when he walked in and he thought I was someone else."

"Someone else?"

"Yes. An FBI agent. It's a long story but let's just say that  particular night started a harrowing adventure that led to this  wonderful life full of love and chaos and beautiful children. And  speaking of children, this is where the babies stay."

Fiona opened the double doors to a large nursery that Nasira could only  describe as a children's wonderland. A majestic white canopy crib  draped in sheer pale green netting to complement the gender-neutral  decor had been positioned between two windows. Stuffed animals of all  shapes and sizes dotted built-in shelves that also held trinkets and  framed photos of the Shakir children at various points of their life. It  was a remarkable place that indicated a very happy family lived here.

Fiona pointed to a small bed to their right. "Liana still sleeps there  for the time being. We'll move her upstairs to the big girl room right  before the baby comes. At least that's the plan. I'm not sure how well  her daddy is going to take not having her nearby."

Nasira could see where that might be an issue. "They seem to be very close."

"She's definitely a daddy's girl. You'll figure that one out if you and Sebastian have a daughter."

Regret and memories washed over Nasira as she walked to the crib and  ran her hand over the soft coral blanket folded at the end of the  mattress. How many times had she imagined her own baby in such a  precious bed? How many times had she cried over the end of that dream?  Her hand automatically came to rest on her abdomen, and then the  familiar tears arrived as sudden as a summer rain. Unwelcome tears that  she could not seem to control.

She felt a hand on her shoulder. "Nasira, are you okay?"

Not in the least. She turned around and sniffed. "I had a miscarriage  six months ago. It was early in the pregnancy but still no less  devastating."

Fiona snapped a tissue from the box on the changing table and handed it to her. "I'm so sorry, Nasira, and I can relate."

She dabbed at her eyes. "You can?"

"Like you, I had a first trimester miscarriage between Kal and Sam. It broke my heart."                       


Finally, someone who could understand and perhaps provide insight. "How did Darin react to the loss?"

Fiona shrugged. "He was extremely supportive even though he didn't  touch me for a couple of months. I think he worried I might break."

"Sebastian avoided me for six months."

Fiona's green eyes went wide. "You haven't made love since you lost the baby?"

Nasira felt the urge to confess, yet thought it best not to reveal too  much. "That was the case until last night, although I am still in a  quandary over how it happened. In fact, the whole evening was rather  odd."

"I'd think you would be relieved," Fiona said. "Six months is a long time without making whoopee."

"True, but Sebastian's behavior was completely out of character. First  of all, he arrived at Rafiq's house uninvited and punched Mac McCallum  because he believed we were having some sort of tryst, which is  absolutely absurd."

Fiona gasped. "He did not!"

"He did. I was completely shocked by his behavior yet admittedly  somewhat attracted to his sudden show of machismo. Sebastian is usually  so controlled."

Fiona chuckled. "I know exactly what you mean because Darin is like  that, too. But there's no shame in wanting to jump his bones after he  defended your honor, even if he mistakenly thought you were fooling  around."

Nasira had definitely wanted him, yet she had never been the aggressor  in the relationship. "For the sake of accuracy, I was not exactly  looking to rekindle our love life at that moment. Yet he convinced me to  have dinner with him and then he virtually seduced me in the  ridiculously large pickup truck he rented."

"Welcome to Texas, girlfriend. Sex in a pickup truck is practically a sport."

Nasira couldn't contain her smile. "That actually came later, in the  middle of the night, after Sebastian had two toddies on top of his jet  lag." She sighed. "You must think I am a complete dolt, telling you all  the sordid details."

Fiona folded her arms across her middle. "Hey, I'm a good listener, and  it's sure not stupid to want to make love to your husband."

Then why did she feel so foolish? "I should not want him after what he  has done. Or what he has not done. Not only did he avoid lovemaking, any  serious communication between us has been at a complete standstill. He  refuses to talk about our loss or how he feels about it."

"Darin isn't a great communicator, either," Fiona said. "But I can't  imagine him completely shutting down and if he does try that, I have  ways to make him talk."

"Sebastian has not only shut down, he acts as if he no longer wants  children. Maybe he never has. In fact, I had to stop taking..." She had  already revealed too much. Said too much. "Again, I do apologize for  burdening you with my problems."

"Burden away, Nasira. We're members of the miscarriage club and it's not a good club to join."

"No, it is not."

Fiona's face took on a serious expression. "If you don't mind me  asking, do you know why your husband suddenly changed his mind about  being a father?"

This would be the most difficult part to explain. "Actually, we met and  married very quickly and we never actually discussed it at length. I  did know that his father and stepmother were adamant that he produce an  heir because he is an only child, so I mistakenly assumed we would  eventually have children. Yet it took years before we finally  conceived." With some regrettable deception on her part.

"If he doesn't change his mind, what are you going to do?"

"I have no clue at this point in time." And she really didn't.

Fiona patted her cheek. "Stick to your guns, Nasira. It's one thing if  both parties don't want a baby, but it's another thing if one does and  one doesn't. Regardless, I hope you both work it out."

So did Nasira. "That's why we are here. I initially came to Royal to  check up on my brother and gain some space, yet Sebastian insisted on  following me. We have both agreed to try to compromise. Hopefully,  opening your home to us will aid in that goal."                       


"It's a magical place," Fiona said with a grin. "But just another bit  of friendly advice. If he has sex on his mind, don't make it easy for  him until you know you're both on the same page when it comes to the  future. If he doesn't want to talk, then give him a little nudge."

If only she had mastered that tack. "What do you suggest?"

"Be a seductress, but play hard to get to get what you need. Eventually you'll have him eating out of your hand."

"Would that not make me a tease?"

"Sometimes we have to resort to desperate measures, Nasira. Playing cat  and mouse always drives Darin insane, and I guess that's why we have so  many kids."

They shared in a laugh and a surprising embrace before Fiona said, "Let's go see if the men have come in from the stables."

Nasira felt she should express her gratitude again. "Let's. And please  know how much I appreciate your candor and comradeship. You have  bolstered my optimism."

"No problem, Nasira. We girls have just got to stick together."

* * *

The sound of feminine laughter filtered into the chef's kitchen,  leading Sebastian to believe the two wives must be getting along  famously. He couldn't exactly say the same when it came to his  connection to Darin Shakir. The man spoke in brief sentences and  appeared to be incapable of smiling, unless it was directed at his  daughter. However, he had been a polite host during their tour of the  stables, right down to pointing out where Sebastian should step to  prevent ruining his Italian loafers.

As Nasira moved into the room, chatter went on around him but he tuned  it out and focused on watching his wife. Even after all the years they'd  spent together, Sebastian still found her grace and beauty  breathtaking. He liked the way she kept her slender hands in motion when  she spoke. He liked the way her dark eyes lit up when she laughed. He  truly relished her breasts that were unfortunately concealed by her  black hair falling in soft waves, crimped from the braid she'd worn to  bed last night. He imagined those silken locks on his chest, along with  her soft lips, moving down his belly and lower....