Reading Online Novel

How (Not) To Be Seduced By Billionaires (Books 1-3)(36)

"I can't help it! Don't you know a woman can hemorrhage when a hymen---"

Constantijin stilled at the sight of me near tears. "Yanna." His voice gentled. "I won't hurt you. Surely you know that by now?"

"I know that, but" My hands flapped towards his ever-growing cock. "It's..." I threw my arms wide open. "It's huge!"

This time, it was Constantijin's lips which twitched.

"You should never have given me time to think," I mumbled. "We should  have done it like before, you kissing me until I can't think---"         



He kissed me then, putting a stop to my rambling but pulling away before  I could lose myself in it. Constantijin smiled. "We won't have to do  anything tonight. We can just lay here together, sleep in each other's  arms." He brushed my hair away slowly. "You are the only woman I am  willing to wait for."

The words touched me, more deeply than I knew he was aware of. I would  never have thought he could say something like that. Most guys would  have laughed at my fears. Most would have thought I was playing coy. But  he did none of those, and it just made me love him more. Letting  impulse be my guide, I went on my knees as well and unclipped my bra  with trembling fingers.

Constantijin sucked his breath in.

Voice trembling as hard as my body, I said shyly, "Make me yours."

He didn't need another invitation. He pushed me to my back, and I let  myself fall against the bed, my legs sliding open of its own accord as  he settled his weight in between, his arousal a throbbing and pulsing  hardness that made me whimper involuntarily.

He looked into my eyes. "Mine."

"Yours---" And my word faded into a moan as Constantijin bent down to  cup my breasts with each hand before taking one nipple in, fingers  squeezing to have my nipple move further into my mouth.

Small, pleasure-tinged cries filled the room, and it took a while for  the realization to sink in  –  that those sounds were coming from me, and I  couldn't  –  I just couldn't stop making them. He was kissing me  everywhere, touching me in the parts where it ached the most. As he  sucked on my other nipple, his other hand was already stroking me into  wetness, teasing me over the lace before tearing it apart.

He sucked harder, causing me to gasp and arch my back. It was exactly  what he wanted because it brought my sex up, too, and one finger easily  found its way past the folds.

"Constantijin!" I couldn't help crying out his name as he started moving  his fingers. I didn't know how long it lasted. All I knew was that  having him inside me  –  even if it wasn't his cock  –  already felt more  pleasure than I could bear. And then his finger was joined by another  and another and by then I couldn't help pushing my hips up to meet every  thrust his fingers made.

"Please," I begged him. It was all I could manage to say, but I knew he would understand.

And he did.

I watched Constantijin tear open a foil package and cover himself with a  condom before returning to me. He pushed my thighs to open wider.  "Soon," he promised just before his head disappeared down and then he  was licking me. The pleasure was on me the moment his tongue reached my  clit and I jerked against him.

He immediately reared up, bracing his arms against each side of me. As I  cried out in ecstasy, Constantijin's cock nudged against my entrance.

I shivered in anticipation even though I was still coming, the waves of  pleasure only softening ever so slightly. "Please," I panted.

"Yes, now." The head of his cock finally entered my body, and it was  fuller than his fingers combined, the sensation unbelievably raw and  consuming.

My arms went around him, my nails scraping down to dig into his back. "Please, please---ah."

Constantijin had suddenly thrust hard, his cock going all the way in,  easily breaking the flimsy barrier that made up my virginity.

It was painful, but in an agonizingly beautiful way that had tears stinging my eyes in a mixture of joy and hurt.

A fine sheen of sweat covered Constantijin's body, the muscles in his  strong arms tensing as he did his best to keep his weight from crushing  me. "Does it hurt?"

It took a while to find my voice. "N-no."

Without a word, Constantijin slowly pulled out, and I let out a sound of  protest. But it was immediately cut off by the blazing sensation of  pleasure that took over my body when Constantijin just as abruptly and  completely thrust back in.

"Does that hurt?" he rasped out.

My arms tightened around him as my eyes closed shut in bliss. "No."

Constantijin's thrusts took on a rhythm, one that was agonizing in its slowness. "Faster," I gasped out.

He increased his tempo, a fleeting grin touching his wonderfully shaped lips as he looked down on me. "Like this, sweetheart?"

Even as I blushed at the look in his eyes, I couldn't help moaning, "Yes."

The faster thrusts of his cock into my body made me arch up against him  as I did my best to match his tempo. But still there was something  missing, and the wicked gleam in his silvery eyes told me that he knew  what it was  –  and he was deliberately keeping it away from me.

"Constantijin!" I beat his chest half-heartedly.         



He laughed, asking innocently, "What?"

"You know what!"

"No, I don't. What do you want?" He pulled all the way out, the head of his cock teaching my wet folds.

I beat his chest again as I growled, "Constantijin---"

"Tell me to fuck you."

My eyes widened.

He laughed, a sexy sound that had my fingers curling against his chest  in a heightened sense of desire. "Tell me to fuck you hard."

I shook my head.

He started moving his hips in a circular fashion, causing his hard cock to dance against my folds, and I moaned.

"Say it."

And I said almost angrily, "Fuck me hard, damn you!"

The words were barely out of my mouth when Constantijin's cock slammed  back into me, with such fierce roughness that it completely took my  breath away. And then he was pounding into me, so hard I could feel  myself sinking deeper into the softness of the bed. But it was  beautiful, addictive, and I found myself twisting my legs around his  waist to pull him closer. We rocked against each other, his cock never  stopping in its hard and furious claiming, and I cried out as I felt my  body start to stir in a very familiar way, one that had my toes curling  against his back.


"I know, sweetheart," he said harshly even as he kept on pounding into  me. With each thrust, his cock seemed to sink an inch deeper and claim  another piece of my heart.

It was almost there  –  and I was almost there, but I couldn't reach it,  making me sob his name in frustration and desire. "Please," I gasped  out. "Please---" I broke off when I felt Constantijin's hands move under  my body, grasping the curves of my bottom.

He shifted over me, and when he drove inside me again, I gasped because  this time each thrust hit my clit. By the third thrust, he had me flying  over the edge.

"Aaaaaaah." I sobbed as the sensations nearly threatened to split my  body apart. Constantijin hadn't stopped thrusting in and out of me as I  let go, his movements becoming more frenzied.

He let out a shout and as he tensed above me, I looked up at him.

His head was thrown back, his eyes welded shut in pleasure, a guttural sound escaping his mouth as he continued to come.

At that moment, he looked so very beautiful  –  more so because I knew I  had somehow pleased him the way he was always skillfully able to please  my body. I bit my lip until the metallic taste of blood hit me. Bleeding  was so much better than saying what my heart kept screaming.

I love you, I love you, I love you.

Lesson #5

Your billionaire can be treacherous without even knowing it.

He will make you want to say the words you cannot say.

"Shit." The word slipped out before I could stop it when I rolled over  to my back and saw the time on the window-like clock at the left side of  the bed. Made of silver and glass panes, its transparent parts let  early morning sunlight filter inside the bedroom.

It was five in the morning already, and if I didn't want to be late for work, I had to leave now.

"Constantijin?" I whispered, touching his naked shoulder gingerly.

He stirred but didn't wake. He was lying on his stomach, his head turned  towards me and resting over one curled arm, as if he had fallen asleep  watching me. The whimsical thought made me gulp. It tempted me to forget  about reality and just stay there, but I knew I couldn't  –  wouldn't  –   do that. I didn't want Constantijin to think I took advantage of him and  his position at the office the first chance I got.

I decided to try one more time before leaving. Ruffling his hair gently, I whispered, "Constantijin?"