Reading Online Novel

How (Not) To Be Seduced By Billionaires (Books 1-3)(35)



"I'll see you at work, Yanna. Take care."

Constantijin answered before I could. "I always take care of what's mine."

"I'll believe it when I see it---sir."

Constantijin stiffened. "If you are saying that I cannot fucking take care---"

Drake was already walking away, but he said over his shoulder, "That's not what I'm doubting."

I choked, a second too late in realizing what that meant. Alyx was even  worse, laughing outright as Constantijin cursed in fluid Dutch.

Alyx's eyes suddenly narrowed. "You will take care of her, won't you?"

"With everything I have," Constantijin answered, his words strongly accented. It made me blink back tears.

An impish grin appeared on her face.


"Alyx, don't---"

"And you will take care of her that way, too, right?"


Constantijin lifted a brow at me before glancing back at my friend, his tone curious as he asked, "In what way?"

Alyx slowly started backing away, which was smart of her because if she  had been close enough for me to reach, she'd be, like, totally under six  thousand feet by now.

She said airily, "Oh, you know, like sex?"

Constantijin coughed.

"She's still a V, but I'm sure you know that and I'm equally sure you know what to do with it."

Lesson #4

Your billionaire knows a billion ways to please your body,

but he will not want to know that he has also pleased your heart.

Over my admittedly weak protests, Constantijin had booked us into the  penthouse suite of the nearest five-star hotel to the station, which was  literally a block away. The limousine dropped us at the basement  parking level, where the manager  –  his name tag said so  –  waited for us,  next to the hotel's private lift.

"Mr. Kastein, everything has been arranged according to your  specifications." He bowed, his eyes never straying towards me even  though I was pretty sure he was dying of curiosity why a billionaire had  a female inmate in his arms.

Constantijin had still insisted on carrying me in his arms, like he  wanted to atone for being late by treating me like a spoiled princess.  It was embarrassing, of course, but it was also poignantly sweet.

"Thank you. Make sure we are not disturbed."

"Yes, Mr. Kastein." The manager bowed then swiped his card on the elevator.

The doors slid closed.

Feeling his heated gaze on me, which made me feel jittery, I said  hurriedly, "Is this a new hotel?" I had lived all my life in Florida,  but I hadn't even known this one existed until now.


"What's its name?"

"It doesn't have one."

This time, I frowned in exasperation. "I'm serious."

"And I'm not either, schat."

Oh, God. The way he said that word  –  which I still hadn't managed to  look up  –  made my whole body shiver. And the damn man knew it!


"You need to have at least one billion dollars in your account before  you are sent an invitation by its management. It is how it keeps its  clientele exclusive. Even if you were a client before but your bank  account now is a dollar shy from a billion, then you would not be  admitted here."

My jaw dropped  –  well actually it had done so the moment he said you had to be a billionaire just to be a hotel guest.

"This building has ten floors  –  and there is only one suite in each  floor, except for the penthouse suite, which has the top two floors."

"You're totally pulling my leg."

"You may explore the entire hotel---" He paused.

I tried not to squirm since that pause seemed the type you should be waiting for.

"After I finally take what's mine."

I'm not going to ask him what that is. I'm so not going to---

It was hopeless.

Glancing away, I asked breathlessly, "And that's?"

His lips touched my ear, and his whisper set my body on fire. "Your virginity."

Constantijin only let me down when we entered the suite and I  immediately held on to the first solid thing that could support me,  which was a pole.

A pole?

My head jerked up, and I gasped when I realized that I was holding on to  one of the steel bars of an unlocked human-sized cage. It was large  enough to incarcerate a team, but its vast size probably had more to do  with the actual dancing pole it had at the center.

I heard Constantijin shut the double doors closed behind me, and then  the lights went out, making me gasp as the entire room was plunged into  darkness. A second later, and another set of lights came back. The pole  dancing cage glittered like a neon rainbow, while at the center of the  suite a crystal heart-shaped chandelier showered golden light all over  the place.         



"What the heck is this place?" I whispered. I could only blink at our  surroundings, just plain overwhelmed at how stunningly beautiful it was  in an outrageously hedonistic fashion.

Lush tapestries covered every inch of the walls and ceiling, an  exquisite but horribly expensive way to turn the suite into a  soundproofed haven. Each panel of tapestry depicted a different sexual  encounter, albeit tastefully rendered, like a vividly colored and lushly  illustrated Kama Sutra with needle and thread.

There was no living room  –  or at least in the traditional sense. At one  end of the room, under billowing curtains of gossamer, silk, and velvet,  an expansive throne sparkled in black and gold. Pillows encased in  shimmery fabrics of every color surrounded it, a harem that patiently  waited for one to rule and another to submit.

At its side was a balcony, the biggest one I had ever seen in my life, a  paradise of palm trees and flowers, swings and gazebos, and manmade  waterfalls and ponds that looked deep enough for people to swim in.

My dad was by no means poor. He earned his first million the moment he  graduated from college, and his wealth had only grown by leaps and  bounds after that. But he clearly wasn't in Constantijin's league. Right  now I sort of understood why even someone as obviously wealthy as  Brittany could be fascinated with the wealth that this man represented.

Constantijin took my hand again. "You like it?"

"Yes." I said it even though I felt like by doing so I was admitting to  liking something else  –  something similar to what the walls and ceilings  were silently singing.

He smiled. "There's more."

Past the throne room  –  or at least that was what I thought it was called   –  was a hallway of doors, opposite a magnificent glass wall that  boasted the best skyline views. Each door held a magical surprise  –  a  library with twenty-foot-tall shelves, a glow-in-the-dark bowling room, a  private theater with its own stage, and it even had its own bar and  restaurant with a waiting barista, chef, and a pair of servers. The list  went on and on, but there wasn't much time to really take it all in,  not when we reached the end of the hallway.

Constantijin opened the last door, and the first thing I saw was a  sweeping staircase. A little further in and I gasped, realizing that the  staircase led to the suite's bedroom  –  which encompassed an entire  floor.

My gaze fell to the bed  –  circular in shape, as enormous as a children's  carousel, its headboard an intricate work of gold-plated steel. The  covers and pillows were in red velvet while the sheets were in gold.

I didn't see the rest of the room. I couldn't. The bed had me gulping,  and in an instant I was vacillating between breathing heavily in  excitement and breathing not at all because I was too nervous.


"It's time, Yanna." And then he wasn't letting either of us speak.

His lips demanded unconditional surrender from mine, his tongue sweeping  in like a bold and conquering force that laid claim to my mouth. Dimly,  I heard several ripping sounds and then I was gasping again when I  realized we were both down in our underwear.

Constantijin lifted me up in his arms once more as he descended the  stairs swiftly and then climbing another set to reach the bed. He laid  me down gently, and I quickly scrambled up to a sitting position. Just  for a moment I could only stare at him in fear. I wasn't afraid of him. I  loved him. But I was afraid of this  –  of what was about to happen.

The bed was at least ten feet from the ground, and the knowledge led to a  dizzying sensation, something that was as surreal as the thought of  having this man want me so much he would lash out with such virulence  whenever he thought I didn't want him back.

Kneeling in front of me, Constantijin held my face between his large and gentle hands. "Don't be scared, sweetheart."

"I can't help it," I whispered shakily. "I keep remembering the things  my parents told me and..." I dealt his body a dubious look and winced  when his cock actually twitched against his briefs. "We don't seem a"

A bark of laughter escaped him. "You're seriously worried?"