Reading Online Novel

Her Viken Mates(22)

Now I wanted to take on the three guards dressed in black and scream.

Had Liam done something wrong? What had I gotten myself into? Was my mate a traitor? A criminal? Had I walked out of the frying pan and into the fire, choosing to leave Earth behind? My conviction had been vacated when I became an Interstellar Bride, but would I be matched to a criminal because I’d been one myself?

Doubts crept into my mind, slowly, like a dark sludge suffocating my joy. The glow of our mating faded quickly, leaving me cold and shivering even as Evon and Rager stood between me and the others, a living, breathing wall. Nothing was getting through them. I knew that. And that knowledge was the only thing keeping me on my feet as this ice-covered world ripped the rug out from under me.

Evon and the commander faced one another in silence as Liam walked silently between the others.

“There has been a mistake,” Rager insisted.

“I’m afraid not.” The commander was unapologetic. Even his eyes were empty, resigned. “Liam’s security codes were used to transport stolen weapons and communications equipment to Sector 1.”

“That’s impossible.” Evon shook his head, even as he took a step back. I couldn’t see his face, but I could hear the shock in his voice.

Liam was gone, vanished into the hallway with the three guards. They hadn’t even allowed him to put on his clothes. No, they were going to parade him through the halls to somewhere—jail?—like a savage, naked and exposed. And that really made me want to kick this guy in the balls.

“The judicial hearing is scheduled for two hours from now. If you’re going to prove him innocent, I’d hurry.” With that, the commander spun on his heel and left me alone with Rager and Evon.

The moment the door slid closed behind the intruders, Evon turned to face us, his cool mask slipping away to reveal pure rage. His eyes, usually icy blue, were filled with heat now, but a very cold heat. “He didn’t do this, Bella. I promise you.”

Rager agreed with a quick nod. “It’s impossible. Liam is ours. He’s fought at our sides against the Hive, saved both our lives. There is no way he betrayed Viken.” He pulled me into his arms, as much, I felt, to reassure himself as to comfort me.

“But…” I hated to play devil’s advocate, but I seemed to be the only one with a level head at the moment. Which wasn’t saying much, considering my mental state was shaky at best. The seed power lingered, but it turned to a fierce protectiveness for Liam, even while my mind wondered of his innocence. No, he was innocent. My body, my mind, ached from the confusion. “What about his family? Their ties to the VSS? The bad guys, right? Are you sure?”

Evon turned my head from Rager’s chest and kissed me hard and fast. Not long enough. A punishment. “I will forgive this line of questioning once, Bella, because you are new here. You do not know what we know. You have not seen what we’ve seen. You do not fully know us or perhaps the extent of evil of the Hive. But I vow to you on my life, more, on my honor, Liam would never betray us.”

It was hard to argue with the unbreakable steely resolve in his gaze. He believed what he was saying. So, I had a choice to make. If I refuted him now, I’d be betraying not just Liam, but Evon as well. “All right,” I said. I was willing to trust in the match, in them. “So, if Liam is innocent, who used his security codes?”

Part of me couldn’t believe we were even having this conversation. Hadn’t I just been on Earth talking about programming, hacking, identity theft? Hadn’t I just spent time in a jail cell for doing just that? “I can’t believe you guys don’t have this stuff on lock-down. For an advanced race who can transport living beings clear across the universe, this seems ridiculous.”

I turned and sat on the edge of the bed as my mates scrambled into their uniforms.

“The hearing will begin in two hours.” Rager moved quickly, already fully dressed in his dark gray uniform. He was magnificent, my mate, and the tight fit of his uniform only emphasized the width of his shoulders, the strength of his chest. He was power personified, and he was mine.

“We will begin at the transport station. Track the real traitor from there. I don’t care who we have to pound into dust to get answers.” Evon’s voice was smooth and even, despite the fact that his words were not.

“I’m going, too.” I stood up and walked to the drawer that Rager had opened in the wall, hoping to find something for me to wear besides the gauzy gown I’d worn when I arrived. Inside were more clothing items. I pulled out a pair of pants and held them up to my frame. “You have a belt?” If I used a belt, I might be able to strap the leather under my arms and wear the things like a jumper. It would be baggy, but I couldn’t walk around wearing a nightgown and nothing beneath.