Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(80)

Leslie had tried to hide her other tendencies from other boyfriends, but Brock was easily able to make her into the cock sucking bitch that she had always wanted to be. She found a sort of thrill from sucking him deep right here in a semi public place. She wrapped her long tongue around him and then pulled him into the tightness of her throat. She kissed his pubic region, leaving that same ring that she had placed on the head of his cock. It was an erotic site. She continued to move her head in a fashion that made it almost impossible for him not to start to move on his own.

“You really should have walked away when you could. I don’t think that I can let you leave here without finishing what we started together.” It was a sight to behold to see her still in her clothing, but he could also see the giant mounds that he would have liked to plant his flag in between. He reached down with two of his manly hands and caressed those treasures. He felt the nipples and wanted to see more. It was like a light had gone off in his head and he suddenly pulled free of her throat for something equally satisfying.

“I know what you have in mind. By all means let’s see if we can’t make your little soldier stand up and take notice.” It dropped slightly from being called little, but then it rose to full capacity knowing that there was nothing little about it. This is all about psychological warfare and the best way to make a man perform at his best was to feed his ego.

“I’ve only done this one time before and let’s just say that the girl was not exactly blessed in that department. You on the other hand seem to have what’s needed to make this something very special.” He had already felt that moment rising to the top, but stopping in mid stroke in her mouth had given him a much needed break. She wrapped her breasts around him and the contrast in color was making him want more than anything to supply her with his seed.

“Brock, I’ve never done this before and I guess I’ve been waiting for the right guy to come along to stretch my boundaries.” Leslie never did more than what was considered vanilla, but this was certainly taking her out of her comfort zone. She had lied about her uncle the coach being away and that trip was not scheduled, until next month. There was that big possibility that he could show up at any moment and catch them with their pants down.

She almost laughed at the absurdity of that statement. Neither one of them had their pants down, but what they were doing was not considered platonic by any means.

Every time that his knob came out the top, she was right there to give it the kind of shining that made him shiver down to his very core. That sensitive spot along the head of his cock was crying out for some sort of release. He knew that it was just a matter time before he gave her more than a mouthful. He hadn’t had the pleasure of the company of a woman for over a week. He had been knee deep in negotiations for coming to this team and it had had some drastic side effects to his libido.

“God damn it. You’re acting like a man that just came back from war.” The wetness of her hot saliva had already paved the way for his cock to move back and forth between her valley with ease. Her hot flesh covered him and the tightness of her hands pressing him between her was something that was made for an orgasm in the making.

“I don’t think that I will be able to go much…LONGER.” There was a catch in his throat and he had to concentrate on something that wasn’t sexual. Amazingly, her uncle and his face came into his mind. It was good to keep him from losing it, but still the feeling of her lips touching him on each stroke had him on the edge. “You almost have me there. Just a little bit more and then you’ll see what this man is made of.” He started to move quicker, holding her shoulders for support and watching, as his cock literally disappeared and then appeared again at the top.

She felt that it was time to push him past the point of no return, but then decided to stop everything cold. She squeezed at the bottom and looked up into his insane eyes to see that disappointment. “Like I said, this is my way of making sure that you make it to dinner on time. I’m going to leave you like this. It may seem cruel and unusual, but trust me it’s a necessary evil. Don’t even think about taking matters into your own hands. I will know and then you can be assured that this will not go any further than what it has already.” She got up and without tempting fate, she walked away without looking back to see him standing there stunned.

Chapter five

Leslie made sure that everything was prepared. She never considered herself to be a gourmet chef, but she knew her way around the kitchen. She had bought two lobsters and they were poaching in warm garlic butter ready to be consumed by two people that were probably hungry for more than just food.