Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(66)

Chapter two

The wedding was scheduled for tomorrow and here I was looking at this letter that John had cowardly slipped underneath the door at the crack of dawn. “I can’t live with your stepfather’s constant interference in our lives. To be honest, I was only in this to see if I could sleep with you before the wedding. I’m leaving with an old girlfriend that knows how to please her man. This wedding was a sham from the moment that I gave you that ring. If you have any delusions of pawning it, then don’t bother. It’s not worth anything. You thought that it was a diamond but it only looked that way. I don’t really care if you find happiness and I’m just glad that I’m away from the ice princess.” He never signed it, but his words struck a chord that I wasn’t expecting.

I dropped the letter and I ran upstairs and slammed the door shut to feel this pit of isolation come over me. I couldn’t even imagine why anybody would want me and now that John had cast me aside, it was bringing back those doubts that I was even worth anything at all. I didn’t want to give him that kind of power, but it was difficult not to think that something was wrong with me.

“I know that you can hear me. I read the letter and it’s better that you find out before the wedding than after. He was never good for you. It’s not what you want to hear, but I think that a change of scenery is best for both of us. I’ve arranged for us to go to my friend’s condominium in Barbados. You won’t have to pack much. A little sun and surf won’t do you any harm. I’m not taking no for an answer. If you’re not down in that truck within the next 10 minutes with whatever you can carry then I’m going to kick this door down and don’t think that I won’t.” Joseph was the one person that would always tell me the truth and it didn’t hurt that seeing him coming out of the shower with a towel on had raised a few fantasies that I couldn’t seem to get away from.

Even when I was about to go down on John, I was thinking about Joseph. Even while he was eating me, I was imagining that it was Joseph supplying me with that necessary reprieve from daily life. I didn’t have anything to hold me here and the job waitressing was pretty much dead end. I was planning to go back to school and get my degree to become a teacher. I thought that I had a lot to give and my biological clock was ticking.

5 minutes later and I was wiping the tears and hoping that getting away from all of my worries would do me a world of good. John had done the impossible by opening me up to the possibilities of a truly physical relationship. I just had to find a way to convince Joseph that my honor was his for the taking. I was looking forward to shedding some layers and showing my curves. It might give him ideas and it’s not like I hadn’t noticed the way that he has been watching me lately.

He would disappear into the bathroom after seeing me sunbathing in the backyard. It did stroke my ego to know that his interest in me was more than just fatherly instinct. He had tattoos on his shoulders and one of a very intricate snake wrapped around his neck. I’d seen him coming out of the shower and that tattoo went well below where my eager eyes could see.

I didn’t want to make it look too easy for him, so I feigned a stubborn attitude with my arms crossed. I didn’t think that was going to last long.

“Stacey, I don’t want you to even give him a second thought and he’s not worth all the heartache that you are feeling right about now. This is where you finally close that chapter on your life and start another. You probably thought that he was the only man that would ever want you, but trust me there are guys that would knock down the door to be near you. You are sexy and you have more to offer than most would ever imagine. I’ve seen the way that you have blossomed into a young woman and I know that things are going to look up for you. Just keep your eyes open and you never know when opportunities will come around when you least expect from.” He was giving me his stepfather advice, but his cock was rising and becoming something of a focal point for my wide open eyes.

It probably didn’t do him any good that I was wearing this very short leather blue skirt and a white halter top that didn’t exactly contain my overabundance. I don’t even know why I had put these on. I was begging him for more than just a casual glance.

“You might be right and what I’ve been looking for might be right in front of me and I didn’t even know it. I don’t know how to say this, Joseph, but I think that I want you to be my first.” I had no idea how I came up with the right words to convey what I wanted to say. It seemed like my tongue was two sizes too big for my mouth and I was so dry that I could’ve probably drank a liter of water and still be parched.