Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(266)

I pull down my tight bun and shake my corkscrews, rolling my eyes when a group of men catcall me from behind. They disperse when I enter a department store and spend some time picking out gifts for my coworkers. Charlie gets a brown hat that’s similar to the one he’s complained about ruining, and Sophie gets nice leather gloves. I purchase generic Happy Holiday mugs for David and the rest of the staff, and spend some time picking something out for Camila. With only four days left before Christmas, I’m absolutely cutting it close. I find a lovely pair of earrings that Camila’s shown me in a catalogue and take them along with the other gifts to be gift wrapped.

While in line I notice a snow globe perched on a tall shelf in the corner of my eyes. It’s a snowy landscape of downtown with Kennedy’s in the very edge before it cuts off. I stop a worker and ask for him to look at it as I put my bundle of presents on the counter.

“Would you like to add that?” The woman wrapping the items ask. The twins are expected to fly out tomorrow according to David, but maybe this can be a decent apology and going away gift.

“Yes, thank you.” She hands me a giant bag of perfectly wrapped presents in colors of green, red and gold, and I hurry to drop all but one off at my apartment.

Afterwards, I call a cab and head to their executive suite. Fortunately, the doorman, Albert, recognizes me and walks me to the elevator.

“The Kennedys got in little over an hour ago.” He says. I meet the floor host after exiting at the forty-eight floor.

“They’re not expecting you, are they?” He asks me and I lift the small bag with their present.

“Just wanted to give them a Christmas gift before they leave. Is that okay?” I regret not fixing my hair or reapplying makeup and rushing here.

“I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to receive you.” He escorts me into the parlor of their suite. “Take a seat and I’ll let them know you’re here.”

I sit in the same corner as before and wait. There are two giant oak doors on either side of the parlor, and for the first time I wonder which side leads to their personal rooms. The present feels small in my hands, making me feel silly for even thinking something as cliche as a snow globe would be good enough for the twins.

“Remy?” My head snaps up as Jake closes the door on the right side. I hadn’t even heard him come in. “What are you doing here?”

“Um.” I stutter over my words, tightening my hold on the present. It’s wrapped in gold paper with a red bow, but looks cheap compared to the tailored suit that compliments Jake’s body. “I wanted to say sorry.” I say finally. “About last night.”

“You’re apologizing for that asshole?” Jake’s voice raises. Emmet enters the room behind him and raises his eyebrows when he sees me.

“You’re definitely not the Chinese food delivery guy.” He notes.

I stand on uneasy feet and hold out the present. “I’m sorry the restaurant closed early and that the blood ended up being double the price to remove and I’m sorry if I’m not welcomed but I would be even more sorry if I just let the two of you without saying anything. So I’m not sorry that I’m here.”

“Remy,” Jake whispers. He glances at Emmet who shares a knowing look.

“You’re more than welcomed here.” Emmet takes the present from me. His suit rivals Jake’s, and I realize they must have just signed the agreement for the new restaurant. “More than you know.” He says and takes my hand in his as he sits the present down on the banquet table.

“We actually we’re just talking about you.” Emmet says when I’m in between the two.

“You act like we ever stopped.” Jake mutters and takes my free hand. Together they pull me towards the door on the right of the room, which enters into a small hallway that divides another three doors.

“Where the hell are we going?” I ask when they stop.

“We were pissed off yesterday.” Jake admits as he stands in front of the middle door. “But not at you, and after discussing it, that asshole that got a deserving beating wasn’t the end of it.”

Emmet shows me a faint bruise near his chin as Jake pulls his sleeve up to reveal another red and purple spot.

“You guys fought each other?” I nearly laugh. “What’s wrong with you two?”

“You.” Jake says. “Damn it, Remy, you’re what’s wrong with us.” I back up towards the parlor but Emmet moves behind me. His arms wrap around my shoulder and his breath is close to my earlobe.

“We’re both in love with you, and it turns out we both have been holding back.” My hand flies to cover my mouth. His words repeat in my head.