Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(259)

My fingers close around the pepper spray. “I know. Did you forget anything?”

“Nah, just here to continue what we started earlier.” He says, and unlocks the passenger door. “Unless you want to continue in a stockroom?”

I scowl and put a hand on my hips.

“What the hell are you implying? Get out of here before I call the damn cops.”

“What did you say bitch?” The man pushes open his door and throws his seatbelt off. I pull my pepper spray out and hold it towards his face.

“She said get the fuck out of here.” Jake emerges from around the building. He’s far taller than the bald man threatening me, with muscles that are easily double the size.

“Oh, I see, she tricked you out too, huh?” The man smiles and backs up. “What a fucking waste of time.”

“Jake, don’t.” I hear Emmet’s voice just as Jake throws his fist back and punches the man in the face. Blood splatters on the concrete and he covers his mouth with his hand.

“Fucking crazy.” The man spits even more blood and rushes back into his car. Jake curses after him, and it’s not until the car is gone from sight that they both turn to me.

“Late nights aren’t the best for you, huh?” Emmet asks. He wears a light sweater that moves in the soft breeze with dark slacks while Jake sports jeans and a loose shirt with rolled up sleeves.

“It wasn’t entirely unwarranted.” I admit, though I don’t mention heavily flirting with that guy on purpose to make them jealous.

“Well, asshole’s gone and won’t be coming back.” Jake covers his bloody knuckles. “You need a ride home?”

“Oh, no.” I don’t think I could handle being in a dark car so close to them, especially when Jake’s arms are still flexed and hand bloody and I’m finding it hard to breathe just being near both of them. “I can still catch the train, and I need groceries anyways since I’m off tomorrow.”

“Are you sure?” Emmet tries to argue with me but Jake beats him to it.

“Let’s make this shorter than it has to be. We’re going to ask to give you a ride home, you’re going to be all polite and say no, so now we’re going to offer you a ride to the store and help you carry in your groceries because apparently you’re not safe when the sun is down, and we’re going to go back and forth until you eventually say yes.” Jake smirks, and I can’t stop myself from smiling back.

“Fine, yeah. If you really want to go grocery shopping with me?” I can’t picture either of them inside a store.

“It’s been several years but I wouldn’t mind take a trip down the candy aisle, I’ll call Travis.” Emmet says and dials their driver.

“Thank you.” I lightly cup Jake’s hand and examine the cuts. “But I had my pepper spray, would’ve been a lot less messy.”

“I haven’t punched anyone yet this week, you did me a favor.” Jake says. He chuckles to himself, and I squeeze his hand.

“He’s down the street.” Emmet returns and Jake rips his hand from mine. His body stiffens and he puts space between us, and I can’t help but notice Emmet glancing between our hands.

Their sleek, black Escalade pulls into the parking lot and Emmet opens the door for me. Jake follows him and they both sit close enough to fill my senses. Jake’s arms brush against mine as he leans towards me.

“Let’s go grocery shopping.” He says.

Chapter Seven

The twins helped me with groceries the following days as well, claiming they were just protecting me late at night. But watching them picking out candies and cereal while comparing nutritional value and prices makes me wonder if they secretly enjoy it. I also become less conscious as they enter my tiny studio apartment, especially as Emmet admires the convenience of everything being so tightly close to one another. The only time we spend together are in public at the restaurant or at the grocery store, and they don’t stay very long once my groceries are put away. In fact, as soon as it’s the three of us alone in a tiny kitchen they get stiff and uncomfortable.

They spend every other night eating dinner in my section, always making sure to leave a tip at least double the amount of what their actual bill would look like had we been charging them. Already my tuition for the spring semester next year is paid for entirely, as long as I get through the next month without fail. I spend my hour long breaks at the restaurant on my crappy laptop finishing homework, ignoring Jake’s rude remarks about the laptop being older than the dinosaurs themselves.

Despite it only being a month since I’ve met them, their presence becomes normal. Especially when I’m closing up the restaurant.