Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(253)

The door besides me opens and closes, and I stiffen.

“You’re not cut are you?” A kind voice asks, one similar to last night.

“Who gives a shit? Let’s just get her apron and get back to the hotel.” The other voice says. I peek through my arms to find the twins facing me. Emmet’s frowning at his twin, dressed in a well fitting gray suit. Jake scowls in my direction, his foot tapping as he discusses how much food I must have wasted. His gray suit is looser than Emmet’s, with sleeves rolled up to show off muscled arms with tattoos spiraling onto his biceps. His hair is slicked back on the top with shaved sides, and they both aren’t sporting the white stripe anymore.

“Damn it, Jake, she could have hurt herself.” Emmet says and approaches me. “Are you alright?”

“All you ever do is ask her if she’s okay, and she’s clearly never going to respond to you. This is a waste of time.” Jake complains.

“I’m fine.” I say to Emmet. I can’t lose this job, I just can’t, and if I have to suck up to them then so be it. “And I’m so sorry about last night and just now. That’s not at all reflective on my work ethics and if, if you could give me another chance I promise I can prove it.” I’m not proud of it, but I widen my eyes and batter my eyelashes at the nicer twin. Jake must notice because he snickers and mutters something rude beneath his breath.

“I’m not partial to considering it.” Emmet smiles and takes a seat next to me, crinkling his expensive business suit in the process. “But I’m not the one you need to convince.” He whispers to me and gestures to Jake.

“Please, Mr. Kennedy.” I beg him. “I need this job, and I’m good at it. You can ask anyone in there, I’m the best front of house, and the customers love me. If you’ve ever worked for anything in your life, you’ll understand how important this is.”

He stares at me until I begin to blush under such a heavy gaze. My eyes flicker to his forearms and how his shirt hugs his muscles, and then I’m noticing the sharp angle of his jaw and how thick his eyelashes are. I’m a big girl myself, but he’s wide and long and it doesn’t take long before I’m fantasizing about those arms as they hold me up against a wall and his taut body pressing against mine.

“Fine.” He snaps me out of my daydream. Why on earth did that image cross my mind? “I’ll consider it. Come to the suite tomorrow and we’ll look over your employment. No promises though.” Emmet stands and whispers to Jake, who sighs in frustration. “Well I’m going back. All this bullshit is wearing me out.” He leaves Emmet and I alone as he mutters his regret for ever coming back to this damned city.

“He’s an angry guy.” Emmet offers. “I’m much more agreeable.”

“So you say.” I mutter, still feeling flustered. “I really am sorry about last night.”

“You’re sorry you didn’t know who we were at the time.” He corrects me and I blush. “It’s okay, it seemed like you had a lot to deal with. Perverts and all.”

I laugh, pressing my hands against my cheeks to stop blushing. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“I’m sure.” He’s staring into my eyes, and I find myself comparing them to his brothers. They’re similar, but there’s something gentle about Emmet. Something that makes my heart beat faster and skin sweat.

“Fifteen minutes up.” I break eye contact and stand awkwardly, cursing myself for giving an entitled and rich man any more attention than required. Emmet hands me a small business card with the name of their hotel and suite number.

“Nine am tomorrow. I’ll make sure you’re not missed at the restaurant.” He says and calls his driver. I rush inside the restaurant before he leaves and take back my tables from Mike.

I have less than twenty four hours to come up with a convincing argument to keep my job. How am I expected to beg in front of two insufferably attractive brothers who have probably never had to ask for anything in their life? Especially when just being near them is enough to make my heart race. I try to focus on my tables for the rest of the day, but every now and then I can’t stop from blushing at the thought of seeing Emmet and Jake again. Even if they make me unreasonably angry at the same time.

Chapter Four

Before I realize it my shift is over, and I spend the last half hour cleaning my table. Camila helps me as she finishes hers, and we go over the events of the day.

“Oh, I wish I was there!” She says after I fill her in on the twin fiasco. “Apparently they ran after you and everything. I wish I had sexy twins following me everywhere I go.” She flips her long dark bangs and shakes her head. “Dios mio.”