Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(214)

“They’re going to take some blood and run some tests. If you guys want to grab something in the cafeteria, I’ll text you when I know something.” Lisa told them, smirking as James rolled his eyes.

“That’s just like Hill Country.” Deacon punched him in the side as he looked at Lisa.

“Headed there.” He shot James a mock glare as they walked away, noticing his brother’s eyes lingering on the lithe strawberry Blondie for a long moment. “Keep it in your pants, Casanova. She’s my friend.”

“Why didn’t you tap that again? She wanted you bad.” James reminded him, watching as Deacon shrugged.

“Timing.” He’d been a mess after he was done with the Navy and dump that on a nice girl like Lisa wasn’t a good plan. He pushed the button for the elevator to head to the ground level cafeteria and stepped onto the empty car as he ran a hand through his hair.

“There’s this thing called casual sex, D. It feels really good.”

“Says the man who keeps getting involved with his rebounds,” Deacon reminded him as James leaned against the carpeted wall of the elevator. They got off and grabbed some coffee and two sandwiches to take to a corner table as Deacon paid with a large bill. James sat back and glanced around the large room where families sat around tables dealing with the bad or the good and a few of the hospital staff tried to have a decent meal.

The brothers discussed work and the following day as they ate the turkey sandwiches that would tide them over until Deacon was ready to leave, something James really didn’t mess with him over. He knew how much his brother had always tried to save everything and everyone that he could, particularly since losing their parents.

The phone vibrated on the table as Deacon reached over to look at the screen. “It looks like she’s awake. I just want to go say hello and make her comfortable.”


The brothers headed back up to the ER and walked to the room where Lisa was talking to the scared looking woman. Deacon took a look into her stunning face, seeing watery light green eyes against dark skin with long dark lashes as he stopped at the foot of the bed. She was beautiful and she said something to Lisa before she looked into his eyes, essentially shutting his world down with the intensity of her gaze.

“These two were at the restaurant just after you passed out and decided to come along on the ambulance to see how you were doing.” Lisa smiled comfortingly at the patient before she looked up at the brothers. Deacon and James Cameron, this is Rowan Weathers.”

“How are you feeling?” James asked her easily as Deacon managed a low hello, getting a weird look from his brother.

“I’m going to be fine but all of this was a surprise.” She had a slight drawl as she spoke, making Deacon step a little closer. She’d obviously been crying and he stared into her face as she glanced at him. “Thank you for helping me back there.”

“It was the least that I could do,” Deacon told her sincerely, seeing a faint smile on her face before she stared down at her graceful hands. “I heard someone say that you were a teacher at one of the colleges?”

“Yes, I am. I teach art at American.” She replied as he saw some color return to her flawless skin. “I suppose I’ll be well enough to return tomorrow, Lisa?”

“Certainly. Just keep that appointment and take care of yourself. We’re going to hold you for a bit and keep an eye on some things though.” She looked into Deacon’s face. “You did good, D.”

The brothers said their goodbyes slowly before leaving, as James immediately brought up a real dinner. They caught a cab to the original choice and found it to be much less crowded, finding a table in the corner right away. They ordered a couple of beers while they waited for their plates as James took a close look at his brother. “You seemed a little stunned back there, Deacon. Everything okay?”

How did he tell his brother that she was the most gorgeous woman that he’d ever seen? How could he really make it clear how much it had thrown him off completely?

“She just looked so sad. Do you really think she’s going to be okay?” Deacon asked James, watching him shrug.

“Lisa seemed to think so.” He tore into the roll, buttering it before he took a huge bite. “That sandwich was a joke.”

“I think the big plate of meat that you ordered will take care of your poor starving tummy, James.” Deacon told him sarcastically as he sipped the cold beer thoughtfully. “What time is the job tomorrow?”

They moved onto work over the course of the late meal and headed home after as Deacon lost himself to thoughts of Rowan. His gut told him that something was wrong and hurting her from the look in her beautiful eyes, making him wonder what. It made him want to fix her, to rescue her. Old habits never die.