Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(143)

She squashed the tiny hope she had been forming when she instantly took in the room around her. He was gone… there was no doubt about that. She padded her way to the fridge to get a drink and that’s when she saw the note on the countertop.

Lacey, going out for groceries, be back in 30 min or so. Need to finish what we started.

She felt her heart beat fast reading his words. He was gone… but he was coming back. She knew he wanted to tell her things… things about Rachel. She settled into the overstuffed chair and waited. She took a deep breath, smiling to herself and the new found confidence she was showing. She had to share some things of her own.

True to his word he came back and this time she heard the rumble of his bike. She waited for him to come in, more determined now than ever to tell him the truth. He walked in his face a smile and sat down across from her after sitting the bag on the counter.

“I don’t want to drag this out Lacey so I am just going to tell you everything quickly… then maybe we can go on with our night, is that ok?”

She nodded at him, bracing herself once more.

“Last time I started with the unimportant stuff so this time I’m going to try something a little different. I love you Lacey, I came home to say goodbye to dad and what I found was this incredible woman who I have known and loved my whole life. I love you differently now, but the foundation is still there and the goodness in you is there just as it always has been. Rachel cheated lied and stole money, likely trying to get me shot at as we speak but I don’t care about any of that anymore. I just want to be with you, settle down and have something good.”

She felt the tears fall freely as he spoke.

“What we share, that is something amazing that most people don’t find in their lives. In fact, it’s so good that I had to question if I was losing my mind or just remembering how you felt in my mind blowing it out of proportion. But I wasn’t, this between us is a good thing… a right thing. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Lacey.”

She smiled at him as he finished. She wiped the tears that ran down from her eyes.

He moved to hold her hands in his, wiping at the tears himself. “What do you have to tell me Lacey, whatever it is we will be ok?”

She smiled into his eyes, slowly moving his hand over to her stomach. “You were right, Rafe, what we share is special because form the very first moment we shared together we created something even more beautiful than just “us”, we created a life.”

He looked up at her, his eyes widening as he took it all in. “Oh my... are you serious Lacey?”

She nodded happily as he wrapped his arms around her, dropping kisses on her stomach. She knew then she would never have to worry again about her size, or about being pushed around by anyone. She was one of the lucky ones, she had found real love. It was good and true and she knew she would hold on to that for as long as she was alive.

The months passed quickly and the two of them found themselves enjoying a new life together. As her stomach grew, she would glance at the man who would soon be her husband and she would think about the extra room in the house where they enjoyed each other so very much. There is something new around every corner, and she knew they were just getting started on exploring as much of that as they could. She caught his eye and he gave her a wink, no doubt remembering the way he had made love to her that afternoon. She was a lucky woman, and she knew there was no doubt about what was to come.


Chapter 1

Amanda nearly dropped a tray of dirty dishes when an old man pinched her ass as she walked by. She ground her teeth and shot him a glare, but she kept her mouth shut. She'd complained to the boss on more than one occasion about the behavior of the customers, but Spiro didn't care about anything but the restaurant's sales at the end of the day. If a customer kept coming back week after week and spending money, then he wanted that customer treated like gold.

Not that the assholes who treated her like a piece of meat ever tipped well. She'd be lucky if he left her a dollar on the table after he left. But Spiro only cared about the amount of money he made, not what his staff made.

She dropped the dirty dishes off in the back, then printed out the check for one of her other tables. She took the long way around to drop off the check, so she could avoid walking by the perv's table again. She also noticed the perv's drink needed to be refilled, but as far as she was concerned, he could wait. Maybe if she gave him bad service, he'd stop coming back. Spiro would complain about losing a customer, but Amanda had better things to do with her time than be manhandled by someone who didn't even tip.