Desperate Measures(80)
“It’s not working.”
“We don’t have time for this. Just unplug the tower and bring it.”
“I don’t think you need to,” said Aimee, not sounding exactly sure of herself.
“Why are you saying that?”
“I’ll explain later. Let’s just get the binders.” She moved over to the shelves and started pulling them down, beginning on the top row. “These are the most recent. I’d start here, in case we run out of time.”
The telephone rang in the kitchen.
They all froze in place, staring at each other.
“That’s the alarm company,” said Kiki. “Go talk to them.”
“What am I supposed to say?!” said Aimee, in full-on panic mode.
“Try to guess what password Jack used,” said Kiki, her anxiety increasing. “If you can’t figure it out, stall them! Tell them your husband did it and forgot to give you the code or something, I don’t know! Wing it!”
Aimee raced off to answer the phone. As soon as Kiki heard Aimee pick up the line, she jumped back to the task of running binders out to the car. On her second trip, Aimee came dashing out of the kitchen.
“They said they aren’t sending the police, but they’re calling Jack’s cell phone. He’s going to come!” she screeched.
“Get some binders and move your ass!” said Kiki, feeling a little panicked herself.
Elizabeth came running by, her arms full of binders. “Go! Go!” she yelled.
They were on the last row, when Elizabeth yelled from the front door. “Does Jack drive a sports car? A red one?”
“Yes!” yelled Aimee. She and Kiki froze, carrying the last of the binders in their arms.
“He’s here! He just parked behind Kiki!”
“Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod,” chanted Aimee, “we are so screwed. He’s going to kill me! These binders are his life!”
Kiki made a split second decision. “Aimee, go out the back! Now! Hurry!” Then she yelled toward the front. “Elizabeth, lock that front door!!”
They all met in the front hallway. “Let’s go! Out the back. Go! Hurry up!”
They hauled butt to the kitchen and out of the house, going through the back door. Elizabeth grabbed half of Aimee’s books from her while they ran across the back part of the house and snuck around the side of the garage, slowly making their way toward the driveway where Kiki’s car was parked. Elizabeth’s car was at the curb. She wasn’t blocked in, but Kiki was. They stood at the corner of the garage, both Kiki’s and Elizabeth’s cars in sight. Jack was somewhere in the house, since he wasn’t in his car anymore and they couldn’t see him in the front yard.
“Aimee!” yelled a very angry male voice from near the back door.
“Run!” said Kiki.
They took off to their cars, throwing open the doors of the Camaro as fast as they could with their arms full and tossing the binders in without worrying about keeping them organized or even closed. The books fell into a heap on the floor of the back seat, joining the few that were already piled there. The rest of them were in her trunk. Kiki briefly thanked the designers of the Camaro who had come up with a trunk big enough to haul dead bodies around in - or several binders full of incriminating evidence against cheating ex-husbands.
“What the … Aimee!” shouted Jack, from the side of the house. They’d been spotted.
“Elizabeth, get to your car and haul ass outta here! When you’re far enough away, call us!” yelled Kiki.
Elizabeth wasted no time, sprinting over to her car and jumping in. Kiki heard the engine start as she and Aimee scrambled to get into the Camaro.
“What are you going to do?” screeched a panicked Aimee. “His car is in the way!!” She turned to look out the windshield and screamed bloody murder.
Kiki looked up in time to see Jack coming at them at a jog from the side of the house, bad intentions written all over his face.
“What the fuck are you doing breaking into my house, you whore?!” he yelled, spittle flying out of his mouth and his face beet red.
Kiki started the engine and threw the car into drive.
“Jack! Stay away!” screamed Aimee. “Stay away from me!”
He got near the front of the car, and stood there for a couple seconds, fuming, his clenched teeth making his jaw stand out, his eyes narrowed in a vicious look that made shivers go up Kiki’s spine. He’s mad enough to kill.
Kiki took a deep calming breath and stared him down, challenging him with her eyes. “Go ahead, ass wipe. Make my day,” she said in a conversational tone, squeezing the wheel over and over, waiting for him to make his move.