Reading Online Novel

Dangerous Temptations(40)

"Well, it's safe to say I didn't know much." I frowned, but he immediately lifted my chin up to greet my lips.

I meant to ask him the rest of his story of his mom, but we ended up  passing out on the couch together. His arms tangled around me, and I was  helpless to move.

It was the first time since meeting Alex that I wanted to stay exactly as we were.

THE SMELL OF coffee woke me early the next morning. I was still on the  couch, but Alex was gone. I assumed he was the one making coffee, and  after hearing my stomach growl, hopefully, breakfast, too.

I threw the blanket off and noticed the sun was just rising, which meant  I'd have to get in the shower and get ready for work soon. William was  scheduled to return some time tonight, and I wasn't exactly sure how I  planned to handle it.

I decided I should probably pack a bag just in case I needed to crash at Staci's on a whim.

I found Alex in the kitchen, mixing a bowl of pancake batter in his  perfect Alex form. Wild, messy locks, shirtless in only a pair of sweats  that lay low on his hips, and a half weeks' worth of stubble. No wonder  my body's reaction to him was potent. But getting to know Alex's softer  side, his background, and true personality-those were the traits worth  risking everything for.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said as I continued staring, taking him  all in. He finally looked up at me and smiled. "You know … " he began as  he started heating up the griddle, "you're free to stare from over here,  too." He nodded his head toward the stool at the breakfast bar.

"Are you always a smart ass in the morning? I'm starting to notice a  pattern," I mocked, walking up to the counter and grabbing the carafe  and a cup from the cupboard.

"It's the natural Alex Lancaster charm." He came up behind me and  wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing his chest into my back. I  laughed in amusement as he brought his head down and began kissing the  length of my neck up to my ear. "Are you sure you can't play hooky just  one more day?"

I groaned at how amazing his lips felt on me, his hands finding their  way to my panty line. "I wish." I let my head fall back on his shoulders  as his lips assaulted the flesh just below my lobe.

"You're going to burn your hand if you keep pouring … " His breath tickled  my ear, and I realized I was still pouring hot coffee into my cup. I  set it down just in time, almost spilling it all over the counter.

"And you're going to make me extremely late if you keep this up … " But I didn't make any attempts to move, not just yet.

"Well … that's kind of my plan."

I finally broke free and turned around to face him. He was simply  adorable, his eyes soft, his smile wide and charming. "You're making it  very hard to make the right choice here," I groaned, wrapping my arms  around his neck and pulling him toward me.

He closed the distance and kissed me, slow and passionately, as his  hands gripped my hips and pulled them against his hard arousal.

Damn him.

I moaned against his mouth, his hands freely exploring my body and up to my breasts where they settled.

"Breakfast is never going to get made this way," I teased, pushing him  away slightly. "I need to shower. And get ready for work." And pack. But  I wasn't going to tell him that just yet. It was in case of an  emergency-AKA, William kicked me out before I could grab what I needed.         



He leaned back on his heels as his head fell back, groaning. "Fine … you clean up, I'll make breakfast."

"See? I have you trained already." I winked, kissing him once more  before sliding out of his arms and grabbing my hot cup of coffee. I took  it with me as I began walking out of the kitchen.

"I wouldn't go that far," he warned. I looked over my shoulder and smirked at him.

I GRABBED MY Louis Vuitton suitcase out of the closet and began packing  the essentials. I planned to hide it so William wouldn't become  suspicious until we could talk. I still wasn't sure how I was going to  tell him, or when, but I knew I had to as soon as possible. I wasn't  looking forward to it, but I was positive it was what I wanted.

Thinking back to just forty-eight hours ago, I couldn't believe how much  had changed. I hadn't even had time to call Staci and fill her in, but  I'd call her on one of my breaks and give her the quick rundown.

Once I finished packing, I hopped in the shower and got dressed. Nerves  were already creeping in, making me feel anxious about how this day was  going to go. I knew work would distract me at least, but it'd still be  in the back of my mind.

I could smell bacon sizzling and decided I'd eat before finishing my  hair and makeup. As I walked down the hallway to the kitchen, I heard  Alex speaking. I stilled, listening as he spoke to someone on the phone.

I looked down at my phone and saw that it was only six forty-five. Who the hell could he be on the phone with this early?

I heard deep laughter and the sound of pancakes flipping. I tiptoed closer to the door but didn't go through.

"Yeah, man … no worries," he began and then paused before speaking up  again, "Nah, actually I should be thanking you." He laughed again,  listening to the person on the other line before responding, "You would  never guess who was there that night … no, man. You'll never guess who I  saw."

Was he talking about me?

"Dude … my dad's fiancée. She was there with some girlfriends and once I  saw her … " I could hear deep, amused laughs coming from him, but my feet  remained planted on the floor. My jaw dropped, my body heating up in  anger as the realization came flooding through.

He knew.

"I fucked her all night long … " he continued, and I almost threw up in my  mouth at the cold way he said it. "So good, man. Yeah, I'm living  here." More laughter. "What do you think? Of course."

My body started shaking at the way he spoke about us-about me-as if I  was just some pawn in his little scheme to get back at William.

"Yeah, she's a fox … much hotter in person."

I gasped, but quickly covered my mouth. I heard him shuffle around the  kitchen as he ended the phone call and before I could stop myself, I  moved through the kitchen entryway. His eyes locked on mine, shock and  fear evident in his face.

"Mac … " he started, but I quickly cut him off.

"You knew." I stood frozen, my jaw tight and fists clenched at my sides.


"You knew who I was … " I continued as he stepped closer, my mind spinning.

"You weren't supposed to hear that." He brought his hand out to me, but I stepped back.

"Fuck you." My blood was boiling. I didn't want him to touch me. I didn't want him anywhere near me.

"Mac … " he said again, but it had no effect on me.

"YOU KNEW!" I screamed back, pushing against his chest once he was close  enough. "You did this on purpose. Some sick twisted get back at daddy  revenge? You threw me around like a rag doll, making me second-guess  everything I was happy with."

"Mac … it wasn't like that." His voice was low, deep, and controlled.

"Shut up, Alex. I don't want to hear it." I turned and started to walk out.

"Don't tell me to shut up. I'm not done with you, Mac." He grabbed my elbow, pulling me toward him.

I yanked my elbow out of his grip and looked him in the eyes, cold and defeated. "Well, I'm done with you."

Chapter Twenty-Four

I locked myself in my room, finishing my hair and makeup in record  speed. I didn't have time for this. I had to be to work in less than an  hour and make arrangements for staying with Staci.         



If I couldn't, I was screwed.

I thought about how I could maybe crash with Brittainy or Ella, but  Brittainy was getting married in two weeks, and I didn't want to bring  my drama into her life.

Nope, I'd find a way to get through this. I'd tell William tonight, pack  my bag, and leave the Lancaster house for the last time. Apparently,  both of them were fucking liars.

The thought of William lying to me stung, but part of me was relieved I  found out now before it was too late. I still haven't heard the whole  story, but what I have heard was enough. He had covered his late wife's  death and had failed to tell me any of it.

"Mac!" I heard Alex pounding on the bedroom door. "Let me in! I can explain!"

I rolled my eyes. Isn't that what every lying asshole says?

I grabbed my purse and took one last look in the mirror. I hardly  recognized the person I saw in my reflection … how in the hell did I get  here?

I shrugged it off and quickly came to terms with what I was now facing.

The truth.

I let Alex in. I let him in so far, I couldn't see just how far until it  was too late. I let myself get lost in him, lost in the reality of my  life. A part of me ached with sadness, knowing how hard I was falling  for him. The other part was pissed off and bitter that I even allowed  myself to.