Reading Online Novel

Dangerous Temptations(37)

Chapter Twenty-One

I woke up in a mess of sheets and tangled limbs. Alex was breathing  quietly next to me, my body curled up against him. After spending all  morning naked and in bed, we ended up passing out before lunch. I had  managed to text Chelsea in between to tell her I was taking a personal  day. My first personal day in two years. I just hoped she didn't come  searching for me.

"Mmm … " Alex rolled toward me and moaned in my ear. "This bed is so much more comfortable when you're in it."

"That's because the mattress isn't used to being worked out that much," I teased, wrapping a leg over his hip.         



"Well, let's just hope we don't break it." He smirked and kissed the tip  of my nose. "We could try to break our previous record and see?" I felt  his lips curl up against me at the memory of doing it three times that  first night.

"I'm going to start thinking sex is all you want from me … " I taunted, raising my eyebrows up at him.

"That's the farthest thing from the truth, Mac." I smiled up at him, relieved to hear him say those words.

"So … what do you do all day when I'm at work?" I often wondered but never brought it up.

"Sleep, play video games, order in food." I scowled at him, earning a deep, throaty laugh in response. "I'm kidding."

I sighed. "I hope so. Although that sounds just about right for a  spoiled, rich kid," I mocked, crying out in shock as he lowered his body  over mine and began tickling me under the arms and down to my hips. "Oh  my god … stop it!" I laughed harder, trying to push him away. His hands  went down my legs, tickling my thighs and knees. It was a shock of  pleasure torture, my legs kicking him away until he stopped. "That was  just cruel."

"That'd be a lot more convincing if you weren't smiling." He crawled back over me, placing a gentle kiss on my mouth.

"Well, the least you could do is feed me now. I mean, I'm practically  malnourished." He laughed and shook his head at me, kissing me once more  before sliding out of bed.

I watched as he threw a pair of shorts on and asked over his shoulder,  "The works?" He grinned, remembering all the food we ate at the hotel  that morning.

"Of course." I smiled back, admiring his backside as he walked out.

I lay in his bed a moment, breathing in and out slowly as I came to  terms with everything. I felt like I was a forty-something-year-old  experiencing a mid-life crisis, except I was a twenty-five-year-old  woman about to change everything I thought I knew-everything I thought I  wanted.

But Alex changed that. He showed me perhaps I wasn't as happy and  content with my life as I thought I was. William was great, and he's a  wonderful man, but settling for the wrong someone wasn't something I was  willing to do anymore. As much as it hurt to say, it was the truth all  along.

I quickly hopped in the shower, rinsed off, and pulled on one of his  oversized t-shirts. By the time I was done, I could smell the bacon  sizzling and the maple syrup heating up.

It smelled perfect.

I walked into the kitchen to a shirtless Alex cooking at the stove-my  new favorite sight ever. He was humming along to some tune in his head  as he flipped pancakes on the griddle.

"You know … a woman could just get used to this." I stood by the breakfast bar and watched him.

He looked at me over his shoulder and grinned. "I don't know … perhaps you should wait until after you've tried it."

"That's true." I sighed dramatically. "Maybe I should help." I walked up  behind him, his arm coming around my shoulders, molding my body to his.

He leaned down and pressed his face into my hair. "Christ, you smell delicious."

"Wild strawberry," I stated and smiled. He kissed the top of my head, flipping pancakes and humming.

I walked over to the coffee maker and poured a cup. He had one sitting  out already, so I refilled it for him. He handed me the creamer and I  poured us both a generous amount. I reached over and set his cup down  next to him, grabbing the loaf of bread in the process. I popped four  slices into the toaster and took out two plates from the cupboard in  front of me. He opened the fridge door, grabbed the butter, and handed  it to me before I could ask. We worked in smooth synchrony until we had a  counter filled with food. It was nearly perfect.

"Not bad, Chef Alex. I think with some more training, you could just be a  keeper in the kitchen," I teased. We sat at the table across from each  other, our knees bumping together as we devoured everything.

"Actually, I had thought about being a chef when I was younger. But once  college started, I didn't have as much time to perfect my skills," he  said genuinely.

"Really? What happened?"         



He shrugged, looking down at his plate. "Not really an ‘acceptable' career for the Lancaster blood."

I narrowed my brows, feeling sad for him. "That's dumb," I spat. "Being a  chef is a great position. Think of all the chefs in Manhattan who work  in prestigious restaurants with booming careers. Plus, you do look  pretty hot in the kitchen … just imagining you wearing a chef's hat and  apron has me dripping wet right now." I sucked in my lower lip,  playfully messing with him.

"I'd be careful what you wish for, sweetheart … I've been pretty nice so  far." He winked, sending a shiver down my spine at the threat of his  promise.

"Are you saying I couldn't handle it?"

"I'm saying that was just a warm-up." He locked eyes with mine, the truth of his words evident in his face.

"It's a good thing you fed me then … " I licked my lips, anticipating his  next move. He grinned and pushed his chair back as he stood up and  walked over to me.

He grabbed my chair and shifted it in front of him so our bodies were  facing each other. His eyes remained locked on mine as his lips curled  into a devilish grin. He knelt down and spread my legs open, positioning  himself right in between. I sat and watched with excitement as his  hands roamed up my thighs and stopped at the crease of my thigh. His  eyes followed his hands and then he quickly looked up at me with a smirk  I knew meant he was up to no good.

"Put your hands behind your back."

"What?" I gasped as he looped a finger in my panties and began circling my clit.

"Behind your back … " he growled, looking up at me with hooded eyes. I complied and locked them behind me. "Good girl."

My body shivered as he touched me again and wrapped a finger in my  panties, sliding them down my legs. I watched as he threw them behind  him and licked his lips. He gripped my thigh, squeezing with just enough  force to make me twitch in anticipation. He leaned down and kissed the  soft spot on the inside of my thigh and continued moving up and to my  other thigh.

I kept waiting, expecting his mouth on me at any moment, but he  continued his delicious torture of touching me everywhere except where I  needed him the most.

"Alex … " I pleaded, squirming in the chair. He continued moving my shirt  up and over my hips, exposing my pussy right in front of him. He dipped  his head, kissing down my stomach and around my belly button. I could  feel my body heating up, begging for it-for him to relieve the ache-but  his tongue continued its slow agony as he avoided my clit. "Alex … " I  said again, warning him. I needed his mouth on me.

"You need it, don't you?"

"Yes … " I panted, arching my hips out to him.

"I can smell you, Mac. Your scent … so fucking incredible." He traced his  tongue alongside my pussy, just out of reach of where I needed him. "I  can see how wet you are … " He placed a small kiss just above my clit,  sending a rush of shivers down to my core. I felt my body tighten, my  hips jerking in response as I craved his tongue inside me.

My hands began to unravel behind me, unable to take it anymore. He  caught them just before I brought them around me, securing them back  behind me. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he warned. It was the  second time he told me that and a part of me wanted to test him … just to  see what he'd do. But the intense look in his eyes captivated me and  before I could rebel, he was back in between my legs and captured my  pussy with his mouth, finally, making me gasp in response to his sudden  intrusion.

"God … yes … " I moaned, pushing my hips out to him. He licked up and down  my slit, sucked on my clit, and pushed his tongue inside me. Whimpered  cries of pleasure escaped my throat as he pushed two fingers inside,  curling them deep and hard. I could barely hold on, but his hands held  me down. I wanted to rake my hands through his hair, squeeze and pull  him closer, but I wasn't about to test him now. I knew if I did, he'd  stop, and that was the last thing I wanted him to do right now.