Reading Online Novel

Chasing Vivi(46)

My brain reels. "Yeah. But Christmas?"

"It'll be fun."

Okay, Viv, slow down. Focus on computer science for now.

The elevator drops two floors and we exit to our next destination.  Prescott leads me straight to the boss's office. His admin drips honey  as she ogles him.

"Dan should be expecting me. And this is Vivienne Renard."

"Hello." She doesn't even look at me as she speaks. "Mr. Stevenson is waiting."

Prescott turns to me. "I'll introduce you, then I'm out to a meeting. When you're finished, just come back to my office, okay?"

"Sure." And then he plants a kiss on me.

He certainly hasn't been short on public displays of affection since I  said I'd date him. As I turn, I notice the admin glaring at me, but I  shrug it off. I can't worry about her.         



Dan is gracious and after Prescott leaves, we settle into business. I  make it perfectly clear to him I want this job on the basis of my  merits, and not because of my relationship with Prescott.

"Funny you should say that, because he told me the exact same thing."

That's good news. Dan asks me about everything from my education to my  first position and how I ended up in New York. I hold nothing back, but I  don't throw down the sympathy card either. The truth is I've been out  of the market and I'm the salmon swimming upstream. I promise if he  hires me, he won't regret it, because I won't be outworked or  outsmarted.

We talk about my skill set, some of the projects I worked on for my  former employer, and at the end of the interview he says, "Quite  frankly, I'm surprised you haven't been hired by at least a dozen  companies by now."

"It's the gap on my résumé. Anytime someone sees that, they go on to the  next one without stopping to ask questions. I never get a chance to  explain."

"So true. How about starting the first of the year?"

"I'd love to." I want to jump out of my chair, do the happy dance, and yell WOOHOO, but I don't.

"This is what we can start you at." He tells me the number and I really  want to do a cartwheel and a backflip. Too bad I'd break my other arm if  I tried.

"Sounds excellent. Thank you, Dan. This is going to be the beginning of a great working relationship. I can already see it."

"Same here, Vivi." We both stand and he walks me to the door. "I'll get  the ball rolling on your employment contracts and paperwork."

"Great. And, Dan, have a great Christmas."

"Same to you."

Oh my effing G. I cannot believe this! I'm getting a visual of my mountain of debt shrinking into a mound.

I practically skip my way back to Prescott's office and when Lynn sees me, she says, "Someone looks mighty happy."

"I got the job!" I whisper-yell.


"I interviewed with IT."

"That's so great. I didn't know. He never told me."

"Probably because I didn't even know I had an interview until I got here."

Her head swings back and forth. "That boy." Then she motions me to come closer. "Can I share something with you?"

My head bobs up and down.

"He doesn't think things through sometimes, but he truly has a heart of  gold." Her face tells me how much she adores him. Why does everyone seem  to be on Team Prescott lately? Then again, it seems I've jumped on the  bandwagon myself.

"I'm beginning to see that."

She gestures with her head. "Go on in. He's probably on the phone, but it's fine."

"You sure?"

"If he knows you're here and I told you to wait, he'd fire me."

My eyes must look like golf balls or something because she quickly says,  "I'm only kidding. That man couldn't fire anyone. Now go on."

When I walk in, he's leaning back in his chair, phone in hand, feet  propped up on his desk and crossed at the ankles. His tiger eyes zero in  on me, and he keeps on talking. I hear him say, "Let's wrap this up  before the new year. I don't care how much. It'll be worth it. We can  talk next week. Fine." He hangs up the phone and asks me, "Has your  appetite returned?"

It has, but not the one he's referring to. He looks like a  billion-dollar sex machine, sitting there, owning the world. And I'd  like to climb on top of him and go for the ride of a lifetime.

"Vivi, what wicked thoughts are running through that pristine mind of yours?"

"Wicked thoughts? What makes you think  … ?" My voice trails off as I watch him rise and stalk over to where I'm standing.

"You can't possibly hide sexual desire from me. I can practically smell it."

Good Lord, it must be a thousand degrees in here. Sweat beads on my  forehead and I don't even dare think of what's happening between my  thighs. The ache grows and my belly tightens at the mere thought.

"You dirty little girl." He takes his thumb and rubs his lower lip.

No, don't do that.

"The Little Wolf may yet live up to her name after all."

Then he kisses me-a dirty, hungry kiss. He devours my mouth, nipping my  lips, sinking his teeth into them, tugging, and teasing, until the ache  between my legs grows unbearable.

When he releases me, my chest is heaving in sync with my racing heart.

"One thing hasn't changed. I still want to fuck the innocence out of you."         



"What makes you think I'm innocent?"

"Everything about you is innocent, pure."

"I've been with men before," I say.

A throaty chuckle rumbles from him. "Just because you've been with men doesn't mean you're not innocent."

Those words make me heat even more from within. "I'm not sure what you mean."

He runs a finger from my chin to the top of my sweater. "You'll find  out. I'm going to do some very filthy things to you soon, and when I do,  you'll not only love them, you'll be begging me to never stop."

Chapter 29


At first I was afraid I went too far with my dirty talk. History had  shown that it didn't always successfully mix with Vivi. But when those  deep cherry spots appear on her cheeks and her hand reaches for her  neck, I know I'm on the right track. I think Vivi secretly loves it.  Just wait until I have her stripped bare, her pink pussy exposed. But  that's not all I'm going to take care of. That little ass she's been  parading around will get some attention, too.

Baby steps, I remind myself.

So I switch gears on her and totally throw her. "Tell me about your interview."


"Your job interview. Remember? The one you were so nervous about?"

Her hand flutters through the air. "Oh, yes, the interview." A breathy  laugh, one that makes me want to kiss her again, rushes out of her. "I  start after the first of the year."

"I suppose a celebratory dinner is in order then."


"Why not?"

"I have to work at The Meeting Place. I promised to fill in for one of the bartenders. Lucas is shorthanded."

Dammit. I don't want her tending bar anymore. It makes my fucking skin  crawl knowing there are men out there checking her out. But, fine.

"How about I meet you there and take you home? No stalking."

"Sweet." She stands on her toes and kisses my cheek.

"That's it? The cheek?" Then I point to my mouth and she grins. She  places her lips on mine like a two-year-old would, making a loud  smacking noise.


"Not in the least." Grabbing her by the ass, I pull her against me and  kiss her, making her think of what might come later. "Now it's better."

"I'll say."

As I'm releasing her, she grabs my face and plants another kiss on my lips. "Until later."

After she's gone, I realize my plan backfired. I wanted to start a fire  in her, but I'm the one left with a boner. All I can think about is the  tight pussy that awaits me, if I'm lucky. I wonder if she'll let me  slide into it later tonight. Trying to take my mind off it, I pour  myself into work that needs to be done.

At around five-thirty, Granddad enters my office and wants to know how  Vivi's interview went. When I tell him she's starting after the first of  the year, his grin explodes.

"I'm so happy for the two of you. You make a great couple, son. I can't wait for your grandmother to meet her."

"Do you think she'll like her?"

"I do. I really do. Vivi isn't one of those flashy women your  grandmother despises. In a way, she reminds me of your mother. You were  too young to remember, but she was like her-beautiful in a simple, yet  elegant way."

That's a great way of describing Vivi. She's elegant and gorgeous, but not flashy or overly done.

"Prescott, have you told her about your mother?"

"She knows some of it," I answer.

"Son, I know it's difficult, but I can see your heart is involved with  this woman. Don't you think it would be wise if you told her the whole  story? It may provide her some answers to  … "

"Go ahead and say it. I won't be offended, Granddad."