Reading Online Novel

Chasing Vivi(45)

When the elevator stops and the doors quietly whoosh open, Prescott stands there with a smile, offering me his hand.

"Vivi, how are you?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"Better, now that you're here."

People are everywhere, but I can't help notice how every eye in the place is focused on us.

"Is it my imagination or are we the center of attention?"

"You're perceptive. I've never brought a woman up here before, so  they're curious and I'm sure the break room will be buzzing with rumors  in about two seconds."

When he says that, I almost trip over my feet. I'm the first for a lot of things, it seems.         



"Can I ask you something?"


"How many women have you taken for helicopter rides?"


I stop walking. A dozen or more people are watching us, but I don't give  a damn. "The first here, the first in the helicopter, the first in your  home. Is this a pattern?"

He slides his teeth across his lower lip. "I'd say it is."

Now I know without a doubt that Prescott Beckham has pulled out all the  stops for me, far more than I could've ever imagined. But it's not just  that. It's that I realize exactly how much he's truly opened up for me. I  thought he was a vault, and partly, he was, but there's a change in him  and it's a wonderful one. Whatever code he lived by with other women he  hasn't applied it to me. In other words, he's more than trying. He's  doing whatever it takes. Eric's words come back to me then, bent over  backward. He has, hasn't he? It's not everything; it doesn't mean he'll  never hurt me again, but it's a start.

"One more question. How many women from here have you dated?"

"From Whitworth?" he asks.



I grab his hand and hold it. This is a monumental moment for me, hearing  these things. I don't know why I asked him in a room full of people,  but I did. We've only just resumed walking when he suddenly stops. I  turn to face him this time. "Now that you understand this about me, does  this mean you'll date me?"

"Yeah," I say, grinning broadly.

"Good." Then he pulls me close and kisses me. And I'm not talking about a  peck on the lips. This is an all-out, toe-curling, belly-clenching kiss  where his arms curl around me and my knees lose their bones.

When he lets me go, he says, "It's about damn time." Then continues  walking us toward his office. I'm dazed. Trying to pull myself together,  I let him drag me along for a moment.

We get to a desk where a familiar face sits. "Vivi, it's great to see you. And you're looking so much better these days."

"Thank you, Lynn. It's great to see you, too."

She hugs me and we chat while Prescott walks through a door, which I  assume is his office. When he's gone, Lynn says, "Boy, I'm really glad  to see you. He hasn't been worth a damn since  …  well, since whenever you  two had your disagreement or whatever it was. Don't do that to me  again."

I laugh at her comical expression. "I won't. Promise." Then I wiggle my fingers in a wave and follow Prescott.

"I hope you don't mind, but I've had lunch delivered here." It's spread out on a table in here and it looks delicious.

"This is wonderful. Thank you. Lunch with a view."

"And afterward I want you to meet my grandfather."

"Oh, maybe some other time."

"No, today. Then I'm taking you over to the IT department so you can  meet everyone. I've arranged for you to interview with the department  head this afternoon."

"Oookayy. A little warning would've been nice."

He waves me off as though it's nothing and we sit down to eat.

I pick at my food because my stomach is filled with marching ants on  their way to fight a battle. I'm thinking ahead to not only the  interview, but the meeting with his grandfather. WTF! I already met the  matriarch and I have to wonder if Sara mentioned anything to her husband  about that.

Prescott stops eating. "Is something wrong with your meal?"

"No, it's great."


"Gee, I don't know. Maybe it's because in a few minutes I'm going to  meet your grandfather. Or could it be that I'm interviewing with the  department head of IT and I'm not the least bit prepared? Although, I  was forward thinking enough to bring a résumé for you to pass along."

Prescott laughs. "You're the smartest, most brilliant woman I've ever met. Use that gray matter of yours and you'll be fine."

Maybe I should tell him that Eric thinks I'm a dumbass.

"Can I clue you into something? You haven't been around me long enough  since Crestview to discern whether I'm brilliant or not. And exactly how  much do you know about IT?"

He takes his napkin off his lap and wipes his mouth. Then he says with a  sexy smirk, "Vivi, can I clue you into something? You seem to have  forgotten that I own this company. Well, my grandfather and I do. And we  don't have shareholders we have to please. This interview is a courtesy  only. I can demand they hire you. I, however, choose never to do that.  But I, unlike you, have a shit-ton of faith in you. Once you meet Dan  Stevenson, who heads our IT, he'll put you at ease, and you'll impress  the shit out of him." Then he leans back and adds in that overconfident  manner of his, "And if you don't, I'll fire the dumbass."         



I almost swallow my tongue. "You'll do no such thing."

"Of course I won't, but you have nothing to worry about."

His plate is polished while mine looks like a bird picked at it. "Why  don't I set your lunch aside and let's go meet Granddad and then after  your interview, when your appetite has returned, you can finish it?" he  asks.

"Fine. But this is a little weird, meeting your grandfather."

"Why? He already knows you're going to work here."

"Oh, God," I groan.

He helps me to my feet, straightens my sweater, and then combs his  fingers through my hair. "Perfect." Then he kisses me. "Now you're  ready."

"Wait." I run some gloss over my lips. "Now."

When we walk out, Lynn says, "Oh, good. Mr. Whitworth just called asking when you were coming."

Prescott holds my hand as we walk.

"Sorry if my hand is sweaty. I'm a little nervous."

His only response is to pull me closer to him. I'm acutely aware of all the eyes on us as we walk.

I lean into him. "Do you always command this much attention here?"

"No. I never walk around holding a gorgeous woman's hand. They're curious about you."

"Oh, great. When they find out I'm interviewing, everyone will hate me."

"Are you really worried about that?"

"Not really."

We stop and Prescott speaks to an admin, who tells us Mr. Whitworth is  waiting on us. When we walk in the expansive office, which is almost  exactly like Prescott's, my knees are shaking.

"Granddad, this is Vivi Renard. Vivi, meet Samuel Whitworth, my amazing grandfather."

The older gentleman immediately stands, walks over to us, and takes my  hand in both of his. "It's so wonderful to meet you, Vivi. My grandson  speaks very highly of you."

"And he does the same of you, sir."

"Please call me Sam, or Samuel." His silvery white hair gleams, but his  bright blue eyes are kind and welcoming. He puts me at ease immediately.

"Okay, Sam."

We chat about my interview. He asks me some pointed questions about my  education at MIT and my previous experience at my former job in  California.

"Prescott, I believe she's going to fit right in here."

"Granddad, I've been doing my best to convince her of that."

"I'm a bit nervous because Prescott sprang this on me when I got here."

Sam laughs. "Sounds like something he'd do. Don't waste a minute of your  time being nervous. You and Dan will get along perfectly."

Prescott wears a satisfied smile that screams I told you so. I elbow him  in the ribs. We chat a few more minutes when Prescott announces he'd  better get me down to IT.

"Yes, we don't want her to be tardy," Sam says. "Why don't you bring her out to Westchester for Christmas, son?"

Holy shit. What the never-ending fuck?

"I'd love to, that is if she doesn't have plans."

They both stare at me, waiting for an answer.

"Uh, no. I'm actually open that day." An awkward sounding laugh sneaks out of me and my cheeks heat.

"Great. I'll let your grandmother know. The more the merrier. And it will be loads better than last year, won't it?"

"You did have to bring that up, didn't you?" Prescott asks.

"Oh, we'll make a toast to old Puffy Lips herself."

I'm lost in the Puffy Lips comment and I watch Prescott shake his head.

"We'll see. I'll talk to you later about the Grandview account."

"Right. And let me know how Vivi's interview goes. Vivi, it was great meeting you and I look forward to seeing you soon."

"Thank you and same here, sir."

We leave and Prescott walks me to the elevator. "Told you he was awesome."