Reading Online Novel

Ceci Giltenan(65)

“Who knows why rash young men do the things they do?” asked Malcolm. “The fact is ye can expect him on your doorstep soon.”

“Well, we can certainly withstand a siege during winter within Duncurra better than he will be able to outside the walls,” said Niall. His commander and captains nodded in agreement.

“I’m sure that is true,” agreed Malcolm, “but will ye risk the lives and health of your wife and mother by keeping them here? I thought perhaps it would be best if I escorted them to Brathanead to keep them safely out of harm’s way. Once they are secure, I will send a contingent of my men to support ye.”

“That is a very kind offer, and certainly if Lady Eithne wishes to, she can return to Brathanead with ye, but Katherine will stay here. A siege on Duncurra would be folly on Matheson’s part. I don’t believe he will follow through with it.”

“Niall, don’t make this decision hastily, or based on what ye think another man’s rational choices should be. Matheson has already demonstrated his brutality. What do ye think he will do to Katherine if his siege is successful?”

Niall paled. He remembered the threat conveyed after the last raid, Duncurra next. The thought of his wife, his pregnant wife, at the hands of Matheson made his blood run cold.

Malcolm assured him, “She will be safe with me, regardless of what happens.”

“Don’t speak of this to anyone for now,” Niall warned. “There are things to discuss and I need to consider all options.”

~ * ~

Niall was preoccupied during dinner, but he didn’t share the most recent news with Katherine. After dinner he suggested she retire early, saying he needed to discuss a few things with his commander and captains. They discussed strategy late into the night. None of them liked the idea of sending Katherine to Brathanead. Furthermore, Niall knew he would have a battle on his hands convincing her to go, but as they discussed it, he became even more certain it was the right choice. He and his guard would escort them with the MacLennan soldiers. When she was safely ensconced at Brathanead, he would return to Duncurra to prepare for a siege.

The next morning, he told Malcolm the plan. “I can understand your desire to see her safely to Brathanead, but do ye think it wise to leave Duncurra with a siege eminent? What will your people do if ye and your elite guard are gone when Matheson attacks?”

“Surely I can take the two days needed to escort Katherine safely to your keep and return.”

“Are ye sure enough to risk everything on it? The only information I have is that Matheson has planned something at Candlemas, which is in two days, but we can’t be sure he won’t attack before then.”

Niall realized Malcolm was right. Time was precious and even taking one day to ride with them was folly. He agreed Katherine and Eithne would travel to Brathanead at dawn, under Malcolm’s care. He considered sending Tomas, but he wouldn’t be able to send a guard with them and he didn’t trust Eithne. Furthermore, he reasoned if Matheson was successful, a boy would be less a target than his wife. Tomas would stay at Duncurra.

Niall waited as long as he could to tell Katherine the plans for her safety.

~ * ~

After the noon meal was finished, Niall asked Edna to take Tomas out of the great hall.

Assuming he intended to talk with his men, Katherine said, “I’ll take him. He wants to show me what a skilled horseman he is.”

“Nay, Katherine. There is something I wish to discuss with ye.”

“Tomas, shall we go find Maura and Nevan?” asked Edna as she ushered the lad out of the hall. Diarmad, Malcolm, Eithne, and Fingal remained at the table, making Katherine instantly wary. Her gaze flitted around the table but Fingal’s was the only face registering the same uneasiness she felt.

When Tomas was out of earshot, Niall took Katherine’s hands in his, “Sweetling, we have received word Matheson is planning to lay siege to Duncurra any day now.”

“What? Why would he do that?”

“It doesn’t matter why, the point is we will be under attack very soon, and I do not want ye here when it starts. I need to protect ye.”

“What are ye saying, Niall? Are ye sending me away?”

“My love, I am keeping ye safe. Ye will go with Eithne and Malcolm to Brathanead until the siege is over.”

“What about Tomas?”

“Tomas will be safe here.”

“Niall, this doesn’t make sense. If Tomas will be safe here, I will be safe here. Ye don’t even know why Matheson is attacking, why are ye so sure he will?”

“Katherine,” said Niall, sounding frustrated, “Apparently, he believes we are vulnerable and he can take Duncurra. I believe we can withstand a siege, but I don’t want to risk your safety or that of our bairn’s.”