Reading Online Novel

Ceci Giltenan(62)

“Aye, Laird,” answered Diarmad and he went to fetch Fingal.

Malcolm said, “I hear your wife is an extremely skilled healer. I’m sure Fingal is doing very well today after her tender ministrations.” Niall scowled. “Ye don’t suppose,” continued Malcolm, “Fingal knew Katherine was expecting?”

“That makes no sense,” said Niall crossly. “If Fingal knew, there would be no reason for him to seek my death. He wouldn’t inherit Duncurra anyway.”

“Unless,” said Malcolm, so quietly only Niall could hear him, “He planned to eliminate Katherine as well.” Niall’s heart stopped. If he thought that was a possibility, he would kill Fingal with his bare hands. He wouldn’t let anything happen to Katherine and the baby.

“Or perhaps the bairn isn’t yours.” Niall’s expression suddenly turned murderous. Malcolm rushed on, “Nay, think about it, Niall. Ye said Katherine didn’t want to announce the pregnancy yet. Perhaps they both know the bairn could be Fingal’s. If he were to eliminate ye before Katherine’s pregnancy was announced, he could marry the grieving widow and no one would be the wiser. Ye wouldn’t be the first man to have someone else’s bastard hidden under your protection.”

Niall seethed, Malcolm could be right. He had foolishly let his guard down. “Cairbre,” barked Niall, “Fetch my wife here as well.”

“Aye, Laird.” Niall didn’t miss the worried look Cairbre gave Alan.

Niall sat in stony silence considering what Malcolm had said. How could it be anyone except Fingal, but was Katherine involved, too? Fingal was young, much closer to Katherine’s age, and charming. Most women found Fingal attractive. How many times had he heard Katherine’s musical laughter over something Fingal said? When he suggested Fingal was at the bottom of this yesterday, she had jumped to his defense. By all that’s holy, she spent the afternoon tending an injury that she herself said was not serious. Then she lied to him about it. How could he have let this happen again? What possessed him to open his heart to a woman, giving her the opportunity to destroy him?

Diarmad arrived in the great hall, with a pale and drawn looking Fingal, just moments before Cairbre arrived with Katherine, who looked confused but guarded.


One glance at Niall told Katherine he was dangerously angry, and for the first time since she married him, she was truly afraid.

“Good morning, brother.” Niall nodded to Fingal. “Wife.” He nodded to Katherine. “I am so pleased ye could both join us this morning. I think it is high time we discuss what has been going on around here.”

Looking completely confused, Fingal said, “I’m sorry, Niall, it was only an accident. I should have kept the men further apart on the training field, it won’t happen again.”

“I’m not referring to your accident, Fingal. I am more concerned about the little conversation Tomas overheard before the feast on Epiphany.”

“I’m not sure I understand, Tomas didn’t mention a conversation to me.”

“Nay, I’m sure he didn’t,” Niall said smoothly, “because he overheard two people plotting to kill me, and one of the two thought Duncurra would become his upon my death. Now, who could that have been?”

Fingal looked stunned, “Ye aren’t suggesting I—”

“Silence,” barked Niall. “Don’t dig your grave deeper with your denials. What I want to know now is how Katherine is involved? Are ye lovers? Is the babe she carries yours?”

Katherine, who had been staring in utter astonishment at Niall, snapped. “Niall, how could ye think that, much less even speak it? Before anything else, I am your wife, I am devoted to ye, and I love ye with all my heart. Why do ye refuse to believe that?”

Niall sneered, “Ye give every indication of loving Fingal, too. I understand ye spent a cozy afternoon with him just yesterday.”

“Ye blind idiot!” Katherine shouted as a rage every bit as hot as his own overtook her. “I have no idea why ye think I spent a ‘cozy afternoon’ with Fingal. I stitched and bandaged his wound, Turcuil and Edna were there the whole time. When I finished, I spent the afternoon with our son, who was terrified by what he had heard. I told ye that, why would ye believe something else?”

Too angry to speak, Niall just stared as Katherine continued, “And as to loving Fingal, of course I do. I love Fingal as a brother, as your brother, because I love ye. What’s more, Fingal loves ye, and even if I were inclined to be unfaithful, he would never betray ye. Why is it so hard for ye to fathom that? Am I betraying ye by loving Tomas? How about Father James and Father Colm? I love them, too, but Niall, ye are the heart of my heart, my soul mate. How can ye not see that?”