Reading Online Novel


Before I get tempted to join the side of evil, I sigh and pat him on the arm.

“Declan, go home. I’m a big girl. I can handle Michael on my own. You have no reason to be here unless you are just that set on tormenting me.” I don’t want to make a scene, so he really needs to leave because our track record on not making scenes is... not good.

As per usual, Declan ignores me. “So, where’s lover boy? I thought you were going to be all up in each other’s junk, but you two seem conspicuously apart.”

“Spying on me?”

“If by spying you mean not wearing a blindfold, sure. You seem to be here, and he seems to be not here. So where’s Junglenuts hanging tonight?”

Punch threatens to snort out my nose. “Somewhere else, I’m sure. Satisfied? Does it make your oversized ego happy to know that I’m hating every minute of this?”

Of course that’s the moment that Michael’s mom chooses to come over to chat, followed by a glowering Michael. He obviously recognizes Declan from their brief but intense introduction. I’m a little surprised. He was pretty drunk at the time.

His mom gives me a tight, warm hug. “That’s the problem with these parties. I really don’t get to spend nearly enough time with the people I really want to spend time with.” She puts her hands on my shoulders and holds me at an arm’s length, looking at me with concerned eyes. “It’s been a long time. Is everything alright?”

I force a smile. This isn’t her fault. “Sure, Marie. You know me, just busy with my new internship. It isn’t giving me much time for anything else. It’s good to see you.”

She raises an eyebrow, and I realize she’s already figured out that Michael and I aren’t an item anymore, but she doesn’t make anything of it. “If you say so, dear.” Her smile is a little sad but at least she doesn’t seem mad at me. Instead she turns to Declan with a puzzled expression. “I don’t believe we’ve been introduced, which strikes me as unusual at my own anniversary party.”

He reaches out a hand and smiles warmly. Her cheeks flush slightly. Nobody’s immune to him when he decides to be charming. He can crank it to eleven when he wants to.

“Declan Riordan, Claire’s new stepbrother. Well, I will be in a couple of weeks, anyway.”

Michael sucks in a shocked breath, which is unfortunate because he ends up with a pig in a blanket hurtling down the wrong chute.

“Here.” Declan steps up behind him and slams his broad hand into Michael’s back so hard he almost knocks him over. One more, and Michael coughs up a couple half-chewed pieces that land in the rose bushes. I’ll admit it. I almost laugh.

Trying to keep a straight face, I turn to Marie. “I’m sorry, I told him where I was going earlier, but I must have made it sound like he was invited. It’s my fault.”

“Nonsense.” She smiles. “Any relative of yours is welcome at our house. Anytime.” She wouldn’t be saying that if she knew what he’s really like. “Anyway, the evening’s altogether too short, and we invited far too many guests. I have to keep moving, but it was good to see you. Maybe we can get together, just you and me, one of these days, so we have more time.”

“That sounds wonderful.” I smile a little wistfully. We both mean it, but it’ll never happen. It’s too bad. I like her a lot more than her son. She walks off, but Michael stays.


As soon as she’s out of earshot, he hisses at me. “You have some fucking nerve bringing your boyfriend here. It’s like you don’t even want to make this work. At least I’m trying.”

What? “Okay. Number one: he’s not my boyfriend. Number two: you picked me up in your car. Did you see me cram him into your trunk? Did you? And even if I did? What are you trying to make work? Us? Are you out of your mind?”

Michael sneers cruelly at me. “No, you know what? I think I’m finally seeing things clearly. You made such a big deal about that stupid whore that I actually bought it for a while. But how long have you been screwing your stepbrother, Claire?”

“I’m not! I didn’t! What are you talking about?”

“Yeah? So he just happened to be at that party? How stupid do you think I am, Claire?” His voice gets louder and a couple of heads turn in our direction. “That must be convenient. He and his father can just drop by for booty calls. Sex in the carpool lane.”

A low growl rumbles in Declan’s chest, and I feel him step up behind me. I put a hand on his leg, begging him silently to stay out of it. I’m not the only one being insulted here, and I appreciate that he’s managed to hold off getting physical as long as he has.